Porky's II: The Next Day
Porky's II: The Next Day
R | 24 June 1983 (USA)
Porky's II: The Next Day Trailers

When the students of Angel Beach High decide to stage "An Evening With Shakespeare," their efforts are threatened by Miss Balbricker, who views the works of Shakespeare as obscene. She enlists the help of Reverend Bubba Flavel, a religious fanatic who brings along his flock of followers to pressure the school into shutting down the production.

Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
punishmentpark Well, it's a sympathetic sequel in a way, addressing rotten politics and racism for instance. But, uhm... where's Porky? And more importantly, where's the fun? Some of it feels like a mediocre rehash of the first Porky (graveyard). Some of it is just NOT funny (restaurant, snake). BUT... some of it is pretty good (mohel, rally, broken off sword).Again, the acting looks like they had a good time, but I didn't enjoy it that much. The fore-mentioned themes are admirable qualities in a film like this, don't get me wrong, but the ratio is off; there's too little fun and too much seriousness.Very mediocre stuff, all in all; 4 out of 10.
Scarecrow-88 Our gang of "teenagers"(using teenagers loosely) at Angel Beach High School are now butting heads with a fundamental minister with a flock of locals supporting him, the city commission, and the klu klux klan. It's all over, believe it or not, a Shakespearean festival considered "obscene." The Klan have a problem with a Native American tribe in the area with one of their own, a student, in the Shakespeare play taking place in the school auditorium. Sufficed to say, the teens get their revenge when the festival is temporarily halted by the power of the city commission who fear for their political careers thanks in part to the reverend's clout with the community at large. Filthy language and sex-on-the-brain dialogue as in the first film, but less nudity. Worth seeing if just for Meat in drag and Pee Wee dressed as a green fairy. Porky's absence kind of takes away from this sequel, but Balbricker as a devoted "member of the flock" is kind of funny. Probably the most laugh-out-loud moment for me is when the boys play a trick on poor Pee Wee in the graveyard which results in him streaking down a country road afraid he had killed a woman via heart attack! Balbricker's snake incident in a bathroom thanks to the boys in an act of revenge because of her participation against their Shakespeare festival is another highlight.
preppy-3 The 1981 "Porky's" was a smutty sex "comedy" about a bunch of teenagers in 1954 Florida. It was nonstop sex jokes and full of nudity (both male and female) and characters being sexually humiliated. It was a surprise box office smash and two years later we got the inevitable sequel. It's tamer than the first and a little bit better--but that's not saying a lot.It starts off the day after "Porky's" ended. There are various plots here and there: the kids are putting on a Shakespeare play and a local church considers Shakespeare obscene (???) and tries to close it down; a Seminole Indian has a part in it and the local KKK wants him out (remember--this was 1954); there's another gag to sexually humiliate Pee Wee (Dan Monahan) and Coach Balbreaker (Nancy Parsons) again has a cruel trick played on her. And, again, there's female and male nudity (though not as much as the first had).Like the first this has people being humiliated and everybody else laughing hysterically at them. Still I have to admit there were a few parts that got me laughing--when the dean of the school battles with the self-righteous reverend over Shakespeare being dirty they both quoting bits from the Bible and Shakespeare that are pretty racy (this is pretty intelligent for a sex comedy); a bit with Graveyard Gloria; one of the guys dressed as a corpse and getting totally drunk; a sword fight; the KKK getting what they deserve and Wendy Williams (Kaki Hunter) date with straight-laced Commissioner Gephardt (Edward Winter). All in all this has more funny parts then the first one had and moves quicker too. The acting is OK--a little overdone but OK. Nancy Parsons comes off best.This one also has a little moral message--that Indian guys (a Seminole guy here) are OK. The first one had the same exact message but for Jewish guys. There's nothing wrong with preaching tolerance but it's totally at odds with the extreme humor we have here. Luckily they have a good script and a top director (Bob Clark) helming this so it works.This isn't a good movie by any means but I'm giving it a 4 for the funny bits.
Lee Eisenberg Bob Clark's untimely death in a car crash a few days ago brings to mind his career, including "Porky's II: The Next Day". This one hilariously continues the get-laid-at-any-cost adventures of the teenage boys portrayed in the original movie. The actual plot has their school putting on a production of Shakespeare plays and getting threatened by the Ku Klux Klan, an angry clergyman, and hypocritical politicians. Of course, it's all an excuse for any crazy idea that they can dream up. I nearly laughed myself hoarse during the restaurant scene, not only at what was happening but also trying to imagine how much fun they must have had filming it! Anyway, it's just a pleasure to watch, particularly with what happens in the cemetery, and the whole end sequence. This was a sequel that equaled its original. And if you remember the "electric sex" from "A Christmas Story", check out the Shakespeare performance here! Just hilarious. To play off of what another Porky famously said: th-th-th-that'll never be all, folks! In conclusion: Bob Clark, wherever you are, we'll always remember you, if only for the "Porky's" movies.Bob Clark directed flicks as different as the "Porky's" movies, "Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things" and "A Christmas Story". The things that we see in life...