Never Again
Never Again
| 11 March 2001 (USA)
Never Again Trailers

A man and a woman who have pledged never to fall in love again meet in a gay bar.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
SillyPuddy This didn't know what it wanted to be so constantly went for shock value. In the process of figuring out where it wanted to go, a stellar cast was wasted. The opening scene tried hard for a cheap laugh which pretty much set the tone for the rest of the movie. I kept waiting for the meet cute scene when the two leads would connect. The wait was excruciating as was the dialog. I stuck with it though since it doesn't matter what Bill Duke says, he has my undivided attention. Unfortunately, the more lines Tambor had, the less interesting and likable he became to me. The whole dream sequence was funny but I thought his reaction to it and the subsequent scenes were absolutely absurd. It would of been more tolerable for me and easier to suspend my disbelief if his interactions with strangers were not so negative and devoid of humor; this ugliness pervaded the entire movie. I had high hopes after Tambor's first date with Clayburgh because there was some kind of magic in that encounter. Then the movie seemed to stall again and led to more negative encounters. I stopped caring at that point and shut it off. The idea of a love affair between two 54 year olds who are determined never to fall in love again certainly makes for an interesting and usable premise. Having them meet in a gay bar because the male half of the couple thinks he might be gay and the woman happens to be there also (who knows why), and he mistakes her for a transvestite, etc., is as phony and unpersuasive a plot device as I ever remember encountering in a film that wasn't made for 10-year-olds or for fans of horror films. If they'd met in some "normal" fashion and if the director/scriptwriter hadn't also pressed the wrong buttons by having her 18-year-old daughter walk in on them while he's under the covers examining her nether parts close up and by having her modeling porn shop sex tools when he brings her mother visiting and if, if, if.....this could have been a reasonably good movie. Jill Clayburgh is a handsome woman of a certain age, and while Jeffrey Tambor will never be mistaken for Brad Pitt, it's possible for women to fall in love with fat little bald guys too. As it is, "Never Again" is mildly -- very mildly -- entertaining, assuming you aren't offended by the most sexually explicit language I've ever encountered in a movie. But it's certainly no "Harry Meets Sally" for an older generation as it's been advertised. Most of the intended humor is far too strenuous and improbable to be seriously funny. So there's much more wrong than right about this movie. But Bill Duke is splendid as Tambor's lifelong friend and bass-playing jazz partner and Clayburgh and Tambor do reasonably good jobs when they aren't asked to do something utterly ridiculous. Someone ought to confiscate Eric Schaeffer's pen and director's chair, however.He's entirely responsible for butchering the premise.
angrywomanent I am totally enthralled with this film. Not only is the script, acting (for the most part), and the directing superb-- it has a plot that is not seen in ever other love film known to man! I would have given the movie a 10 out of 10, but I have an issue with a handful of aspects about it. I didn't like a lot of the soundtrack; the songs just did not seem to fit the mood of the film in the beginning. Also, there is a cheese factor towards the end. However, if that is all that can be wrong with a film, then it is near perfection in my book. This film deals with real life issues, underneath the humor, and is so well written from both the male and female aspects of things that I kept wondering if two people had written it. (Imagine my surprise when a man had done it. He's got us down pat, ladies!) Plus, it isn't afraid to show a sexual side to humanity beyond 35-- a triumph for this day and age. Currently, this movie is my favorite of all time, and in my opinion, is a masterpiece that everyone should take the time to watch.
Claudio Carvalho In New York, Grace (Jill Clayburgh) and Christopher (Jeffrey Tambor) are two lonely souls of fifty and something years old. Jill has not had sex for seven years, and the straight Christopher is very insecure with his masculinity. Both of them have made a promise in the past that they would never fall in love again. When they meet each other, they have a very complicated affair and of course in the end they fall in love for each other. This irregular low budget movie explores an important theme completely disregarded by Hollywood: sex after fifty years old. The story looks like a "Sex and the City" of middle-aged women and has many good jokes and situations. The problem is the trailer released by the distributor. I saw it a couple of days ago, and it shows the best parts of the story, spoiling the funny situations. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Coisas do Amor" ("Things About Love")