R | 07 June 1985 (USA)
Perfect Trailers

A female aerobics instructor meets a male reporter doing a story on health clubs, but it isn't love at first sight.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Ricardo Daly The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
chiefwhitebronco The good part taking place at the beginning, where Vinnie Barbarino is sitting at a table in a restaurant with Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone Magazine. Carly Simon, who looks fabulous as always, walks in and says to Barbarino, "I read that piece of Scheisse you wrote," and heaves a Bloody Mary (in a wine glass) at Vinnie, getting the goop all over him and the surrounding scenery. (The word Carly actually used is prohibited by IMDb's Dirty Word Filter.)For this, Carly deserves an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, and Travolta deserved to be cast with talking babies and dogs, the latter of which actually happened. By the way, this scene, along with the one that preceded it, where Travolta was writing obits for the Jersey Journal in Jersey City, have zero relevance to the rest of the story, which is about the astounding revelation that gyms, um, health clubs, are good pickup spots, especially the massage tables. There's also some blather about journalistic ethics.BTW, Carly's a lefty. She's holding the glass in her right hand (leave it to me to pick up on such details). Too bad she's not ambidextrous so she could have thrown another drink at Wenner for keeping her out of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which is just another building in Cleveland until she's enshrined in it.I recommend that after you watch the Carly Simon cameo, you turn off the DVD player and go back to watching Jerry Springer or Jersey Shore, both of which are far more entertaining than this turkey.
MarieGabrielle SPOILER: "The Hitcher" (young C. Thomas Howell) and "Risky Business" came out, Wes Craven was doing his "Nightmare on Elm Street" what did we young people have for drama? This.If you need a laugh now, you may want to tune in. While Jamie Lee Curtis tries to elevate this, it is simply not elevate-able.Laraine Newman and Marilu Henner are gym groupies with no self-esteem, (Marilu gets the Chippendale man though, so it's all good). John Travolta as a semi-literate writer at "Rolling Stone". (We know he is good, because in the end he goes to jail for protecting a source). There are some scenes with Jann Wenner and Lauren Hutton, apparently the then in-crowd, at a party.The really sad part about this is that there really were people like this; the gym was a sense of self-esteem;(along with anorexia). Aerobics class became the next singles hang-out as the song "Masquerade" blares out, while everyone obsesses over plastic surgery and the perfect body (The Laraine Newman character is particularly pathetic). We see the superficiality. Has anything changed? Indeed, they could remake this with Jessica Simpson as the lead. Someone get on the phone to CAA!.
sajeeva sinniah Many of the IMDb users considered this movie to be of no use spending time on - though i was thoroughly reluctant to watch it - i was glad i did - CAUSE I FOUND NOTHING WRONG WITH IT!! Well it was the 80's the time when compared to today, movies were not that great. Well with that in mind - i believe this movie is quite an accomplishment - i remember reading from one of the users of IMDb that this was a bomb, which almost ruined Travolta's career - but i really don't see why - well it is not brilliant - but it is FAR better than all the other razzie winning movies. Performances were not that great - Jamie Lee Curtis is very pretty - and as for John Travolta, he has a brush of Tony Maneiro and Danny Zuko in this character. Well though people may REALLY not want to watch it cause it has been considered as an underdog movie of the eightees era - those people can watch it just for the aerobic workouts - they really sizzle.
NixonNow OK, I know this is a bad, bad movie. It's not like I have any "diamond in the rough" illusions about this actually being a good movie that's merely misunderstood. So why is it that I watch it every time it's on? I honestly love watching this film!Maybe it's the dated 80s setting and the "studly" guys that look utterly homosexual now. Perhaps it's the great lines, like Anne De Salvo looking directly into the camera and saying, "C'mon, guys, make me suffer," or Matthew Reed (in his one and only screen role) saying, "It was love at first sight. I took one look at those tits and my whole body got hard!" It could be John Travolta going through his aerobics routine with a sock in his jock, or Larraine Newman straddling the leg-spreader, proving that not every woman looks sexy in a leotard.Of course there's Jamie Lee Curtis calling Travolta a "sphincter muscle" three different times. There's also Jann Wenner gyrating his fat gut during the closing credits. How about the pointless scene where hundreds of Boy George fans storm the hotel, or Curtis "deleting" Travolta's article by merely backspacing (What kind of word processor is that)? There's even the premise that Rolling Stone is a serious news magazine - HAW HAW HAW!I seriously can't recommend paying money for this, but it's worth a watch if it comes on a local channel just for the sheer badness of it all. This is the definitive nadir of Travolta's career (check is better than Battlefield Earth, but what isn't?) After this, even Look Who's Talking Now looks brilliant.