The Undertaker and His Pals
The Undertaker and His Pals
R | 01 July 1966 (USA)
The Undertaker and His Pals Trailers

An undertaker befriends a pair of motorcycle-riding, knife-wielding, psycho restaurant owners who kill people for body parts to use in their blue-plate daily specials.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
morrison-dylan-fan Talking to a family about Horror movies that I've recently viewed,I was happily caught by surprise,when he passed me a Grindhouse double bill.Checking the running times,I found out that one of the titles was only 63 minutes long,which led to me deciding that it would be the perfect time to meet the undertaker.The plot:Breaking into her apartment,a biker gang kill Sally Lamb.At the funeral the undertaker reveals to the Lamb family that he had to give Sally plastic legs,due to the gang having chopped her legs off.As the funeral is taking place, detective Harry Glass visits a local café,where the special of the day is "Leg of Lamb."Finding the meat to taste odd,Glass starts to investigate the café,which opened shortly after the funeral parlour started to have a sudden rush in booming business.View on the film:Cut down from its original running time,writer/director T.L.P. Swicegood cooks up a bonkers mix of grisly splatter and Silent-Movie style skits.Made on a very low budget, Swicegood gives the screenplay a deep[ Black Comedy cut,as modern day Sweeney Todd's slaughter any dame that catches their sight.Whilst he stacks the bodies high, Swicegood gives the splashes of blood a washed-up,dry appearance.which gives the movie a rather strange Kitsch atmosphere,which is joined by very funny, wooden performances,as Glass meets the undertakers pals.
jonathan andersen Now don't get me wrong. There are amazing big budget movies obviously. There's nothing wrong with only liking well produced movies. But, if you can't appreciate this movie for what it is, your not a fan of cinema (in general). Your probably more of a fan of well produced cinema. There's really nothing wrong with this movie. It doesn't pretend to be anything that it isn't. It's a bad, low budget, goofy slasher flick. At times it is actually funny (in my opinion) like towards the end when the undertaker is chasing "Thursday" up the same staircase over and over again. And this movie is pretty brutal and graphic for its time. Like the live surgery scene. My final thought is, if you rate this movie less than 5 stars or consider it "a waste of life and time" why did you watch it in the first place? You knew what you were getting into. Stick to the matrix or avatar or whatever your really are into and quit wining about the crappy movie that no one forced you to watch.
JoeKarlosi What a load of crap. Three friends who own a restaurant kill women to serve on their menu. This unofficial Herschell Gordon Lewis inspiration is very tongue-in-cheek and supposedly funny, but very little is humorous. It's also badly acted and executed, and is not even enjoyable for the "offbeat exploitation fun" category. Badly acted and plays very much like a "Sweeney Todd" send-up, and features an aged Robert Lowery in a cameo as one of the restaurant patrons. The most interesting thing for me personally was that I've now confirmed that this garbage flick was indeed one that I saw at the drive-in (at least parts of it) which I remembered from being a child peeking from the backseat of my parents' car in the '60s. For decades I've had images in my mind and wondered where they came from. Now at least that mystery is solved. * out of ****
davidngoliath22 I remember this as faint memories when it first hit the drive-in theatres of Pennsylvania back in the 70's while my parents were still married. Dad would pack us all in the station wagon to see whatever was playing - sometimes it was highly inappropriate, like this and "Dr Jekyl and Ms Hyde", both of which I remember only fleeting images of nudity and schlock horror. Thing is - this movie has always stayed with me as a crazy, zany, sexy horror comedy romp. Very "Sweeney Todd", I remember weird things like the guys playing with a girl's innards while she was alive and she wakes up to see them - and it was like ground beef, which never made any sense to me so it stuck in my mind; also the silly names that they gave the meals containing girl meat, like "Breast of Chicken" from Miss Poultry (or something - it's been over 30 years) and "Leg of Lamb". I'd love to see it again just to see what I remember. So many odd flashes from my past.