Some Kind of Hate
Some Kind of Hate
| 02 May 2015 (USA)
Some Kind of Hate Trailers

When troubled teen Lincoln is subjected to severe bullying, he accidentally conjures the vengeful ghost of Moira Karp. Once a teenage girl pushed to suicide, Moira is now an unstoppable force on a mission of gruesome retribution. But when she goes too far, Lincoln must prevent her from spiraling out of control.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Payno I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Leofwine_draca SOME KIND OF HATE is another grim and grimy B-movie horror flick with a generic feel. I do get tired of these greyed-out lifeless productions with underachieving actors who barely do any kind of acting at all. This one tells an age-old story of classroom bullying, which leads the oppressed victim to summon up the long-dead spirit of a girl who proceeds to wreak gory mayhem on the bullies responsible. The tale is heavy on the gore and light on everything else; singularly unsatisfying, with the only feeling evoked depression.
kosmasp I had issues with this movie too. With its handling of the characters, with some clichés (or a lot) thrown into the mix and how it seems to evolve too. But it's in the title and it's not about how much you'd like to like the main character. I guess if you had to endure and live through certain circumstances, you might not be right in the head either. But it's about more than that.It's about making things right, it's about not being understood and it's about bottled up anger, that once finally released ... well it'll be difficult to bottle up again. Or get it under any kind of containment. One thing is for sure: this isn't for everybody. If you can oversee the flaws or rather live with them, you might be able to discover a very raw diamond in the making
dcarsonhagy "Some Kind of Hate" is another horror movie about bullied teenagers. It seems it's been kind of bad year for Lincoln, a (nudge/nudge; wink/wink) teenager who has been bullied at school most of his life, decides to fight back, and is (of course) blamed for everything. Link is then carted to some kind of school to get in touch with his feelings and ask someone for a hug. There lies the problem. The character of Link was so lifeless, so hackneyed, so clichéd, I felt nothing for him. Most of his acting consisted of stumbling around, hunched over, with his hair constantly in his eyes. And, of course, the minute he arrives at the school, he is immediately bullied by a group of troglodytes and their leader.Here is where the movie lost me for a second or two. He runs (as he usually does when confronted by anyone) into some abandoned building, and the next thing you know he has "awakened" Moira, a girl who also attended this school and was murdered. It seems for whatever reason, Moira decides she's going to get even with his bullies for him. What confused me was HOW did Link "conjure" up her spirit when he sat cross-legged in the corner and said nary word? Moira was just suddenly there, and the killing begins.The character of Link should have NEVER been made the major character. As stated before, he just could not carry the movie. The character of Moira, however, is who the writers should have centered this movie around. Moira, superbly played by Sierra McCormick, could actually act. I believed her "pain." I felt her need for revenge. But, alas, the writers and director decided their causes would be better served if they put in some lame-ass love interest for Link and bore the audience to death.The producer, director, and writers of "So Much Hate" missed a huge opportunity to give this genre a shot in the arm. This movie is rated "R" for graphic violence and brief nudity. I cannot say it's a sure-fire hit, but for its type, it's really not too bad.
FlashCallahan Bullying has turned Lincoln's life into a nightmare. But he learns the true meaning of terror when he is sent to a remote school for troubled teens and the harassments start all over again. Only this time, someone is watching. A teenage girl named Moira who was driven to suicide by vicious bullying years ago. When Lincoln accidentally summons Moira from the grave, he unleashes a vengeful force on a mission of revenge.........It's a sound idea, having a spirit, who went through great pain in life, coming back as a kind of unwanted guardian angel, killing people who may or may not do you harm, but then for only you to get the blame for the killing, and having you end up paying the ultimate sacrifice?Yes, I thought Candyman was a good film too, but this movie rips it off within an inch of its life, and whilst the spirit self harming herself to inflict injury on others is a pretty sound concept, the film itself doesn't offer anything new to the horror genre.We all know that Lincoln is a troubled teen, his dad played Leather-face in the remake of Texas Chainsaw, and he was Butterfinger in Hudson Hawk, so that's not a good staple for a role model for anyone.He also dyes his hair and stays away from everyone, so he's obviously a target for the dastardly bullies.It's been done a thousand times before, the revenge because of bullying film, and this is pretty much an ordeal to get through, despite the ridiculously short running time.Do yourself a favour, leave this one alone.