Ruby Cairo
Ruby Cairo
PG-13 | 29 October 1993 (USA)
Ruby Cairo Trailers

Baseball cards and a food-aid worker help a woman follow her shady husband's money trail around the world.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
krcovil A great idea for a movie, but a terrible script. Watched this movie on Netflix under the title "Deception" because I love the actors in this film, but again, a terrible script! Do you really expect me to believe that MacDowell's character would seriously attack an armed gunman who just shot her husband and then throw herself over her dead husband's body (who, by the way, just faked his death in order to dump her and her children with nothing to live on) when she's got three kids waiting for her to come home? She seemed to take all of that rather well when she saw him for the first time in Cairo and just wandered off with him, holding hands, on their way to his little palace... I don't think so...I would have beat him down for deserting me and my kids and for forcing my children to deal with the "death" of their father and at such a young age. Let's don't forget that he left them with nothing and didn't give a crap about them--at all! The characters just aren't believable or reliable because the dialog is plain awful and the characters are not well-developed at all. The story between Liam Neeson's character and Andie MacDowell's character could have been great but it was too choppy to relate to. I would not watch this movie again and I would not recommend it to anyone. Sorry Liam, you're one of my favorites but this movie was a waste of time.
leplatypus Maybe 10 is a little overrated but i didn't expect to enjoy this movie so much. This was a real good surprise: I imagined that it would be a romance taking place in Egypt while it is rather a treasure hunt all around the world: north and south America, Germany, Greece and Egypt… It is very exotic and the middle-east locations are beautiful: the pyramids, the mosque… I also really like how Andie carries the entire movie on her shoulders alone. Her drive is interesting and not so common by the way. Only Angelina Jolie got characters like this.It is also an eye-opener for charities because it seems that they have to deal with the devil to achieve their humanitarian goals.As always, Liam Neeson plays a trustworthy and dedicated man.
ccthemovieman-1 Being in the USA, I know this film under the title, "Deception."The first half of this movie was very good, very interesting, but the final segment was a big, big disappointment. Overall, it's kind of a strange, confusing story yet fascinating for the most part. I liked the baseball card angle, even if most other people didn't.When "Bessie Faro" a.k.a. "Rubie Cairo" (Andie MacDowell) finally finds her husband, the film goes to pieces.The scenery is great to view - scenes from Veracruz, Berlin, Athens and capped off by some magnificent shots of the Great Pyramids outside Cairo. Liam Neeson did his normal superb acting job and creating a likable character.Boy, this could have been a super movie with a much-different and better done finale. The premise and the scenery were the highlights; the script, the lowlight. However, I'll think you'll find overall it's still a lot better than the national critics would have you believe. It's worth a look. Just expect the film to go downhill the last third.
Itsamoomoo Any film that can draw you in completely, as this movie did with me, succeeds. I missed the first ten minutes not knowing even the plot, and I was immediately taken in by Andie MacDowell's quest for answers regarding her husband.I'm surprised by the many negative comments and reviews posted here. This was one of the few movies (like "Pyscho") that took me on sort of a ride that I didn't want to end. This movie was intelligent and I found it to be a great escape as Ruby travelled around the world. I'll certainly never visit Athens, Greece, or stand on top of one of the pyramids. But I felt like I was there. Whomever said this was boring must have had their eyes closed the entire time. I never realized how beautiful Andie MacDowell was until I saw this film or what a really good actress she was. Liam Neeson was a plus even if his role was rather short.You can bet I'll be recommending this film to others as I do whenever I see a really good movie. Hope to see this released on DVD soon.