Ring 0
Ring 0
NR | 22 January 2000 (USA)
Ring 0 Trailers

Taking place thirty years before the events of Ringu, Ringu 0 provides the shocking background story of how the girl on the video became a deadly, vengeful spirit.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Tweekums Set thirty years before the original films this instalment of the franchise looks into Sadako's life in the run-up to her death. It opens with reporter Akiko Miyaji investigating the death of journalists, including her fiancé at an ESP demonstration by Shizuko Yamamura; Sadako's mother. This leads her to Sadako who is now working as an understudy at a small theatre. Two of her fellow actresses have had strange dreams about a well… shortly afterwards one of them dies. She was the leading actress and her role is offered to Sadako. Soon people are blaming her for the death and that only increases as strange things start to happen; more people have the same strange dream and an audio tape recording has a strange sound on it. On the day of the play one of these people plays the recording of the ESP demonstration and Sadako has visions of her late mother. Things then turn more unpleasant.While this isn't quite as creepy as the original film it does provide an interesting backstory for Sadako. It was nice to see that she wasn't always the evil creature we see in the early films. The idea that there are in fact two of her; the one that is seen and another who is glimpsed or seen in pictures is intriguing. The way much of the action takes place on stage adds to the strangeness as sometimes we are watching a play and sometimes real events and it isn't always immediately obvious which. This also provides an excuse to have characters dressed more like people in Edwardian Europe than sixties Japan. As the story nears its conclusion the tension increases and even though we know that Sadako must ultimately end up in the well the final scenes are still disturbing and explain why she became a vengeful spirit. Overall I'd say that this was an effective chiller which was both interesting and somewhat disturbing at times.
Boba_Fett1138 This is a quite good and interesting prequel to the Japanese Ringu series. It perhaps its not necessarily good as a part of the Ringu series but as a stand alone movie it simply is a really great one.This movie focuses on how Sadako becomes the murdering spirit. It sounds like a bad idea to give the 'monster' a face and a backdrop story and yes, this is perhaps also why "Ringu 0: Bâsudei" is perhaps not that great as a part of the Ringu series. This movie is also less horror like and orientated as any other movie out of the series and it focuses more on the dramatic aspects of the Sadako character. It's not her fault that she is the way she is and she actually is a cute and shy person. This sort of ruins the image of the evil Sadako spirit we know from the other Ringu movies. In that regard this movie suffers from the same problem as "Hannibal Rising". It gives the monster a face and because of that we loose some of our respect for the character and it ruins his original image. For instance I never saw Sadako as a young adult but more as a 12 year old child or so. In this movie she is presented as a young woman.But like I said, it can't be denied that as a standalone movie this is simply a great one to watch. It's nicely directed with a good overall visual style and it has a good compelling story, that mixes drama with some more supernatural elements. You can see this movie as "Ringu" meets "Carrie", since this movie story- and character-wise definitely show some similarities to the Brian De Palma horror classic "Carrie", from 1976.The movie doesn't always have a too fast pace and there is not always a lot happening within the movie. The first hour of the movie or so even feels quite redundant afterward. It isn't until very well halve way through that the movie starts to take off. It's also then that the movie its horror elements really start to kick in and the Sadako character starts to become the evil spirit we all know from the other Ringu movies. Not that the movie ever becomes truly scary but it has a nice eerie atmosphere that Japanese horror movies are so well known and liked for. So all in all, as a part of the Ringu series this movie perhaps isn't that great but as a stand alone movie it simply is a very good one. 8/10http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
jeangel Beautiful, with an ending that will scare you more then all three scream movies put together. Emotional, you really will feel for Sadako, and you see that her story is tragic. This film will change the way you look all of the others in the series, it brings so much more depth. My personal favorite of all the movies in the Ringu series, and my favorite J-Horror film, it is an instant classic. It has wonderful acting, great cinematography, and scares that come from deep with in, not your shock scares of American horror. You will find yourself watching it again and again, and that all the others in the series make so much more sense. Don't pass this one up, you will regret in the next life.
Matthew Berard Rasen tried its hardest to create an entertaining novel-based movie. Somebody learned their lesson...Ring 2 tried its hardest to live up to Ring by explaining way too much. Somebody learned their lesson...Ring 0 tried its hardest to create a human-driven drama, while adding in the horror the series is well known for. Somebody knew their lessons!You will feel emotionally for Sadako. Her performance, played by Nakama Yukie, is absolutely beautiful. She is able to manipulate your mind into feeling sorry for her, and then watching her in fear, and then feeling sorry for her... it's just one crazy ride. Unfortunately, we all know what has to happen in the end... sounds like Carrie.This movie, fortunately or unfortunately, is more drama then horror... sounds like Carrie. In fact, there is only a couple of scenes that will scare you. We learned that this character we have feared is just another tortured woman with an unfortunate life... sounds like Carrie. The acting in this movie is just great. The characters are too convincing. Too bad some people dislike this movie for the same general movie. It's slow burning. What this means is that it takes just about forever for the extremely exciting climax to start kicking in. For some, they just die for the suspense and do not feel cheated. For others, they just get so sick because they are bored out of their mind. The latter could be you, so take caution.Sadako has just joined an acting troupe to "restart" from he old life. Unfortunately, a woman who's husband died at the infamous psychic test with Shizuko Yamamura, and is hell-bent on tracking Sadako down. The problem is that the Sadako she finds is a young girl who is clearly a "freak". The other Sadako is blamed for the mysterious deaths at the troupe. What is going on? What's with two Sadako's?You owe it to yourself to watch this film, put up with the subtitles, and enjoy it