PG-13 | 09 May 2013 (USA)
Peeples Trailers

The story follows what happens when a child psychologist surprises his girlfriend by showing up at her political family's annual get-together at their Sag Harbor vacation home only to find them desperately in need of therapy.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
valeriagood Watching Peeples turned out to be a pleasant way to pass time while I'm away from home on an extended business trip. I remember seeing the Peeples trailers on TV and online last year, but I forgot about the movie until I browsed on Netflix. Granted, the movie definitely isn't Oscar material, but it's definitely a fun movie to watch. There have been movies I've viewed that made me regret I wasted my time watching them and left me feeling upset because I couldn't get that 90 or 120 minutes back. Peeples isn't one of those movies. Peeples is a movie that is relaxing to watch. You won't burn too much white matter viewing the movie, but it makes one think about pretentiousness and 'rich people's problems' can be. Don't go in with seriousness when you watch this movie. It's lighthearted with the feathery touches on love, humor, priorities, family, acceptance and life choices. I didn't know Tyler Perry made the movie until I viewed the credits. It didn't make a difference, but it surprised me that he made it. He's definitely changing up his movie- making style or at least adding to it. I enjoyed the movie. I'll watch it again with my family on movie night. It's kind of cute how Kerry Washington claps her hands in happiness in Peeples like she did in Django. David Allen Grier made for a very unlikely patriarch, but he pulled it off nicely due to the nice chemistry with S. Epatha Merkerson and the other cast members who made up the family and his conflicts with Craig Robinson. I liked the entire cast. I hope Tyler Perry makes a Peeples II. He can polish it up a bit for the naysayers or leave it 'as is' for a nice continuation, but I fell in love with the Peeples clan. They truly have room to develop as characters on screen. It would be interesting to see what Tyler Perry comes up with in the sequel. I'm going to buy a ticket to go to the movie theater if he brings the lovable clan back to life in a sequel, though.
callanvass Wade Walker (Craig Robinson) is madly in love with girlfriend Grace Peeples (Kerry Washington) He wants to propose, but Grace is heading out for the annual Peeples reunion with her family. Wade is rather suspicious about things, and decides to crash the party. Wade immediately gets off on the wrong foot with Grace's dad (David Alan Grier)Come on Tyler Perry, you're better than this. His films always have people divided in half, but this just screams unoriginality. I couldn't help but pine for Meet the Parents when watching this movie, which this movie blatantly tries to emulate. Craig Robinson is essentially Ben Stiller, while David Alain Grier is Robert DeNiro. Even the brother Simon Peeples (Tyler James Williams) is Jon Abrahams from Meet the Parents. I don't mind homage, or a tribute, but put some effort in! I didn't laugh once during this movie. It surprisingly refrains from crudity a lot of the time, but I was so appalled at the lack of originality. Meet the Parents wasn't perfect, but at least it was funny. Craig Robinson doesn't have enough charisma to get this movie over the hump. He isn't a good enough actor to be convincing in the emotional scenes, and he's not funny enough to command the attention of yours truly. I felt no sympathy for him what so ever. I know Craig has his fans, but to me he's just another unfunny comedic guy to make it big in Hollywood. Kerry Washington is much better than the material deserves. She's gorgeous, and a good actress to boot. David Alan Grier tries to do a DeNiro to no avail. He's very serious for most of the duration, with a few goofy scenes here and there. I didn't like him at all. Final Thoughts: Watch Meet the Parents, and leave this one be. Those that think I'm being unfair by calling it a rip-off have every right to think that. But watch it for yourself. You can't help but notice it! 3/10
sydstevens I judge a comedy by how much I laugh. I laughed a lot at this one—the out loud, while alone kind. To me, that's the best kind.Craig Robinson and Kerry Washington do a great job at portraying a modern, all- American couple, without seeming disingenuous or losing their swagger. Robinson is subtly hilarious. I can see how some reviewers would miss just how funny he actually is because his brand of humor is repartee and not constantly in-you-face. (His "Where's the beef?" line is the perfect example of a had-to-improvised gem.) Washington is the perfect leading lady—convincing in anything she does and great to look at. She continues to show breadth as an actress, handling this "lite" comedic role with ease and grace.For those who don't quite get it, for this film think Seth Rogen and Sarah Jessica Parker with more depth. Watch it, then you'll be onto something.
Tony Heck "We're not the chocolate Kennedys." Wade Walker (Robinson) is in love with Grace Peeples (Washington) and is getting ready to propose. Grace leaves for the weekend to visit her family without inviting Wade. After talking to his brother Wade gets up the courage to surprise her at her family's cabin. When he shows up things don't go as planned and he begins to question if this is a family he wants to be a part of. First off I have to say I'm not racist. That said if Tyler Perry's name is on a movie I tend to avoid it. Even though this is just a "Tyler Perry Presents" it was enough to lower my expectations. I'm not sure if it was the low expectations or not but I ended up really enjoying this and laughing the whole way through. Robinson is very funny and David Allen Grier has some really funny scenes in this. It's a good thing the comedy was there though because the movie is so generic and overdone that the laughs are the only thing that made it interesting. After 5 minutes you can pretty much tell exactly what is going to happen. Overall, a funny movie that was much, much better then I was expecting. I surprisingly give it a B+.