The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Hound of the Baskervilles
PG | 01 November 1980 (USA)
The Hound of the Baskervilles Trailers

The death of Sir Charles Baskerville is blamed on a curse that has followed the Baskerville family for two hundred years. Sherlock Holmes is out to uncover the truth about a hound who roams the moors, waiting to attack the heir to the Baskerville estate.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
IncaWelCar In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
TheLittleSongbird With such a classic story, turned on its head in a comedic way (different and could have been funny), and with an array of fine talent with great experience in comedy, 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' could have worked as a guilty pleasure. That was not to be. Thought 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' an abomination when first seeing it. Was hoping it would be better than remembered on re-watch, that's happened with some re-watches though a majority are about the same. As much as it pains me to say it, it's still an abomination. Not just as an adaptation of the story, done in a comedic way and with only the title, the basic structure and characters names intact, on that front by far the worst version (yes worse than Matt Frewer's and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would not be proud if he saw this). Also on its own terms and a comedy and as a film.One of the worst and most shameful wastes of talent there's been and the tagline "Sherlock Holmes has never been like this" doesn't lie, and that is not in a good way. Can't think of many good things here, Denholm Elliot doesn't come over as badly as the others and does his best, so that's one thing in 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' favour.Rest of the cast are used poorly and the broadness of the style of the acting goes well overboard and often in a vulgar way. Peter Cook overdoes it and brings no subtlety or nuance whatsoever to balance out the trying-too-hard nature of his acting, while Dudley Moore is an embarrassment. There are a lot of familiar faces but as said they are generally wasted (Terry-Thomas deserved a much better final film than this, easily one of the worst final films for any actor, and Spike Milligan is even more wronged), stuck in crass roles (Joan Greenwood in one of the film's most distasteful opening scenes) or made to go far too over-the-top to painful degrees (Kenneth Williams).Production values are amateurishly shabby to the extent one has to check that the film was from 1978, it sure doesn't look like it and actually looks worse than most 1950s films. The music score is really out of place in style and placement, like it was written for something else entirely. The direction is barely competent and shows a director clearly ill at ease with the material and not knowing how to direct it. Worst of all is that 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' has no atmosphere whatsoever for such a suspenseful story and is never once funny. The one legged man comes off least badly but still doesn't work, due to the overlong repetition and that it feels like a re-hash of earlier Cook/Moore material. The humour is an all over the map mix of tastelessness, repetition, pointlessness and dragged out. In conclusion, a disastrous dogs dinner. 1/10 Bethany Cox
ajcemrush Geeze, that last post was a bit harsh. I found this movie funny when I first saw it soon after release, and when I recently watched it with my three young daughters. I thought the pee pee scene was hilarious, and I enjoyed the homages to Moore's and Cook's other works. It's just fun. It's SUPPOSED to be just fun; not deep, not a cinema-graphic classic, but fun. If my kids can enjoy it now, 25+ years later, It can't be that bad,and it isn't. Find it, watch it with a drink or two in your gullet, and enjoy! Not everything has to be a great work of art, you know. We all need to stop being so pretentious with these critiques. You can enjoy Spartacus AND Evil Dead, The Maltese Falcon AND Ice Pirates, You can enjoy this movie too.
lee_symonds I'm amazed that most of the people who saw this film, thought it was terrible, i have to say, that this was the first film i ever saw of Cook & Moore, and i enjoyed it thoroughly, i know little about direction and all the technical sides to a film, but i know what makes me laugh, and this certainly did....The scene where Holmes has a massage, Max Wall & Roy Kinner flashing, the classic one leg joke, and Moore playing Holmes's psychic mother, who call's Shelock 'Shirl'How can people take a film so silly so serious.This film turned me into a Cook & Moore fan, it cant be that bad...Watch without prejudice!!
didi-5 A misguided attempt to present a comic parody of the Conan Doyle tale, with Peter Cook as Sherlock Holmes and Dudley Moore as Dr Watson. Moore also plays Holmes' mother (!) and in this guise, is possibly the best thing in the film. Otherwise there is a spoof of the spinning head in The Exorcist, Denholm Elliot and a constantly urinating dog, and lame excuses for ‘jokes' and ‘funny situations' which really – aren't. Although it has one or two moments which provoke a smile, the original source material isn't such that it survives being tweaked to this extent. Perhaps not the point, but the rest of the inspiration for this turkey must have been written on the back of a postage stamp. Skip this and watch Bedazzled and Not Only … But Also instead.