Nobody Knows Anything!
Nobody Knows Anything!
R | 24 August 2004 (USA)
Nobody Knows Anything! Trailers

An aspiring filmmaker learns that success in Hollywood doesn't come as easy as she suspected as she attempts to discover the formula to success. When the guidance of her helpful has-been uncle fails to pave the way, Sarah Wilder must seek the advice of such Hollywood heavies as Mike Meyers, Ben Stiller, and Fred Willard -- only to discover that the old adage is true and Nobody Knows Anything about how to succeed in the cutthroat world of Los Angeles.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
slntnsnty I actually suffered through 10 minutes of this thinking that it might get better.... Please do yourself a favor, and don't bother watching this.Unless you enjoy intolerably bad movies, your time is better spent anywhere else. And I do mean ANYWHERE.It is hard to believe that any of these actors who participated in this movie did not get banned from the business permanently. It certainly is a black mark on their careers in my opinion.So, what was wrong with this movie? Poor Acting. Bad Jokes. Bad Plot.What is good about this movie? You don't have to watch it.
Eugene Shabalin I actually found this DVD in supermarket basket full of discount products. 3,50 is not much, especially when it's says: The most funniest comedy since "There's something about Mary" starring: Ben Stiller, Janeane Garofalo, Mike Meyers, Alanna Ubach and many others... Alanna Ubach is the hot number from "Meet the Fockers" and Janeane Garofalo (which i personally like as well) known for her work with Ben Stiller on "Reality Bites", "Mystery Men" and lot's of other projects. So i rushed to the counter to make this disc (full of visual moments of adventure) all mine. I honestly did expected much more from the storyline, i couldn't watch it in one time, it's getting so boring so i took couple of days of interval before i finished the movie. Sorry, but in such cases i rather read something in between. But at the same time if they had more money on this project. They probably did much better job than the final result. Sound and visual shout for improvement. Crap movies like "The whole 9 yards" for example, had much, much more financial backup so they get more attention and credit. I would say, nice try, they did it because they have guts, less afraid to fail. Bruce Willis started with "The Moonlightning" as well. Look at him, he managed to survive that and he's big boy now. But retail price 3,50 is exact wright amount to ask for, no one deserve to get reach on this movie. This is kind of a student-introduction movie and not like: Hey, give me your wallet!
lommel78 An American trying to make an alternative comedy with more sophisticated humor. ... and that's where it went wrong. A fine idea to do something different with comedy ended up in a nightmare. Can't blame him for trying something fresh though.Looks like the director hit the ball totally wrong here so I think he'd better stick to brainless Hollywood comedy. It's even better to have some lame old jokes than. Watched the movie with six people who love love all kinds of comedy from Hollywood to British comedy, from satire to black comedy. This film But after 50 min we just stopped watching in order not to lose our good mood..... too bad
BGarton It's nice to have a breath of fresh air in the comedy realm, and this film is just that. It combines so many techniques of film-production. The story centralizes around 2 blue-collar workers who decide to rob a grocery store for the Hell of it. Great acting. A lot of different turns and twists you'd never predict. Overall, a good laugh if you're in the mood for something original.