Open Your Eyes
Open Your Eyes
R | 19 December 1997 (USA)
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A very handsome man finds the love of his life, but he suffers an accident and needs to have his face rebuilt by surgery after it is severely disfigured.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Dusan Petrovic I just love Penelope Cruz ( Serbian Emina Jahović from Novi Pazar, Kosovo and cousin sister of Turkey basketball player and the NBA Superstar in "Kings" where he'd been playing with legendary Serbian Basketball player Vlade Divac "The Lakers". For those who don't know who Emina Jahović is, I can only say that she is supermodel and famous singer in Bosna and Hercegovina and Republika Srpska ( West side of the border with Serbia across the river Drina. Btw, it's the name of Robert De Niro's daughter, who was given that name, because her father was so much impressed with SFR Yugoslavia. Exceally, he was driving a bicycle when he visited Neapolis-Niš, about 52 years ago. That's one of Serbian most beautiful cities at the South nearby The Kosovo and Metohija ). This movie is the original version of The Vanilla Sky ( Tom Cruise ).
ABHIJEET KUMAR Open Your Eyes - Alejandro Amenábar (1997) Classic. Alejandro is one of the rarest gem of the Spanish Cinema and Rare Gem of the world Cinema.Have you ever asked yourself - What is reality ?, If you will ask it yourself now, you will get many answers, May be none of them is true and possibly all of them is true. It's is impossible to prove in theories. Because reality is beyond our knowledge and experience. or depends on what is your belief about reality.and What is Dream ? Real or Subconscious Anticipation, Is it extension of Life we are living ? or is it real than the life ? There are so many questions like that this film may stimulate you to ask yourself. The answer may come and may not come.The film was made in 1997, I will say may be people only considered it as an entertaining film in 1997. In 2013 I will say it's an enlightening film for those who can think beyond, which considered as reality in everyday life. and if you are routine dreamer than everything on this film will make sense to you.Vedanta (The oldest scripture on the planet) mentions that whatever we can see, touch, taste, hear is not the reality but just the projection of something which we can not see, can not touch, and can not hear, The experience which comes form touch, taste, hearing etc. is considered as physical reality The other level is imagination and anticipation which is considered as virtual reality. These are two kinds of concepts of reality known to most of the human civilization. But there must be real reality and everything else is projection of that, and constantly changing, and because it is changing or can be altered can not be considered as reality.Well you might be irritated by now with my article and confusing statement. You might feel the same while watching this film and I must warn you this film does not answer what reality is ? But it questions it ?, and It will leave you with this question in a very powerful way, If you will keep asking this question over and over what is reality ? how we create it ?, How It can be altered ? how it can be realized ? may be you will sense enlightenment.And if you sense that please do let me know :)
amazing_sincodek ...whatever that genre is. I'm not sure there's a name for it, but if there were, there would be no trouble filling a shelf with the relevant titles. It's the Truman Show genre, the Inception genre, the Shutter Island genre, etc.It's not as strong as the above-mentioned films, but it's still fun to follow the twists and turns on the edge of your seat.Maybe I'm disappointed, in part, because I liked the premise that was established in the first fifteen minutes or so. The film starts out as a condemnation of physical beauty, with the phrase "open your eyes" suggesting paradoxically that one must not look only with his or her eyes in determining the value of a human being. It's a cliché of sorts, but I liked it.This theme becomes less relevant as the film progresses. By the end of the film, the phrase "open your eyes" loses its moral relevance. It just becomes a boring, nearly literal description of how the protagonist has a hard time know what is and isn't real. You can argue that, therefore e, it has a double (triple?) meaning, but it's kind of arbitrary, in that the second half of the movie really doesn't build on or develop the themes from the first half.Yeah, anyway, so it's pretty cool, but IMDb's 7.8 seems a little high to me. Good movie, good entertainment, but not quite brilliant.
Desertman84 Open Your Eyes is a Spanish film directed by Alejandro Amenábar which was written by himself and Mateo Gil. It stars Eduardo Noriega, Penélope Cruz, Fele Martínez and Najwa Nimri.The movie's intersecting planes of dream and reality is one characteristic it has that will astonish the viewer and would probably find it interesting.I even consider this a superior film compared to its Hollywood remake,Vanilla Sky.The line between dreams and reality become increasingly blurred after a womanizing playboy is nearly killed by a jilted lover.It would seem as if Cesar (Noriega) has it all. Handsome, charming, and with money to burn, he can get any girl he wants, and usually does so on a nightly basis. Following a birthday party in which he chats up Sofia (Cruz), the date of his best friend Pelayo, Cesar is plunged headfirst into a nightmare world when jealous former lover Nuria swallows a handful of pills and sends her car careening into a cement wall with the terrified playboy as her hapless passenger. With his formerly strikingly handsome face now twisted into a hideous mass of scarred flesh, Cesar's ugly emotions are now externalized for all to see. Pining for a plastic- surgery miracle to return him to his former glory so that he can seek out Sofia and take a chance at real love, he is pleasantly surprised when the doctors make a breakthrough and Sofia accepts him back into her life. Although all seems perfect for the moment, the formerly soulless player finds that this is only the beginning of his increasingly disturbing journey. Why is Sofia changing appearance and turning into Nuria periodically? And why won't the police and his psychiatrist believe Cesar's desperate attempts to rationalize a world that is growing increasingly surreal? Could it have something to do with a doctor Cesar has seen on television who keeps appearing and attempting to help him out of his nightmare? Peeling away at the layers of his subconscious, Cesar begins to realize that reality is no more than a state of mind, and that in order to get his life back he may be forced to take unthinkable measures.This is a deeply complex psychological mind warp of a film that begs to be viewed more than once to get full understanding of the movie.At the same time,it takes more than one viewing to realize that it is a is thought provoking feature and allows us to contemplate to live the dream not the nightmare.Aside from that,it is a film that really does challenge its audience's expectations and suppositions at every turn.The performances of this movie were simply outstanding especially Eduardo Noriega,who definitely allows the viewer to care for his character.While Penelope Cruz delivers in her role as Sofia.And finally,this is one visually stunning product is no less absorbing and haunting, not to mention surprisingly moving.In short,it is a masterpiece.It is a must-see for people who love great movies.