My Baby's Daddy
My Baby's Daddy
PG-13 | 09 January 2004 (USA)
My Baby's Daddy Trailers

A trio of young men are forced to grow up quick when their girlfriends all become pregnant around the same time.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
bob the moo Friends Lonnie, G and Dominic grew up together and, as young men, moved in together temporarily. Years later they are still in the same place living a party lifestyle and working days just to fund it. One night they hook up with their partners or lovers and all three find themselves fathers to be when they all turn out to be equally clueless in the world of birth control. More than a year later they are all facing the same challenges together as they enter fatherhood.With the titles and cartoon sequence opening the film, I had low hopes for this film and I can confirm that the film just about met all of them. The plot is of course contrived and is little more than a series of unlikely relationship developments designed to generate laughs and easy comedy. Which is where it all falls flat because there is hardly a laugh to be had in the whole 90 minutes. The humour is not as base as it could have been but it never misses an opportunity to deliver jokes based on racial stereotypes, bodily functions and so on. None of it is very clever but I can see why some undemanding viewers would find it to be sufficient. The character stories behind it are mostly poorly conceived, poorly developed and poorly delivered.The cast match this standard and deliver nothing more than the basics. Anderson mugs along like he often does and the effect is laziness incarnate. Griffin is equally poor and doesn't add much to anything although he isn't helped by his plot being so poor. Imperioli at least has the good taste to look a bit out of place and uncomfortable. The women in the cast are mainly eye candy but in fairness they are mostly very good eye candy. Parker is a growling cliché of a character that could only be more racially insensitive if played by Barbara Streisand in blackface. However Bacalso, Thomason and Ling are all stunning and sexy, regardless of what the material asks of them.A roundly poor comedy that has very little to recommend it for. Its aims seem low and in that regard it hits its targets, which will maybe suffice for some viewers, but not for me.
christian123 Eddie Griffin, Anthony Anderson and Michael Imperioli play three guys, who find themselves facing the responsibilities of fatherhood when their girlfriends all get pregnant at the same time. So can three "players" from "the hood" deal with the rigors of changing diapers and burping? My Baby's Daddy is a laugh free comedy that's actually worse than its trailer would indicate. The plot is just like 3 Men and a Baby but a lot worse and that movie wasn't even that good to begin with. My Baby's Daddy was the first movie I saw in 2004 and I was hoping it wasn't an omen for things to come. The film couldn't decide what it wanted to be. It could have worked out as a kid's comedy if they had taken out the sex scenes and if it was a kid's movie then the fart jokes would have been understandable. But, there were some jokes that wouldn't be appropriate for them and I think they should had taken the family route.The movie is filled with fart jokes, poop humor and other lame jokes, these gags are getting old and most adults aren't going to find those jokes funny. The acting was decent with the funniest person probably being Eddie Griffin but he is way above this material. Michael Imperioli was pretty bad himself and he should just stick to The Sopranos. The worst actor in the film is Anthony Anderson who always overacts and its hard to take him seriously. He just tries too hard to be funny and he should really stop acting. Method Man's scenes were funny but he alone can't save this movie. If they had just tried a little harder while writing then they could have actually inserted some funny jokes. The screenplay doesn't contain one original or remotely funny moment. In the end, you would have to be a really, really big fan of anyone involved to see this film. It's better if you just skip it. Rating 2/10
Rishi R One of the biggest flaws of the movie was that they tried to pack three intertwined stories into one movie. Definitely should have just made it one person's story. The movie's plot wasn't too bad, I mean it was decent. Well not really. But still it could have been turned into something better. The production along side with the writing in this movie was terrible. I felt bad for the cast, Eddie Griffin is a very funny comedian, too bad he wasn't able to shine in this movie. As for the cast, the person who made this movie, believe it or not was Method Man aka "No Good" he managed to produce the only comic relief in this not so funny comedy. Not really worth a watch, but if you are going to watch it, fast forward to Method Man's parts, it's the only worthwhile part of the movie.Oh yeah, plot development, climax, resolution, all terrible. Should have put a lot more effort into distinguishing them.
thughes-2 I think this movie is sublime. Absolutely dynamite! A total knock-out. Thank you! The direction of this picture is fantastic. I've seen it five times and I can't wait to see it again. Oscar! Don't forget this film at awards time!