| 01 September 1963 (USA)
Monstrosity Trailers

A rich but unscrupulous old woman plots with a scientist to have her brain implanted in the skull of a sexy young woman.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
a_chinn Campy ultra low budget science fiction/horror story about a rich old woman who plots with with a mad scientist to put her brian into the body of a young woman. The old woman hires three immigrant women as servants, who then become the unwitting test subjects for the mad scientist's experiments. In his first test, the mad scientist put the brain of a cat into one woman, who now has all the instincts of a cat, and (SPOILER ALTERT!) falls to her death while trying to climb onto the roof, because of course. I'd like to think there's an intellectual subtext to film film as a searing indictment of capitalism, with it's story or poor immigrants being exploited by rich and powerful white folk, but that would be giving this ridiculous movie way too much credit. Following the cat lady's death, the film gets even sillier and I don't want to ruin the goofy fun of it all, but there are monsters chained to walls and more weirdo experiments, which make "The Atomic Brain" enjoyable on a so-bad-it's-good level of camp entertainment, if that's your sort of thing.
Rainey Dawn "The Atomic Brain" aka "Monstrosity" - the film itself is a monstrosity but it is, just barely, watchable. There are many other sci-fi horror films to watch other than this one. I acquired it in the Sci-Fi Classics 50-Films Pack and I ended up watching it one night.It's sorta Frankenstein-ish but not nearly as good though. Yet still, this film, Atomic Brain, is kinda enjoyable in it's way. Where else can you see a cat with a woman's brain and a woman with a cat's brain? The awful acting had me laughing, poking fun at it, so I guess I kinda enjoyed it - I didn't turn it off nor did I push the fast-forward button so that says something about my enjoyment of watching the film.4/10
Eric Stevenson This movie tells the story of a woman who wants to have her brain transplanted into a young woman. She'll get rich doing so, or maybe she was already rich, but I don't care. It's just really dumb. I admitted to being entertained when they showed Anita with a cat brain. Later, they put the cat's brain in the woman. If Anita could only meow, then why can't she talk as a cat? I don't know, it makes no sense. The worst thing about this is the unbelievably stupid ending. It features the woman in the cat's body with the narrator saying that she'll have her revenge one day.Yes, this is setting up the idea that a cat with a woman's brain will stalk a lady. That is very stupid and nothing comes of it. I didn't even know which character was the husband or the mad scientist. It's ridiculous to see her win as the cat. The rest of the film is just pacing to fill up a very short running time. It might be good for some laughs, but it's completely unoriginal. *
wes-connors "An elderly woman has invested a fortune on a scientist's research which, if successful, will allow him to transfer her brain into the body of a young woman. Needing a host body for her brain and subjects to experiment upon, the elderly woman advertises for a housekeeper in hopes of securing what the scientist needs, human guinea pigs. Three unlucky women are selected by the elderly woman as the choices and are unaware of the true motives behind their employment…" according to the DVD sleeve's synopsis.Re-titled "The Atomic Brain", the toothy "Monstrosity" referred to in the title is the fusion of a "live dog to a dead human body." He is the one of the mistakes mad doctor Frank Gerstle (as Otto Frank) has made. The body-snatching doctor is funded by haggish, but wealthy Marjorie Eaton (as Hetty March). The elderly Ms. Eaton wants her brain transplanted into a younger woman's body.Fortunately, Eaton has good taste in the female form - she and gigolo Frank Fowler (as Victor) help arrange for the arrival of three fresh young female bodies: enticing Erika Peters (as Nina Rhodes), shapely Judy Bamber (as Beatrice Mullins), and lovely Lisa Lang (as Anita Gonzalez). Described as "firm and nicely-rounded," Otto's Angels think they've been hired as servants… If you like good bad movies, by all means, check out this "Monstrosity"; it sinks quickly into awful, but slowly rises up the "so-bad-it's-good" meter. In his only directorial credit, James Mascelli gets in some nice shots, for the budget. The young women are fun to watch - all, coincidently, have "Monstrosity" as their last acting credit. There is a strong erotic undercurrent - think of petting pretty, brain-dead women in captivity...**** Monstrosity (1964) James Mascelli ~ Marjorie Eaton, Frank Gerstle, Erika Peters
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