My Wife Is an Actress
My Wife Is an Actress
| 14 January 2001 (USA)
My Wife Is an Actress Trailers

A "normal" guy who is married to a hot actress gets worried that she is involved with her costar. This worry turns into jealousy and causes problems in their relationship. This is a story about trust and a comedy about the actions between men and women.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Micitype Pretty Good
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
noralee "My Wife is an Actress" shocked me before I went to the theater: my husband wanted to see it! That hasn't happened with a chick flick since "Legally Blonde." I thought there was a Pretty Woman involved, but he protested, "What, you don't think I read reviews?" I plead the fifth on that one. "Ma femme est une actress "is, probably coincidentally, a comic take on a British furor over last year's "Intimacy," where a husband/journalist spoke out on not being jealous, well, not really jealous, when his wife/actress films explicit sex scenes in a serious movie. Here, writer/director/star Yvan Attal (as "Yvan," an adorable sports reporter, who manages to be a guy's guy without being obnoxiously macho about it) plays out the same situation with his real-life wife Charlotte Gainsbourg (as "Charlotte", with irresistible charm and equanimity).While the film isn't just from Yvan's point of view, we certainly do see the difficulties of living with a Famous Person. He's grounded in real life by his comic relief Jewish sister and gentile brother-in-law whose arguing over their impending child gets annoying after awhile and starts raising some stereotype hackles by the end, though is still amusing. Even as Yvan descends into jealousy as he tries to delve into the psyche of actors, the comic tone is deftly kept up, especially as Charlotte deals with both him and her lecherously attractive co-star, the ever smooth Terence Stamp (with a particularly funny take on filming nude love scenes amidst a large crew). So here's another chick flick from a guy's viewpoint that can work. (originally written 8/11/2002)
lolly_pop1983 It's been a while since I've seen it I must admit, but I loved it then and I love it now. It's a classic love story of a married couple (who really are married to each other in real life) told in a way I haven't seen before. It's the first French film I was exposed to and I've loved every one since then. The chemistry between the actors is excellent and the nude scene is classic. I only wish it was out on dvd here in England so I could watch it again and again! One of my absolute favourite films of the past year.
lizbass This movie is disappointing. The film has a great cast and starts with a good premise (and very stylish opening credits), but then fizzles. The husband's jealousy of his wife's profession and fame quickly becomes tiresome. His character doesn't develop. He even gets involved in an acting group, but seems to learn nothing about what is make-believe and what is real. By the end of the story I was hoping that Charlotte would realize what a close-minded schmuck she had married. There's a patched-together ending that doesn't solve the basic problem between these two. Also, a circumcision subplot seems to belong in another movie. The best feature of this movie is Terence Stamp, who is terrific as a slightly windy yet seductive old English actor.
thegreifs after friends sang the praises of this film..i ran out to catch was too long,heavy handed..yes,there were a few good scenes,notably the nude film shoot..but the sister and husband were so very boring..instead of a circumcision plan i wanted to cut there heads off..terrance stamp, handsome..but he did not give his part and chemistry..