The Last Slumber Party
The Last Slumber Party
NR | 13 August 1987 (USA)
The Last Slumber Party Trailers

Chris, Tracy, and Linda prepare for the ultimate slumber party on their last day of high school. But little do the ladies know that the party is about to be crashed by a maniacal killer with a giant scalpel!

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
irishm I love a good bad cheap movie ("The Giant Claw" remains one of my all-time favorites) but this one is just trash. It's the cheapest, most poorly-written, poorly-acted, poorly-edited piece of crap I've seen in many, many years. On top of all that, it's just plain BORING... and you really can't get around that obstacle, which is what makes watching it just plain no fun, even for those who enjoy watching terrible movies. While ALL the acting is atrocious, the guy who plays the doctor deserves special mention for being considerably beneath the skill level of his co-stars. (I note that this is his one and only film credit... hardly surprising.) The only thing that made it survivable to the end was the Rifftrax commentary. Please, please, please avoid, unless you have Mike, Kevin and Bill holding your hand the whole way.
Sandcooler Was this movie edited by Salvador Dali on drugs? When I'm trying to get invested in a movie, it's important to have a vague idea of what's going on. When your killer teleports as often as this guy does, you have two options: learn basic editing or, if you don't have the talent for that, write in a line about how he knows teleportation. Writer/Director/Star Stephen Tyler (not to be confused with the much scarier Steven Tyler) never made another horror movie after this one, and neither did any of his actors. I'd be grateful for that, but then again: "The Last Slumber Party" is also intensely fascinating. How bad can a movie get before you stop calling it a movie? You just stare in awe because you have no idea what the next scene will bring. When you look at it that way, this is much more entertaining than a halfway competent project. My favorite parts: every time our mad psychopath (Tyler himself) opens his eyes real wide because he can't come up with any other way to act crazy. That's some great stuff.
RareSlashersReviewed *Spoilers* *Spoilers*This was one of those flicks that I had been advised to avoid, but as per usual, I let my love for the genre get the better of me and completely ignored everyone's friendly guidance! I found out about it from the IMDB and immediately set about getting hold of a copy. I must admit, that the few people I'd spoke to who had seen it many years ago remembered it as being a ‘complete waste of celluloid'! But those warnings sincerely made me want to see it all the more, and after ordering it from AMAZON under standard shipping costs, I had a six-week delay for it to arrive at my door. Whilst I was waiting for the postman to bring me my padded jiffy bag, it seemed that the more days that went past, the further my curiosities about the flick strengthened. By the time it arrived I was just off to work and all day long I was looking forward to getting home and finding out if it was really worth waiting for…At first we meet a group of jesting teens that are celebrating in high spirits on their last day of school. Tracy (Nancy Meyer), Chris (Jan Jensen), Tommy (Danny David), Scott (Paul Amend) and Billy (Lance Descourez) all plan a slumber party at Linda (Joann Whitley) 's house, where they can spend the night drinking, taking drugs and doing the usual cheesy antics that eighties teens in slasher movies love to do! Meanwhile, whilst they all merrily head off home to prepare for their fateful gathering, elsewhere in the town it seems a lunatic patient from the local asylum has escaped sporting a surgical mask and apron and clutching a very sharp scalpel! He gets the address of his psychiatrist's home and heads over there to carry out the threat that we learn he gave him days before. - He warned the doctor that he would find him and kill him! Then we find out that the medic is Linda's father, so the vicious butcher has conveniently found himself a house full of would be victims to slash! As the beer flows at the party, the unwelcome guest arrives and before long the blood begins to flow too…Well, what can I say? Ok, ok so I should've listened, but I don't want to hear anyone saying ‘I told you so'! THE LAST SLUMBER PARTY is a bad movie. As soon as I heard the ear numbing heavy metal track that burst out of my TV's speakers in the first five minutes, accompanied by heavy breathed POV shots in the muggiest of bad quality cinematography, I realised that I had made a big mistake by not trusting my friend's opinions! Every single cliché in the book is present and accounted for but they're added with the most minimal effort imaginable. The only thing worse than the atrocious acting and the horrid ‘bontempi' soundtrack that doesn't even sound in tune, is the incredibly inept plot that almost defies humanly description. It looks as if the editor pasted scenes in any old order without knowing how the story played. The thing just doesn't seem to make any sense at all. We don't see all of the murders; characters just suddenly turn up dead all of a sudden. In one scene another killer appears inside the house and we never find out who he is or why he's there. I don't even know if he was just a kid pulling a prank, there's just no apparent explanation. I think that the choice for the ending was Steven Tyler's desperate attempt to escape the massive plot inconsistencies that he knew he couldn't cover up. Things just plod along in no recognisable order letting the obnoxious and tedious characters warble their way through the mess of a script. I know it's routine for a slasher victim to be dumb, but these folks are unbelievable. When the unlikely leading girl finally realises something's not quite right in the house, she sets off to investigate and find out where everyone's disappeared too. She takes a brief look around outside the house, but absurdly it seems every one has vanished. As she turn to re-enter one of her friends staggers through the door and drops to the ground in front of her – dead. Faced with the obvious fact that there's some sort of psychopath at work in the home, what does she do? Run to a neighbour's house to raise the alarm or maybe call the cops? No, of course not, instead she decides to walk back in and around the ‘death trap' finding a few more bodies on the way, before unwisely grabbing a knife and setting off to find the killer! Confused? I certainly was! Each victim is murdered in exactly the same way as the last, grabbed around the neck and their throats slashed with a scalpel. The Michael Myers-lite assassin – who shows us the extent of his insanity by keeping his eyes wide open and holding the aforementioned weapon up to the camera menacingly (!) – offers us nothing exciting or new to recommend. On the plus side there are loads of unintentional laughs on offer, like when the first two victims get killed. A nurse heads outside the hospital to a bus stop where she waits to head home. There's another guy sitting there who's fast asleep on the bench (?). Before she gets a chance to wake him up, she's grabbed by the shoulder and…guess what, her throat is slashed by the psycho with a scalpel. The lazy bystander manages to snore his way through her hysterical screams for help as she's murdered, but amazingly wakes up just after she's been dispatched. Of course this leaves him defenceless, unaware and wide open to get, you've guessed it, his throat slashed too…. Oh, How I cried! There's no effective gore on offer here, instead we get some fake looking red corn syrup pouring out of some unconvincing wounds. There's plenty of it though, right up until the laugh out loud ending that is certainly unexpected. Perhaps the most amusing thing is the way it's described on the back cover:"The plot is twisted inside out leaving you stunned and clinging to your chair as you witness shock after horrifying shock. The ending will leave you breathless."I certainly agree; it was indeed hard to catch my breath after I had been giggling consistently for 80 minutes!As you've probably guessed THE LAST SLUMBER PARTY is really bottom of the barrel stuff. It's cheap, inept, badly shot, jerkily edited, awfully scripted and has all the tension of paint drying. It's not even able to redeem itself by being bad in an always-endearing NAIL GUN MASSACRE kind of way. The most amazing thing about this movie is the fact that it ever got released at all. I think it's great that someone with a few dollars to waste can make an independent movie and get it distributed around the world. But to make a small film like this a success, you need a little bit of, what's that word? Ah yes, TALENT. Sadly it seems none of these guys remembered that either
jerk204 I love cheesy horror movies, I think dead alive and bad taste are great and I think slumber party massacre II (not even related to this movie) are hilarious. But this movie absolutely stank, I didn't laugh, I didn't even enjoy it.. you can see all kinds of mistakes that aren't even campy. The best take of the scene where the woman leans out the window is the one where she smacks her head on the sill? Give me a break.Don't rent this thinking it's related to the slumber party massacre series. It's awful and I don't even have a clue how it got any distribution. Rent it with a fake name and burn it, do everyone else the favor.