| 27 July 2004 (USA)
Denied Trailers

Troy, a recent high school graduate, is in love with his best friend Merrick, but Merrick isn't willing to be in a relationship with him. Troy is forced to deal with Merrick's selfishness, his own aching heart, and his unfulfilling life.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
jackie First of all, the whole film was throughout dark and pale. The conversations were significant as well. The story-line was brilliant. As for the director, I think that he's a good film-maker, even though the technology wasn't too embellished.That is why i loved this film, it can never be deleted in my data, never, ever. It was so real and no fake. I once fed up with my identity, but it always turns out that i don't match with pretty ladies. It feels like I've been wearing a mask, living under a instruction. No hope, no lights through the windows. This film was incredibly alike to my personal experience, it was totally made my heart tear apart. I was confused, just like Troy, I knew that i couldn't love him, but i just couldn't help it. BUT, at last, I disentangled from this blurred relationship. In my view, I feel like when Troy's departure came to an end, a rush of relief was messed up. His decision was absolutely right, loving straight guys wasn't a good choice,even the bisexual, they were just using you as a machine.Just that trail of phone numbers, would it be the evidence of sparkle alive? Merrick, wanted to face the reality, however, he simply couldn't take the step out, he was so sentimental, or sensitive, he couldn't cut off the bonds that were between him and her. Troy indeed wanted to come out of the closet, yet, when he discovered that Merrick wasn't responsible for her wife's pregnancy, that he actually faked his identity, that he wasn't strong enough to take the blames or others' malicious comments, he doubted for a while, even cried his eyes out. The plot was miraculously connected, the Fowler's reaction had told him everything, the truth from the world against the homosexual. He just intended to comfort his mate by giving a hug, but then his friend was suspicious of his weird behavior, wondering he was gay. Back to Troy's girlfriend, she was intelligent and ambitious, she took a right time to leave him, to re-arrange the schedule. He just needed to leave this crowded place and live as a rational, normal guy. In his quotes,"I had to take a rational road, that suits me, that is healthy, and mature, Love's not a lifetime game. If you don't stick to it, whatever, just let it go, leave it to the breeze.
mgold-8 I just wanted to thank all the reviewers who took the time to say what a great movie this is, in spite of the awful lighting and the even worse sound quality.I never would have given this film the time of day, had it not been for these reviews. And I'm so glad I did - this is absolutely one of the best gay-themed movies I've ever seen (and I've seen a ton of them!)I've watched DENIED four times and each time, I notice new nuances that I hadn't previously observed. The 2 lead actors are fantastic. The plot is totally realistic and one of the reasons I can say this is because I had my own "Merrick" in college and for several years after. Moving beyond a completely dysfunctional relationship like this is a lot harder than it ought to be. Troy made the right choice to get away from Merrick. Unfortunately if there were a sequel, it would probably show Merrick seeking out Troy a year or two later and destroying whatever progress Troy might have made in terms of getting a life. Luckily, there is no sequel....
Graham I found this film at times spell-binding, with touches of almost brilliance. Anyone who has been love-sick with someone who does not return that love will find aspects of the film very compelling. The scene when Troy uses articles of Merrick's clothing to sniff, out of sexual frustration, is something no one would ever admit to, but some of us have surely done. Throughout the film, Lee Rumohr is highly believable as a young closeted frustrated gay man, trying to be true to himself, but driven to distraction by denied love. While the gay theme of the film adds poignancy, because of the overlay of homophobia and the characters' needs to be closeted, the central theme of denied or unreturned love will speak to all sexualities.Marrick's sexual ambivalence is intriguing and well played by Matt Austin, although the reason for his ambivalence is never completely clear - but maybe that is the point.The sound quality seemed very poor on the DVD I had, and certain lines I missed.All in all, a great film from Canada.
vampirepirate It's a shame the production is somewhat student-y and that some of the dialogue is muffled and inaudible, because this is a film that rings true. Two straight-acting friends, a hunk and a dropout, move in together, and we slowly start to piece together just what kind of relationship they have - which is appropriate, since they don't appear to know either. This is what I liked best about this film - no neat resolutions, no flashes of insight, just a realistic and sometimes painful muddle of emotions and situations that have to be dealt with as best as can be, which usually isn't very well at all. That's certainly been my experience of dealing with sexuality, outside of the commercial gay ghetto anyway - real-life grappling with queer issues isn't neatly resolved in three acts and buying a Pride T-shirt doesn't make it all better. So this is definitely worth seeing, if you're not expecting Dolby stereo and answers to all your questions.