PG | 26 January 1983 (USA)
Starstruck Trailers

A Sydney teen tries to make it as a rock singer, with help from her odd 14-year-old cousin.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
johnstonjames definitely one of cinema's best and under-recognized musical classics. i've loved this movie dearly since i first had the pleasure of seeing and hearing it back in 1982. unfortunately and obviously, i was one of the very few persons here in the States that did. throughout the decades i have always raved and tried to discuss this movie with cinema fans and fans of film musicals. it never fails to draw a blank with everyone. even to this day, there are only twenty reviewers of it on IMDb. compare with the hundreds of reviewers of say, 'High School Musical'. how sad. 'HSM' certainly isn't as bold or intelligent, it isn't even as much fun as this. and the music and dance numbers in 'HSM' aren't nearly as clever or good.Jo Kennedy and Ross O'Donavan give some of the best performances i have ever seen by teen age actors. the 14 year old Donovan is hilarious and brilliant, giving a performance that is wise beyond his years, and the unexpectedly versatile Jo Kennedy is a marvel. not only is her performance comic and her singing off the chart, she also walks a tight rope. yes. literally walks tight rope. this was well before CGI effects and that is obviously her doing her own fact. the opening scene with O'Donvan encouraging Kennedy to walk a tight rope over a busy intersection wearing a bare breasted body suit, is so immediately engaging and side splittingly funny. i've seen few movies get this funny this fast.anyone new to the musical 'Starstruck', may be surprised to find that this isn't just a cute and amusing film musical, but is also really good, low budget Aussie cinema. it often feels like what a musical would be like if it were directed by Peter Wier. it's musical numbers are extremely funny and in the example of the dance number "we all live like ants", very unconventional and fact this is one of the most unconventional musicals ever made. and it still continues to be more original than most, some thirty years later. most large budget fiasco's would do best to study how this simple film, on a very low budget, manages to be as clever and innovative and so charming with very little resource except inspiration.
jackboot I'll try to describe this without any blatant spoilers, but I'm going to divulge some details, which, it is my hope, will not ruin any aspects of the story for the first-time viewer. I saw this movie three times in the theatres during it's initial USA release. I was in my early twenties and this movie really captured something that really spoke to me at the time. I was just so charmed by the infectious good feelings engendered in this movie and so delighted by the many visually stunning moments brought to life in vivid, brilliant and eye-popping color and the backdrop of the music was especially effective in reaching me at the time. The musical numbers were really strong, like, right from the first few moments, the first number by (the real Aussie band, headed up by former Split Enz member and total musical genius, Phil Judd) The Swingerz, "One Good Reason"/"Gimme Love", performed "live" in a club setting, with the edgy look and startling dancing going on, hit me like a punch in the gut and then I never looked back, once on the wild ride! I thought that what I was witnessing was the future, this was the beginning of something really smart, vibrant and way-cool! In a way it was, just a year or two later, Australian culture would storm the shores of the U.S. with INXS, Men At Work, Midnight Oil, Hoodoo Gurus, Mental As Anything and a host of other bands would put Australia on the map as a vibrant hot-bed of cool music and edgy culture forever. But, for me, it started with this movie, Star Struck.The design and the look of this film, from the great look of the "Lizard Lounge" for the first couple of numbers, the kitchy and cool Harbor View Hotel, where Jackie and Angus lived, the awful disco scene of the "Wow! Show", the brilliant homage to the Busby Berkeley "By A Waterfall" number, in the roof-top swimming pool water ballet, the wonderful choreography of the "regulars" who drank at he Harbor View in "She's Got Body, She's Got Soul", to the against-all-odds guerrilla taking of the stage at the Opera House and the wonderful finale - I thought this truly original film was as visually stunning as it was musically forward-reaching. The undeniable enthusiasm of the stars to make it also hearkened back to particular themes, like, Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland putting on a show! This film, first released in 1982, has held up pretty well. The heart and soul invested and genuine enthusiasm captured in following some young teens in their journey from starry- eye dreamers languishing in obscurity to their amazing triumph, awash in hysterical screams by the end, is so irresistibly infectious that I don't see how anyone could NOT love this movie! My VHS copy had become pretty worn out and I was so glad to see that it was finally issued in the USA on a nice, two-disc DVD edition, with some wonderful extras, worthy of original. I will say that it took me the longest time to understand all of the dialogue, what with the heavy Australian accents and slang which was unfamiliar to me, but it was such a pleasure to view it over and over that I was happy to decipher every morsel!
dean-250 This movie is so utterly feel-good fantastic enjoyable and delightful I still get tears in my eyes every time I see it, or even play the Soundtrack! It deserves a DVD release. The quirky strangeness of some of the scenarios. The batty characters and fun relationships. This film doesn't take itself seriously for a minute, but it somehow manages to make you howl with laughter, burst into tears, and feel a great kinship with the zany madcap characters who abound. I think it should become a Broadway Muscial. It should be released (but not remade) again. It is ageless, and an entire new generation would love this film. It is the equal best (with Muriel's Wedding) movie to ever come out of Australia. And to be honest, it is actually slightly better than Muriel's Wedding!
chinasyndrome Warning: possible minor spoilers. This may very well be THE most bizarre movie I've ever seen, and definitely the most fun! I first saw it when I was 7, then just tracked it down a couple days ago (I'm now 19). I didn't realize how much of the movie had stayed with me. From the Australian accents so thick they need subtitles to the synchronized dance number with inflatable sharks, STARSTRUCK is so blissfully over-the-top that it NEVER gets old. In fact, it just keeps getting better! The songs are so silly and ridiculous ("Temper Temper"? "The Monkey In Me"?) that you can't help but hum them all day. Obnoxious but well-intentioned Angus, and his cousin, and the completely batty yet sexy Jackie make perfect off-the-wall leads. These two do the strangest things: Jackie walks the tightrope in the middle of her mum's pub, does a striptease out of a red kangaroo suit (!?) and even surfs on the ironing board! Angus hangs from street signs, cordially throws himself into traffic and even manages to get laid before he turns 15, wearing a tacky leopard print tuxedo, no less! The real icing on the cake here are the song and dance numbers. If you enjoy having fun at all, treat yourself to the rockiest 80s new wave musical ever made! If only STARSTRUCK would be released on DVD in the states... I'd snatch it up in a second!