Pootie Tang
Pootie Tang
PG-13 | 29 June 2001 (USA)
Pootie Tang Trailers

Pootie Tang, the musician/actor/folk hero of the ghetto, is chronicled from his early childhood to his battles against the evil Corporate America, who try to steal his magic belt and make him sell out by endorsing addictive products to his people. Pootie must learn to find himself and defeat the evil corporation for all the young black children of America, supatime.

Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
reshana-crawl "Too cool for words"!!!! It's a hilarious. They need to redo this movie. I would see it repeatedly.
themohels I was forced to watch this piece of steaming #### while visiting a friend. He and the other guests thought this movie was the funniest movie the have ever seen. I sat through this trite excuse for a film and while my friends were laughing I sat motionless not even a smile at what according to my friends were the funniest moments of the movie. The radio chart topper which was nothing but silence??? What the hell was that? Who thought that would be funny. This film does not even fall under the category of it's so bad it's good. I hope studio executives were fired for approving this film. I urge any reading this to avoid it at all costs!
Jemiah It's criminal, how underrated this movie is. It's inspired on so many levels, and the encyclopedic knowledge of action films, hip-hop videos, 70s blaxploitation and chop-socky movies is breathtaking. I always think of it in the same class as THE JERK and ZOOLANDER, with a healthy respect for flat-out absurdity and non-stop gags. The filming style is rough, and the actors generally have no polish (an undoubtedly deliberate choice), which makes the sudden flashes of precision so devastatingly funny. Wanda Sykes, in particular, is absolute gold as party girl Biggie Shorty, but the film's full of co-stars - Andy Richter, Dave Attell, Jennifer Coolidge, J.D. Williams, Missy Elliott, and Robert Vaughan - who get their turn on the silliness carousel. I can imagine someone who isn't a fan, or at least an observer, of the above things would hate this movie like poison, but for me, who has seen more Jay-Z videos than I ever wanted to see and who can't help laughing when I see a man use kung-fu to bounce bullets off his hair (a gag too complicated to explain, but seamless on screen), POOTIE TANG is fantastic.I'd recommend it more, but it's just too hard to describe!
wegen I hate this movie, since the first couple of minutes time went slower and slower. Acting is awful even from Mr. Rock, I don't know has he ever acted good, but not in this movie anyway. Script is the most stupidest I'v ever seen. When I borrowed this movie I thought "Hey this might be some low-brain-activity-movie" but it turned out to be waste-of-my-money-and-never-getting-that-time-back-movie. I hope no one else does this horrible mistake of borrowing or buying this movie. I tell you all, this movie sucks and it doesn't suck in a normal "teenage-comedy" kind a way but a "plain-stupid" kind a way.Thanks a lot Mr. Rock and MTV for wrecking my life.