The Barbarian
The Barbarian
NR | 12 May 1933 (USA)
The Barbarian Trailers

An Arab prince masquerades as a tour guide for rich women in order to enrich himself.

Alicia I love this movie so much
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
David Allen THE BARBARIAN (1933) starring Ramon Navarro and Myrna Loy is/was an agreeable, no-brainer "B" movie with "A" movie stars of talent, esp. Loy.It's a desert romance story of which the 20's were packed (both Valentino SHIEK movies, THE DESERT SONG and others less famous).None of the Arabs had dark skin, and all of the Oases had unpolluted water holes and half moons shining through the sweeping palm trees and all the sand looked like White Sands, New Mexico with huge (but firm, easy to walk on) sand dunes.Hollywood's idea of the desert in "Arabia." The movie is a "girl's movie" (called a "Chick Flick" nowadays) written by GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES author Anita Loos.The movie is about a pushy (probably feminist), spoiled "half Egyptian" leading lady with an American accent about to marry an English aristocrat in Egypt (but who runs off with Ramon Navarro at the very end of the movie..... Ramon had told her when he abducted her in the middle of the movie and proposed marriage that she won't have to be part of a harem, but makes her wait for water at an Oasis waterhole until the horse drinks first, then he drinks.....she's last to drink.)Girls buy movie tickets.Young guys between ages 18 and 24 courting girls and trying to keep the girls happy ALSO buy movie tickets for girls!"Keep the girls happy" is what this movie is all about.She's a pushy, spoiled USA feminista, and the guys (two of them!) both think she's wonderful!It's just like WHEN HARRY MET SALLY (1988) starring Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal.They guys never learn, the girls always win. The guys always pension off the girls at an early age (which is why marriage is so popular with young girls) and kill themselves to do it, and the girls live 30 years longer than the guys, thanks to the good life the martyr husband earned for them before he died early! Unpardonable cynicism, but I put to you and leave it with you.Old story, and it still goes on!The rising races of the world (Orientals, Latinos in the USA) ALL support the ladies, lots of children, and "family values" and the disappearing races (White people loyal to each other in the USA esp.) disappear because their numbers shrink and disappear, like a water hole during a drought.So it goes, and THE BARBARIAN (1933) shows why!Myrna's famous bathtub "nude scene" was dull and boring, (not as good as Maureen O'Sullivan's swim with Johnny Weismuller in TARZAN AND HIS MATE 1934).Myrna was/is a true movie star, and was the best actor in the movie. A pleasure to watch her act.Ramon Navarro wasn't terrible, but also wasn't convincing. His career didn't continue in the sound era, and this movie shows why.
nomoons11 I think the only saving grace for this film is that is when it was made...1933. Basically you get a suave young lady coming to Cairo to marry her husband. She seems to love him enough then a ruthless womanizer who happens to be a guide/thief in Cairo continually professes his love for her but she resists.They let you know early on that he's a inveterate womanizer but by the end the Myrna Loy character falls in love with him. I mean after he lies to her consistently and she knows it, constantly undermining things between her and her husband, and she knows it...constantly kissing her and she doesn't expect or want it...then the peak of it all, he kidnaps her and forces marriage from her from his tribe. She says yes then turns the tables on him at the ceremony. She gets to leave his ways and she then informs the Egyptian authorities who then set out to catch him (Of course they don't).After all this you already know the ending. There's 2 to 3 minutes left and she finally gets alone in her room ready to get married to her future husband and guess who arrives? You got it, Mr. Charm himself. We then proceed to see them floating down the Nile lying in each others arms.I can only think of this film as offensive to women, in 1 way, is this character so weak minded that she would leave her future husband she loves for a guy who does everything he does to her in the way of lying, cheating and kidnapping and then she decides.."Oh well, I'll go with him cause now I love him."? It's just ridiculous. I can see why this one isn't very popular. It's a dud.If you wanna see where Myrna Loy starts to shine, fast forward a year and start on the "Thin Man" movies. They're a class unto themselves.
linda_ann_10-1 I have read the previous comments about this movie, and as much as sexual assault is heinous, it is unfair to judge a movie almost 75 years old by our standards in the 21st century. I have just seen it for the first time and I absolutely fell in love with all the characters and the roles they played! All we saw was Jamil kiss Diana passionately, and there is absolutely NOTHING that follows indicating that sex took place between the two characters at that desert scene. I do not think the writers or directors of the movie intended for us to conclude anything - it was a maybe at best as to whether or not they had sex. I have no use for feminazis who want to destroy older movies by assuming that this scene should be the whole basis of this film. It was well done with super talented actors, beautiful cinematography and magnificent costumes. AND, given the divorce rate today, we really have no right to judge or question why two people (fictional or real) fall in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together. These movies are what they are, some are good and some are, well, um, hmm..... overall, better than most of the modern garbage Hollywood puts out for it. I was so awed by this stunning film and I hope it comes out in DVD someday, I will be first in line to buy it!!!
jebbudite-1 The treatment of her as a female--when supposedly the jerk loves her is beneath common decency. I have always regarded Loy as an excellent actress as well as a great beauty of our time--but after seeing this insulting degrading bilge--I'll never forgive her for accepting the role. If you've recently seen CNN's "Under the Veil" then you have some idea of what to expect.