Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
R | 18 March 2006 (USA)
Chain Reaction Trailers

A prison bus with over a dozen criminals on board has an accident and rams another car, in which Dr. Douglas Madsen was on his way home. Most of the prisoners die. Four of them survive, one of them severely injured. After having killed all the guards, they head for the woods. They take Dr. Douglas Madsen hostage. Suddenly a huge house appears in the middle of the woods. The leader of the group, Arthur, emphasizes that he will kill Douglas and every single member of the "family" if his wounded brother would die. Meanwhile some members of the family show strange behavior, and very soon mayhem breaks loose.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
jfarms1956 On my TV, the film begins with two criminals getting out of a bus with pink jumpsuits, not the traditional orange.This is a gore flick which should appeal to the young, over 10 and less than 25. Got to love gore. There is little true acting. I feel like yelling "Road trip!" Carnage in the forest. Typical plot. The movie is very unpredictable. However, if you are a blood and gore fan, this movie is for you. The movie could have been 15 minutes shorter, which might have helped it. The movie has lackluster plot, contains lackluster actors, lackluster acting, and is just a highly predictable, minimally entertaining movie. But you gotta love it for what it is -- just late night entertainment.
kasanski78 I am a huge fan of horror and normally I can live with an average performance when it comes down to the actual acting. The cast for this movie however is horrible. My bet is that you you would find more star material in a pre-school talent show. Regarding the storyline, this movie also falls short. Usually I can get a good laugh out of a crappy movie, but in this case it was impossible. The special effects sucked big time. I am amazed that this movie hasn't reached "the bottom top 100" here at IMDb. Compared this movie, Jaws 4- the revenge, is a master piece. This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. It doesn't even provide a good laugh.
bc200036 The worst movie I have ever seen... and I have seen some really bad movies. The story line made no sense at all (I wanted to write that in all caps, but IMDb doesn't allow it!) The acting was horrendous. The gore was okay at best. Just an overall waste of time. Go to your nearest movie store, close your eyes, and pick out any random movie you can find... I'd bet a lot of money its way better than this piece of crap. Please, don't waste your time watching this. I have seen a lot of horror movies, and if there is any genre out there that gives you a high chance of seeing garbage, it would be gory horror films. Even with that being said, this movie is by far the worst one I've ever seen. Its almost surprising that someone can really put their name in the credits of this movie and not feel like a loser. Avoid!
manuel arrivillaga the only reason why I'm giving this movie a 4 out of 10 is because there are some really good car crash effects, and you have to admit that for a low budget movie the effects in it are pretty descent, but plot is not a strong on this one,story either and the performance of the actors is really really bad, no true feelings, lack of emotion, and a lot of w.t.f scenes, this is a pretty disposable film, there are a million of them, better played, more effects, better photography, not so absurd choreography, etc... but the weakest link in this film i have to say and agree with many of you guys, are the dialogues, they are not firm, they lack of credibility and overall its too long for a movie that crazy! see it...if you dare!