Killing Words
Killing Words
| 20 August 2004 (USA)
Killing Words Trailers

A mild-mannered psychopath plays mind-games with a woman he has tied to a chair in his basement.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Maki I've just finished watching "Palabras encadenadas" and WOW...Script, direction, acting - everything is perfect. I usually notice a lot of faults and holes in the (especially) story and acting but not in this film. The story is very coherent, well written, exciting, thrilling and non-predicable. As you watch the film you learn about the characters, bit by bit. At the end we have nicely circled and developed characters and the story itself.Performance of Dario Grandinetti playing Ramon gave me chills and not just chills... I felt like a puppet - like the film is pulling my emotions and mind all over the place. The story just sucks you in.Btw, this is not fast film, nor action film, nor bloody film so if you prefer fast car scenes or Tarantino-ish quasi scary scenes etc. this is not it. This is psychological thriller and I recommend that you watch it.
Markus Schnitzler The title already tell us, that the film concentrates rather on words than on action. It is ambiguous. Ramón and Laura use words to talk about death and murder, and they use them to kill their opponent - at least on a psychological level. Is Ramón really a serial killer? Which of Lauras accusations are true? The protagonists don't know who tells the truth and what they are able to do. The little wordplay is the prelude for an extremely exciting and high-level duel, which reveals more and more information - similar to the zoom from the TV screen to the cellar at the beginning of the film. Another impressing aspect are the cross-fadings between the cellar and the police station. The Spanish psycho thriller proves that there are excellent productions beyond Hollywood.
Kujo1 One of the best thrillers I have ever seen. This film keeps you captivated until the very last frame. Darío Grandinetti is truly chilling as Ramón. Goya Toledo as Laura is superb as well. Portrayals of the mind of a killer simply don't get better than this. This film avoids every Hollywood cliché you could imagine. Everything that happens in this film is cohesive. Nothing outrageous is added just for thrills. This is such a smart film. Truly great writing and directing on display here. This is another amazing example of how superior foreign made thrillers are compared to American thrillers. Don't miss this if you ever get the chance to see this Spanish gem. Beautifully done!
surrealkitten This film is the finest effort of all parties involved. Pure, unpretentious, riveting. This movie should remain a symbol of the extraordinary passion of Spanish filmmakers and actors. For non-native speakers, very little spanish language is needed to understand the action of the movie, such is the skill of Mana, Grandinetti, and Toledo, who proves so skillful in her presentation of Laura that she may perhaps stunt herself for a while. Not even Grandinetti's amazing performance in Hable Con Ella can match his portrayal of a sexy, vulnerable, completely horrifying villain in Palabras Encadenas.