Playing with Dolls
Playing with Dolls
| 20 March 2015 (USA)
Playing with Dolls Trailers

A serial killer is purposely released from an asylum for the criminally insane so that he can continue his rampage.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
GL84 Struggling to get by in life, a troubled woman accepts an offer from a mysterious corporation to participate in a strange experiment at a remote cabin-house out in the woods where she gradually comes to learn that a vicious serial killer is stalking her in a vicious game by her employer.This one ended up being quite the decent enough slasher. What really gets this one going nicely is the rather strong action that gives this one a lot to really like overall here. Setting the tone rather nicely by detailing the initial chase through the woods but also getting the fist-fight featured alongside it gives this a nice punch as this gets us acclimated to the type of monitoring system at play here. It doesn't hurt that this also introduces the killer who is an insanely chilling presence that this one gets a lot of mileage out of as the flesh-colored mask wrapped in barbed wire and twisted metal leaves an indelible mark during the middle portion with him stalking her throughout the house against her knowledge. Those are quite creepy as the sight of him behind her moving around in the house without her knowing about it causes this to have a genuine tension that's even more effective due to the flashes of him behind her after just passing by or moving objects to different places in an attempt to confuse and disorient her before going through the phases of a stellar slasher on the other end. From some solid gun-battles to a decent stalking setpiece in the woods where it includes a few extra bodies thrown into the loop for some nice kills and bloodshed, the final half of this one is a lot more enjoyable than expected and gives it some decent moments. As well as the stellar house in the woods where it all takes place which is nicely creepy and atmospheric at times, these hold it up over its minor flaws. What really seems to undo this one is its lack of overall clarity with what's going on. Hardly anything is explained at all here, from what the employer at the computer monitors is trying to accomplish to what the purpose of the killer being freed is supposed to mean and why she's coming up to the cabin in the first place. Just dropping it all on us is not a good way of introducing us to anything, and the questions it leaves us is far more prominent than the ones it answers, leaving the whole affair pretty confusing for the most part. As well, the film doesn't really generate the kind of action-packed pace that's usually required in such films as the majority of time focusing on her wandering around the cabin or detailing the lifestyle struggles she's undergoing don't make for exciting scenes here and just really cause this one to be duller than expected. Since these don't bring about the kind of body count activities usually seen here, the film has some points where it lags considerably from what it could've had and never provides the kind of over-the-top bloodletting or kill-count it could've. Alongside the moments where it's obvious the low budget comes shining through, these are what holds this one back.Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Violence and Brief Nudity.
a_baron An attractive young girl down on her luck is saved from skid row by one of those offers that validate the saying if it looks too good to be true, it is. Certainly most of the time, and absolutely certainly in this case. She is lured out into the middle of nowheresville to housesit and apparently to await the arrival of an elderly man to whom she will presumably act nanny. Except that other people turn up first, including our mystery psychopathic killer, a reincarnation of Leatherface, Michael Myers, or somewhere in between.Needless to say, she is not the first intended victim, at least two girls have been despatched before she arrives, one of them graphically. The psycho in the mask is not the only sicko on the loose, he has actually been brought in to provide the entertainment for the real villain, the type who never gets his own hands dirty.What more do you need to know? Well, the year before this was released, our damsel Natasha Blasick gave an interview in which she claimed to have had sex with a ghost. This one is not so much supernatural sex as necrophilia; its one saving grace is a superior soundtrack, one which deserved to be married to a film worth watching.
vengeance20 Got this film from HMV last week & made plans to watch the film because of how interesting it looked, DVD case & Trailer wise, though I was skeptical & shady about this film due to previous films of the same caliber which had the following things: Short run time, Epic DVD case, little known actors, self scored music, bad pacing, crappy effects & little known film making crew. Though I have seen some good straight-to-DVD films like this, I was still shady about it & didn't expect it to be amazing! The film is about 4 actors starting out in a Reality TV Show & whoever wins gets £1 million in prize money & gets to be the lead role in a Horror Film! That's the basic plot here & doesn't really explain a lot as I'll tell you at the end of this review.This film was decent, not epic, but decent. There were some pretty gory moments! It didn't disappoint in terms of blood & gore! Not to mention the villain was pretty creepy & terrifying! They surrounding scenery of the wooded area was another great visual added in too.But the bad & clichéd things I didn't like was the isolated story, the watery acting, the weak dialogue & the unconvincing story! It seemed all too rushed & quite thin, but what do you expect from a straight-to-DVD film with little to very unknown actors/actresses! But still this film seemed pretty weak & made on the cheap at points!But I'd say the biggest downfall was the ending! Yes, it was a f**king cliff hanger, but wait no the film just ended! Just like that! It wasn't even a damn cliff hanger let alone a decent ending to a film! It didn't even look like a cliff hanger ending it was that random, you were just getting into it & bam! The end! It was such a big cheat as well! I was seriously pi$$ed off! It left me feeling empty & really deprived of what I wanted to know, I mean I've seen some bad endings to films but this...!The ending costed my review a good couple of stars & as a result, I give this film a 3/10, It had gore & violence, but among other things in the clichéd straight-to-DVD films the ending just killed it entirely!
Flow This movie right here is without a doubt one of the weakest I have ever seen, and I've seen many!! Believe me when I tell you this: nothing happens!!OK, read carefully and don't you dare to double check me cause that will mean watching it for yourself, so please, please let me do you this one favor and steer you in another direction. At first I couldn't believe how many shots were pretty much for nothing, just to fill some time, but as the movie progressed I discovered that it actually has almost nothing to show. Two kills, not all made by the killer, close to no plot, no gore, little nudity, a good killer mask and a laughable soundtrack. The killer has almost no action whatsoever, which is quite amazing for a horror, the main actor is shown the entire movie, as she eats, dances, sleeps and so on and then when the ending comes, it just comes. A few "action" scenes and the end!Playing with dolls should be named Playing with your nerves! Don't do it. Very weak production!Cheers!
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