The Entitled
The Entitled
R | 06 September 2011 (USA)
The Entitled Trailers

Without the security of the job he wants or the future he dreamed of, Paul Dynan plans the perfect crime to help his struggling family – abduct the socialite children of three wealthy men and collect a ransom of $3-million dollars. Over the course of one long night, Paul and his accomplices hold the rich kids hostage awaiting the ransom with little idea of the secrets that will surface between the fathers when they are forced to choose between their children and their money.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
PodBill Just what I expected
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
troy-manatunga Paul, Jenna and unstable Dean are busy in conjuring up a devious plan to make some fast cash. Paul, Jenna and Dean who are not even close to being rich as Jeff, Nick and Hailey manage to kidnap the latter mentioned trio and hold them up for ransom at Nick's dads holiday home in the countryside. Richard, Clifford and Bob the rich business tycoon dads of the victims are taken by surprise when they receive a ransom call about their abducted teenage kids. Richard and Clifford are the only ones around when Paul call them up and make demands for 3 millions USD for the safety of their children. Bob is never punctual. Today his bad habit results in Jenna shooting down his son Jeff. The money transfer would be a walk in the park we think since the families are rich; however this does not turn out to be so. Richard runs short and is unable to fund the cash and neither is Clifford able to help since he uses his cash reserves for his part of the payment of the ransom. Their only hope is Bob who turns up late. Bobs son is already dead; how will he handle this news? Will he help his long time friends? Or will the children suffer the ill fate of death?Canadian director Aaron Woodley does a great job with this script. Although a common plot, a movie that is thoroughly enjoyable if you appreciate the newbie cast with the exception of Ray Liotta and Victor Gaber. Newbie does not necessarily imply that the cast is in their debut production. However it implies that they are not Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslet. My passion for Ray Liottas work made me stumble upon this limited budget Canadian production; THE ENTITLED. I am hoping that my piece along with many others who have written on this movie aid her to reach out to viewers who don't watch movies without a star cast. In fact I just did watch a movie with a star cast that was not as entertaining as THE ENTITLED; however she is more widely accepted. What if the cast of THE ENTITLED is interchanged with CONTAGION? Both movies would have made the news. Instead only one does.Woodley's direction and the resources he uses work for him at times and on the other hand do not work at all. The areal angled footage of the drive to the woods, the pleasant scenery and the gloomy lake house sets the perfect tone for the perfect thriller. Kevin Zegers convincing and precision performance that is supported by Devon Bostick all gels in alarmingly well for quite new faces. The veterans across on the end of the forest are equally doing well with Ray Liotta, Victor Gaber & Stephen McHatttie. What Woodley misses is what goes on in between the 2 locations. No pun intended but what Woodleys misses and loses points are the moments in the woods. This sudden drop of the thrills kind of makes one wonder if they should continue with the movie any longer. As much as the finale is a surprising treat the climax to it does need more tweaking and fine tuning. A commercial soundtrack most certainly would win more points in the right direction. Nothing More Nothing LessTitle: The Entitled Directed by: Aaron Woodley Starring: Kevin Zegers, Devon Bostick, Tatiana Maslany, Stephen McHattie, VIctor Gaber & Ray Liotta. Rated: R for language some violence and brief drug use. Rating: 6.5/10
vcgraves This "film" is simply awful. The writing stinks, the whole concept is stupid and sadly, totally uninteresting. But that's only half the problem. It appears as though this was shot with Dad's hand-held camcorder he bought from Best Buy last Christmas. Ever heard of a tripod? How about a steady cam? And maybe next time you could hire an editor. The non-clever dialog just runs on and on as Liotta and the other guy trade lines that are so uninspired it seems like they're reading them off cue cards for the first time, or perhaps just making them up as they go along. You can imagine Ray saying to Dad (who's holding the Sony) "Camcorder rolling? O.K., I'm gonna start yammering now. Be sure not to hold the camera too steady!" I beg you, dear IMDb reader, do not rent this movie. It's not worth anywhere near the $1.07 I spent at Redbox. I could have bought gum instead, damn!
xjames09 Overall the plot was quite interesting with numerous twists thrown in to keep you attentive. The characters were well portrayed and the acting was where it needed to be. Though there were a few scenes where emotions came across as forced (this could be my harsh critical view over-bearing). The storyline was well paced and I didn't feel bored at any point apart from a few noticeable errors in the continuity which put me off slightly. The small discrepancies in the storyline that, been explained or left out, would have made the film at least a 7/10. The protagonist (Kevin Zegers) for me was the star of the film. The character was believable and engaging and along with the narration, provided a great deal of insight into the mind of someone on a mission.
dusan-22 That was a pretty decent movie. What makes it decent is a combination of usual Hollywood film that brings you the amusement by the amount of shock applied and good old drama school. The shocking atmosphere is mostly preserved by certain amount of brutality and twist. As for drama, I really loved the way the director used the theater stage in the house were fathers were gathered to imply tension and very involving plot development. Balanced and interacted with the core plot in the movie, it made a very watchable feature film. Also, the movie does not bring the usual American picture of good and bad guys, but leaving you think about that yourself. It might be just my impression, but I think that the senior actors were better than junior. I do not say that the young actors were bad, just acting of the fathers was more superb!