Nova Zembla
Nova Zembla
| 23 November 2011 (USA)
Nova Zembla Trailers

Gerrit de Veer, a novice writer on a 16th-century Dutch merchant vessel, chronicles the daring mission to discover a trade route across the North Pole to Asia. But the heroic journey turns into tragedy when the ship gets stuck in the relentless, penetrating ice. The men are forced to spend the winter on the frozen, arctic wasteland of Nova Zembla, fighting polar bears, hunger and lethal temperatures. Their chances of making it until the following spring are virtually zero.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
clytamnestra this movie had so much promise: -a famous story from dutch history -several well-known experienced dutch actors and a famous model trying her hand at acting. -nice scenery of amsterdam and nova zembla, in 3D no lessunfortunately all of that potential was wasted: -the story is messy and most of the scenes feel disjointed. if you know the story you'll notice all the parts that are missing or incorrect, if you don't know the story you'll just be confused. -the dialogue is horribly written. the acting is terrible, most off these actors have done way better in the past. and don't get me started on doutzen kroes -the 3D was of the universally-hated post-production kind (shot in 2D, then digitally converted to 3D, instead of filming with a 3d-camera). no doubt done to save money, but they needn't have bothered: good 2D looks way better than bad 3D (though i'm a big fan of GOOD 3D)and wtf did this movie start with the shot of them in a boat with a dead polar bear if that scene is nowhere in the movie? seems like this is a director who wants to include *every* scene that has been shot.and why did everybody on board apparently forget to pack their gloves and a warm hat?
TomvanWoerkom Firstable I thought this will be a typical dutch movie when I ordered a ticket to watch this movie with a load sex etc in it.When I start watching it in the cinema, it became clearly that it's an different style of movie. It was clearly about our own history and nothing more, but be aware that you know something about our history to know what's happening about it. Even there aren't big acting stars in it, but that's making the movie more realistic and of course it's an tribute to those heroes which have been trying it to reach the far east via the north of Nova Zembla (the first ship who was able to was invented in 1932 by an Russian ship)It's absolutely worth to watch.
rotim24 A terrible movie. The first Dutch 3D movie is a big disaster. It's overrated, the movie is to slow and the storyline to thin. The actors are below average especially Doutzen Kroes. She's not a actress, just a beautiful model. The beginning of the movie is hopeful but after 20 minutes it's over. The 3D effects are not that good. You must use these kind of effects in movie with a spectacular storyline. This movie is to boring and there is not one moment where you can say "wow". I know it's very difficult the tell something about the rich history of Holland but I'm not sure if that is what the director wanted. He just wanted to make the first Dutch 3D movie, that's it. Overall......stay at home and maybe you consider a DVD rent in a couple of months.
bouke-223-258128 The idea is good, decors are very well thought of and very well done. Amsterdam and the scenery's are a charm to watch. (some minor mistakes, but hey, you can't have it all ;-)) Unfortunately the story is a bit thin and bleak, casting is way off Doutzen is more being a 21th century (very nice) model, than a 15th century girl, Robert is not convincing in his acting and does not fit the role at all. Derek and Victor ... well I have seen them way better before. Teun is not being convincing in his role as 'the bad guy' at all Highlights were Jan Declair as Plancius and Semmy Schilt as Claes.Technically the 3D performance was not adding much to the experience (done because they were able to??) some scenes were even disturbingly bad in 3D quality. The ship is nicely done, and is very well thought of in details.All in all, expensive movie (12,5 euro's) for 2 hours of disappointment with a few highlights in performance, story or scenery