Resident Evil: Vendetta
Resident Evil: Vendetta
R | 19 June 2017 (USA)
Resident Evil: Vendetta Trailers

BSAA Chris Redfield enlists the help of government agent Leon S. Kennedy and Professor Rebecca Chambers from Alexander Institute of Biotechnology to stop a death merchant with a vengeance from spreading a deadly virus in New York.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Harhaluulo54 I call nostalgia glasses and faded memories the symptom for everyone who cares to claim that the other movies were better. Degeneration was entertaining, but not much more. Still average 5/10 as an action movie. Damnation was uninteresting and meh, clearly worse than average movies are and therefore worst of the 3. Vendetta was a) pretty b) a waifu simulator and c) had the coolest animated fight scene that didn't look like anime. d) That charged gun-shot was awesome. Saying this is the worst animated movie is like saying RE0 is a better game than REmake; Resident Evil fan would never argue such.
dcarsonhagy Quite surprised by this one! It seems that since the first virus was released, things have never been quite the same. "RE Vendetta" is another installment in the ongoing fight between good and evil. This time its main characters are Rebecca, Chris, and Leon. Leon's hair still doesn't move, but I digress.I have been a huge fan of RE ever since the RE - Nemesis game. Once I tried, I was hooked for life. What I really enjoyed about this particular film was the animation, special effects, and voice acting. The battles (and not just the "boss" ones) are unbelievable. These zombies are smart and move at amazing speeds, and the tricks Mr. Leon Kennedy does on a motorcycle have to be seen to be believed.The movie also stays close to its series, and I admired that. It does, however, drag a little bit in places. Other than that, I really enjoyed it.Rated "R" for graphic violence and a little salty language.
Grausam # Intro #Stuff you should know before watching this movie:You should watch Resident Evil Damnation, before you watch this movie. They will spoiler essencial parts of RE Damnation in RE Vendetta.They changed the face of Chris Redfield and now he looks like the son of Chris Redfield and Freddie Mercury.# Review # This movie surprised me - it was okay to watch, even though it had some typical B-movie moments. I'm talking about "Zombie Dobermans chasing cars on a highway, throwing them through the air"-moments. This is the point where I usually decide to stop watching or continue but Resident Evil Vendetta was good enough to be watched til the end.The GCI-Quality was great and they had an eye for details. Dead zombies where bleeding out like in the old PS1 RE-Games (I started laughing every time a zombie died.). I also enjoyed the violence level in this movie, very well balanced.The story was okay - but too much melodramatic...a typical Japanese CGI-movie. You can watch this movie and you will not be bored. Since this has to be important for some people ;) - These are the Resident Evil games I've finished:RE 1 (original) RE 1 (remake gamecube) RE 1 (remake ps4) RE 0 (remake gamecube) RE 4 RE 5 RE 6 RE Revelations RE Revelations 2 RE 7
maealhoor2001 For the fan of the original game, this movie is taking you back to the old good game, if you fan of the original series (RE 1 & 2), you will like it.I just hope that Capcom will make a new Game just as the good old games my suggestion to them to make a game based on this film.