R | 10 August 1977 (USA)
Suspiria Trailers

An American newcomer to a prestigious German ballet academy comes to realize that the school is a front for something sinister amid a series of grisly murders.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
rowantree-1 Some of the worst acting on film! Maybe if you were tripping on acid, you would say this is a great film. The background is gorgeous. The storyline is awful and the "blood" in the movie is orange-red. The Line-up keeps recommending this movie, so I thought it must be worth watching. I was very wrong.
jellopuke This is a movie that is all about the production design. The look, the colours, the atmosphere, the soundtrack... it all comes together to make... something. Must see!
christopher-underwood Another viewing of this marvellous, thrilling and beautiful film, this time a 4K restoration print at The Barbican, London and in the presence of the man himself - Dario Argento. A wonderful occasion with a packed audience of devoted fans who gave the man a welcome that seemed to catch him by surprise. It looks great, of course, and there were sections that I did not remember seeing or seeing so clearly. The maggots in the attic for instance and the shadows behind the temporary bed screens. The Goblins soundtrack was well to the fore and it was clear that in one or two instances it was the music itself that was creating the horror, with little actually happening visually. Dario spoke afterwards and was surprisingly perky, making little jokes and trying to provide more insight into the origins of the film. I had not heard before that Disney's, Snow White with its strong primary colours was a major influence and although I did know the story of his buying up the last stocks of the particular Technicolor film he wished to use, it was good to hear that this did not restrict the number of takes (lest he run out) because he did not use lots of takes. For me the most interesting revelation was that he had originally intended the girls be between the ages of eleven and fourteen, but that the backers wouldn't hear of it. It would have been even more effective with younger girls and does explain why some of the dialogue seems childlike.
Councillor3004 Not to mention that it will be difficult to discover a horror film more beautiful, more engaging and more horrifying, "Suspiria" has to be called an Italian masterpiece of late 70's horror. Directed by Dario Argento, the writer of the famous "Once Upon a Time in the West" starring Henry Fonda, this has been my first Argento film so far, but most certainly not my last, considering that "Suspiria" is such a fine film - easily one of my top favorites when it comes to horror movies. Gruesome and terrifying, "Suspiria" is a movie Hollywood would never have been capable of creating, a movie which deserves more attention and should be watched by so many more people nowadays. It's hard to even describe the plot apart from mentioning that the film is set in a dancing school in South West Germany and explores the concepts of fear of the unknown and plays with our deepest anxieties, giving me so many more goosebumps than I have ever gotten by watching an American horror movie (probably except for "Psycho", "The Shining" and "Rosemary's Baby"). If you are a fan of horror movies and have not gotten around to watching it yet, then you should stop doing whatever it is you're doing immediately and start watching this masterpiece.