The Hunt for Eagle One
The Hunt for Eagle One
R | 17 January 2006 (USA)
The Hunt for Eagle One Trailers

A group of US Marines are sent to rescue captured a US Marine and a Filipino Captain while stopping a group of Al-Qaeda-backed local rebels from launching biological weapons.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
jewels hope Well they must have spent the budget they had set aside for the technical adviser on all the pyro and squibs they blew off. A good war movie is FAR more than authentic uniforms, locations, equipment. Doesn't matter how good your replica looks if the acting, continuity, and technicalities are crap! The pilot, after the crash doesn't even attempt to check the many other troops injured in the crash, she goes right to the conscious one with a hurt leg - no blood to be seen... this is the crappiest triage I have ever seen - not at all real to what a true Marine would do in that situation. She also remains way too calm during the crash AND after the crash - this scene coupled with the lame beach attack scene alerted me that turning the movie off would be the best thing to do.This movie is a waste of time, a waste of a Hollywood budget, and a shame to army movies.
stephenallaway As a former member of The Australian Army, I feel that this movie is one of the worst, if not the worst movie I have ever seen. My first thought in the opening scene, "A daylight opposed landing????? What the...." (in reality a small force would never land in the middle of a beach with inflatables, opposed or not).Then to add even more insult, the long flowing, unrestrained hair on a "U.S. Officer" complete with glossy lipstick, both chargeable offences, I wonder who the "advisor" was and having served alongside members of the Phillipino army the comments made were very offensive and not just to women. The storyline did have potential, but the lack of credibility and poor acting killed it in the first few minutes. I found this movie to be an insult to the intelligence of even the most naive movie-goer and I recommend that if you feel you must watch it, then do so at high speed, the "keystone cops" feeling thus created at least deserves a laugh. Lastly the synopsis on the back is truly misleading and to say that this is in the same league as such epic greats as "Saving Private Ryan" and "Behind Enemy Lines" is a direct insult to the cast and crew of these, and I for one am amazed that Sony even put there name to it, all that have watched this bile should commence a class action against all involved in the production.
russem31 The Hunt For Eagle One, a film by Byran Clyde, is another generic action flick of the likes of Navy Seal or Iron Eagle. Not that's it's really bad, just average. It was nice to see Theresa Randle in a film (I enjoyed her performance in Beverly Hills Cop III). And Mark Dacascos did a good job too as Lt. Matt Daniels. The real problem for me is that this is all about the special effects (which for this low budget flick is pretty good - the explosions are even top-notch in certain places - i.e. when one of the helicopters blew up in the beginning) and because it's only about that, there's no character emphasis or development. Which makes me not very sympathetic with the main characters - for example, at the very end of the film when Lt. Daniels mourns for his fallen comrade, I really didn't fell attached (since I didn't get to know that fallen comrade). 5 out of 10.
alineil Begin rant : don't waist your time. not even if it's in the bargen bin at ur local superstore for 1 pound. it's to expensive to use as a Frisbee and there are better ways to make coffee cup coasters. i honestly couldn't stand anymore, i watch for one hour. and that was one hour wasted. i couldn't take anymore. End rant /The acting was OK , i feel most of the poor screen work was due to director / producer's input. i can't see any research , or specialist advice used in the film in regards to mission operation procedures and gun handeling. this is the first ever movie i have rated as 1 out of 10 . and it deserves every single point.