The Five People You Meet In Heaven
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
NR | 05 December 2004 (USA)
The Five People You Meet In Heaven Trailers

On his 83rd birthday, Eddie, a war vet and a maintenance worker at the Ruby Pier amusement park, dies while trying to save a girl who is sitting under a falling ride. When he awakens in the afterlife, he encounters five people with ties to his corporeal existence who help him understand the meaning of his life.

Alicia I love this movie so much
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Jennifer (LadySailor1975) This is one of the best movies that exists! Jon Voight is an awesome actor and he played the role so very well. In this movie, Eddie (Voight) is a maintenance worker at a small amusement park on a pier. A nice man yet not happy with his life, he feels trapped and feels that he didn't accomplish what he had wanted when he was young. As he is working one day, he sacrifices his own life as he tries to save a young child from a potentially life-threatening situation. This begins his journey to Heaven. Along the way, he meets five people that show him he was right where he belonged and right where God wanted him all along. He learns some truths behind some of the saddest and some of the happiest times of his life. Beautifully written with wonderful acting, this movie will move you. Even if you are not religious, you will love every second of this movie.
rioplaydrum A very refreshing film (as I did find the book) that confirms to us uncertain humans that maybe our lives do mean more than we know.Remember that (then) ugly girl you saved from the bullies after school? How about the complete stranger you changed a tire for on the side of that desolate highway 30 years ago? This movie just might leave you wondering late into the night how it all might add up in the next world.My only problem with the film was the over-sweet and dominating presence of Ellen Burstyn's character. Her building and ubiquitous performance led me to believe she might appear in my living room along with Mary Poppins at the end of the show. Aside from that, Jon Voight delivered his utmost, and I was not disappointed.
comfyzen I read this book two years ago, and it was profound. I loved it then, and the movie was as accurate a portrayal as a movie could have been.The intention behind this story was to leave the viewer (reader) with a deeper sense of worth, of self, and of humility. I believe we are here to bring life into question....and we will leave this life to prepare for the answers.There are no accidents...this movie lifts the veil between a fearful mind, and an eager heart. It will make the humblest of men, Kings.If it does not wake you up inside, or leave you with a greater sense of Connectedness and have missed the message entirely.
Gordon-11 This film is about a man's journey in heaven after he dies. He meets five people in heaven, each teaching him different things that he never knew or understood before.I have read the book and was deeply touched by it. This film stays very true to the book. The film is basically a direct adaptation of the book, translating every single line of the book into audiovisual material. The end result is that there are many dialogs and scenes that simply do not work in the film. I feel that there are so many scenes that can be cut, and so many dialogs that can be omitted in the film. For example, it does not hurt the film at all if the captain does not ask if the army boys kept in touch with each other. Or the interspersed childhood scenes, which if omitted, will make the film flow more seamlessly.This is not to say that the film is not good. It is very good, the sets are meticulously created, the acting is great, and the film is touching. My only complaint is that it is too long. Spending 40 minutes on the second person and another 40 minutes on the third person is simply too long.