The Groove Tube
The Groove Tube
R | 23 June 1974 (USA)
The Groove Tube Trailers

Television programming takes it on the chin in this ribald spoof of the networks.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Lawbolisted Powerful
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Ladyvero-1 **************Possible spoilers********** There is only one reason why I saw this movie and that was because I have a massive crush on Richard Belzer.(I don't know that much about humor) There were some part that were funny Like the Barbie and Ken Spoof and the dealers and the president skit. Mind you this is sometimes raunchy(Dare, I say crude?) It was at times funny, but it could have been better. Probably if they spent more time in the humor and less time getting women undress, the movie would had been funnier. Some skits just make you want to gag, and cringe, others skits make you laugh and oddly enough think. Sadly this movie is dated. If you have a mad crush on Richard Belzer(So worth it) it's worth checking it out and seeing chevy chase.
wjbrocker I noticed that the release date listed on your web site is 1974. That is strange, because I distinctly remember seeing the film in theaters in 1972. If people are confused, that may be because another multi-style movie came out in 1974 called "Tunnelvision", which was also a satire of TV genres but with a twist; The story was set in 1985 (11 years in the future) in which a Congressional committee was investigating the practices of Tunnlevision, which was a completely uncensored TV network. During a sample viewing of one of the Network's daily showings, the shows, commercials and news broadcasts showed futuristic forecasts of world events and celebrities (of 1974). Of course, this was all comedic speculation, but I found it funny all the same. Anyway, "The Groove Tube" was released in 1972, not 1974 as your web site reports.
zyzyb2k "The Groove Tube" was initially shown on video, in the first "video theaters" here in Boston. In one room, there were TV monitors on high stands, with old movie theater seats, in small groups facing the monitors. There were old refrigerators stocked with Pepsi, and baskets of York Peppermint Patties. In a second, smaller room, there were no seats, just large pillows. That was the 'smoking' room, i.e., people got high in there. That act only added to the hilarity of the video.I was a 'frequent viewer'; the scenes I liked most and remember to this day are: Koko The Clown, The Kramp Family Kitchen (Kramp Easy-Lube Shortening), Safety Sam/ VD PSA, the Chevy Chase hitchhiker w/ nude runs through the woods, the Finger Ballet on what was eventually revealed to be the nude body of a woman. The last item was very reminiscent of the late, incredible Ernie Kovacs. Now, I've lost a lot of readers that are under 48 ("who is Ernie Kovacs??") but trust me, it's funny stuff.One reason I was a 'frequent viewer' was that I, and my friends, would bring other "Groove Tube" virgins to see it. We would sit and slyly watch the faces of the 'virgins' as the "Safety Sam" PSA would play. As the camera slowly zooms in on "Sam", we would wait for that "OH!" of recognition on the 'virgin's' face. Each time was more hilarious than the last. And then that 'virgin' would then bring a friend to see the show, repeating what we had done. To get this joke, you must watch the video.Yes, some of it is dated, but most plays, film, television, and now videos are. Just look at any video made in the 1980's.I did see "The Groove Tube" in a theater as a film, a grainy transfer from the original video. It had been cut, and was missing some of the original high-point scenes.The first "Saturday Night Live" show, featuring Chevy Chase, elicited instant remarks of, "that's the guy from "The Groove Tube" ", so it was a precursor for Chevy.I can't look at a can of shortening without hearing the voice-over, "coat your hands with a generous amount of Kramp Easy-Lube shortening..." and thinking of the "Kramp Holiday Loaf" recipe. Always gets me laughing in the Baking Needs aisle in the grocery store.The early 70's were parlous times; "The Groove Tube" was fresh, new, and really 'got' the humor of the times. It offered a 'hip generation', humor that wasn't available in any other format/medium. MJH
jety2k When you view this movie you should keep in mind that it was written and filmed in the early 1970s. Pretty dated but real damn funny for it's time.For those of you that are in your early twenties, it should give some of you an idea of what your parents thought was funny and in your face back then.Most people didn't have cable TV and those that did didn't have 100 stations to choose from and it was 7 years before Mtv was invented. Most of us were relegated to watching 3 channels if you watched TV at all.This is also why anyone over 40 will tell you the first 5 years of SNL are better than all of the others combined.The best segments are the Cooking Show, Brown 25 and KOKO the Clown.In any case you may find humor in some of the segments or not. It is still worth watching from a nostalgic or historical perspective.