Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!
Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!
| 24 December 2010 (USA)
Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay! Trailers

A romantic comedy featuring a Jewish family who struggles coming to terms with their son's non-Jewish and gay boyfriend. When the gay couple adopts a child and it makes headline news, their families come to defend them and realize how much they love them

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
hire-wang This movie really surprised me, It is definitely one of the best independent films i seen this year. I have to admit some of the dialog was cheese ball and sometimes the storyline feels like it was written for a different time. But the cast of this movie really makes this movie believable especially the parents played by Lainie Kazaan and Saul Rubinek.The movie put simply is just funny. It has so many very awkward moments that make you cringe because you have been in that situation.I related to this movie because I grew up in a very conservative family that valued there traditions. The family in this movie just reminds me so much of my family.I would definitely recommend seeing Oy Vey! Cheers!
melanie-warner-53 Oy Vey My Son Is Gay! Is a wonderful film about love, family, and acceptance. The comedic film brings family and friends for great quality time with those who enjoy a good laugh while portraying the message of acceptance and family across. A son confesses to his parents about love for a man and hopes his family will accept the new relationship that has been built upon the two lovers. Other situations in the film are displayed, such as the relationship between the two lovers, perspective from both sides of the families, and learning to accept the situation at hand. This film is wonderful because the message will help others be more understanding about the topic at hand. Real life situations are played out in the film, whether people may relate to the film or not, majority of people know someone who may be going through the same experience.
chelseasattic I saw this film last night at a special viewing for the Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. The director/writer/producer was on hand for a Q&A after the presentation and of the many questions asked there was one idiot who reflected the narrow-minded opinion that a couple of reviewers have hit on here in this forum. Yes, the movie has a lot of stereo-types and clichés but for those who suggest those are no longer pertinent or happening today as this generation comes out, YOU'RE WRONG! I sat through the movie laughing to the point of tears at times BECAUSE so many of the situations were EXACTLY like my coming out in the last decade. This movie is sensitive to those issues and does tackle the issue of Gay Adoption in a loving way. It is not a documentary or drama, it is a comedy and light-hearted about a tough subject. Thanks for bringing it to us! GREAT cast and wonderful director! I hope we do see it in mainline theatres and that parents and kids who have gone this route can laugh about it together!
mbuchwald I also saw OY VEY MY SON IS GAY in Montreal and was very disappointed. Full of clichés, both Jewish and gay, it was hard to believe that families would behave the way they did in today's western world. Maybe in the 70s. The acting was over the top; mugging to the cameras; gratuitous use of Carmen Electra's physical charms. The cast of characters were all stock: Jewish parents, relatives both pro- and anti-gay, opposite types as male lovers, siblings who understand but stay silent. The list could go on. One could have predicted the denouement of the movie after 10 minutes. I don't recommend this film unless you are amused by trashy, Hollywood-type entertainment masquerading as an independent movie.