The Comedy of Terrors
The Comedy of Terrors
| 22 January 1964 (USA)
The Comedy of Terrors Trailers

An undertaker who hasn't had any 'customers' in a long time is forced to pay one year's back-rent. To get money he starts to kill people, which brings absurd results.

Chatverock Takes itself way too seriously
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Leofwine_draca Despite a couple of minor flaws, it's impossible to dismiss this comedy movie as a failure thanks to the sheer pedigree behind it. Everything looks in place at a first glance: the script is written by one of the most famous horror writers of all time, Richard Matheson. The film is directed by that master of horror, Jacques Tourneur (NIGHT OF THE DEMON). And of course the film has been released by AIP, who made the hugely successful Corman/Poe series at the same time. THE COMEDY OF TERRORS is similar to THE RAVEN in that it teams up a number of major horror stars for a creepy tale with lashings of comedy. This film follows a template that some people may find off-putting; for instance the dialogue is unrealistic and "purple" all the way through, with characters speaking totally unrealistically. The emphasis is on comedy throughout and there are lots of hijinks, pratfalls and plentiful banter between the characters.The film looks relatively cheap with a few exceptions and takes place mostly in a single location. The special effects are limited and cheesy, but there are some nicely Gothic images of carriages rattling through the countryside and a fog-enshrouded graveyard. In fact the film manages to be pretty atmospheric and/or spooky in a number of spots, especially the graveyard scenes with Irish comedian Joe Brown which expertly mix the comedy and horror genres with ease. However, this is more of a comedy film with horror trappings. Despite on screen death and violence (swordfighting!) the emphasis is on bizarre and amusing characters and the way they interact.Every character is flawed in this film and loathsome in some way, even the pretty blonde heroine (the buxom Joyce Jameson) who vainly imagines herself as a talented opera singer when in fact she can't sing for tuppence. Vincent Price is utterly hammy in the lead and seems to be totally enjoying himself as a drunkard who doesn't mind smothering people in their beds. Despite his horrible character Price is great as always in a role that doesn't require him to be totally serious, thus suited to his acting style. Peter Lorre is also on hand as Price's put-upon assistant, Felix, and typically Lorre is abused both physically and verbally through the course of the movie. Then we have the delightful Boris Karloff as a hilarious old man who's lost his mind (Karloff gets some priceless dialogue at the dinner table: "Alexander the Great was embalmed in honey" "Edward the 3rd was buried standing up!"), the best thing in the film. One cannot go without mentioning Basil Rathbone, excellent as a victim of catalepsy who cannot die and goes around solemnly quoting Macbeth all the while. It cracks me up every time. Although the film is slow-paced and without a lot of incident, it showcases four of the best actors ever and is fun viewing just to see them together on screen.
Rainey Dawn It's been a long time since I have watched this film - all I remembered was that I liked it - then I re-watched the film recently and I have to say this really is a good dark comedy.Price is quite humorous as the drunken undertaker Waldo Trumbull along with his lock-picking side kick Felix Gillie played by Lorre. Price and Lorre prove to the viewers they are quite the comedy duo.Jameson plays Amaryllis Trumbull the wife of the staggering drunk Waldo. She will either have you laughing or irritated with her opera singing! Karloff has a way of stealing the scenes as Amos Hinchley. Karloff is quite good in this comedy - he proves he could have done comedy just as well as horror. A great performance by Karloff.And poor Mr. John F. Black he is a man that cannot die - I don't know to feel sorry for him being supposedly dead over and over or to feel happy for him that he is still alive. LOL -- Rathbone plays Black quite well.Yes if you like older dark comedies then you are sure to enjoy this film. For a fun double feature: I would recommend The Raven (1963) to watch with The Comedy of Terrors (1963)... both movies are dark comedies and star the threesome Price, Karloff and Lorre.9/10
Claudio Carvalho The alcoholic director of the Hinchley & Trumbull Funeral Parlor Waldo Trumbull (Vincent Price) is a cheater that has married Amaryllis Trumbull (Joyce Jameson) in a marriage of convenience to get control of the business of her father Amos Hinchley (Boris Karloff). Trumbull has been using the same casket for more than thirteen years, dumping the corpses in their graves to resell the coffin. He also blackmails his only employee Felix Gillie (Peter Lorre) that had robbed a bank and is an abusive husband, threatening to poison his father-in-law and not allowing Amaryllis to sing. Gillie has a crush on Amaryllis and loves to hear her singing.Trumbull owes more than one year of rental of his premise to Mr. John F. Black (Basil Rathbone) and he has no client. So he decides to improve his business killing Mr. Phipps (Buddy Mason) to get a new client. However his wife Mrs. Phipps (Beverly Hills) flees to Europe with all her possessions and does not pay for the funeral service. When Mr. Black duns his debts, Trumbull decides to kill him to make some money and resolve his financial problem. But Mr. Black is epileptic and his family wants to keep his body in a crypt instead of burying him in a grave. During the night, the Cemetery Keeper (Joe E. Brown) hears a cry and releases Mr. Black from the coffin in the beginning of a tragic night. ... "Comedy of Terrors" is a very funny comedy of black humor. The veterans Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff and Basil Rathbone have incredibly comic performances. The movie begins hilarious before the credits and I laughed and repeated many scenes so funny they are. It is impossible to list the best scenes since there are many of them. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Farsa Trágica" ("Tragic Farse")
ma-cortes Fun horror /comedy with an exceptional quartet who provides much fun : Price , Karloff , Lorre and Rathbone . Amusing , delightful film produced by American International , James H. Nicholson-Samuel Z. Arkoff , with a monumental team of terror all-star-cast as Price , Lorre and Karloff . This supreme adventure in terror and humor based on the novel and screenplay by Richard Matheson deals with two deranged undertakers (Vincent Price and Peter Lorre) who take bad ways to insuring their continued employment , a Funeral Parlor called ¨Wichley and Trumbull¨. A lugubrious undertaker who hasn't had any customers in a long time is obligated the pay one year's back-rent by his landlord (Basil Rathbone) . Then the wickedest undertaker Waldo Trumbull and his unfortunate , frog-like associated named Felix Gillie to get money and both of whom begin killing people in order to get new clients . The couple goes to a mansion in Winkle Road inhabited by an old man and carry out their objective . There also appears Price's chalk-white father-in-law (Boris Karloff) aged about 90 , but refusing to die and leave Waldo the Funeral Parlor . Trade is so bad that Waldo and his underling have to go out and boost business by killing his immortal landlord . It gets funnier when our two friends pitting wills against the relieved landlord . And the end takes place a funny duel between Price and Rathbone.This is more of a satire than a true terror movie , it is immaculately staged , stylishly realized , very literate , rich in atmosphere , confidently made and plenty of eye-popping scenes . May be one of the most successful terror farce ever realized with a considerable all-star-cast and original invention . Terror has strangely been more skillfully spoofed than in this agreeable horror/comedy Jacques Tourneur directed and realized in glorious fashion . The movie is realized in the same style to the successful adaptation Edgar Allen Poe series , the cycle of ¨Tales of Terror¨ , and especially ¨The Raven¨ also with the trio Price,Lorre,Karloff directed by Roger Corman and produced by James H Nicholson and Samuel Z Arkoff . For that reason packs usual Corman's striking scenarios including lugubrious mansions , colorful atmosphere , shrieks come from gloomy coffins and gleeful gallery of ghoulishness . Glimmer cinematography in magnificence color by the series usual , Floyd Crosby . Frightening and atmospheric musical score fitting to humor and horror by Les Baxter .The flick based on Richard Matheson's screenplay playing to the spectator in amusing fashion . In spite of his poverty-budget horror is deemed a minor cult and gave enough profit from minimal inversion . The motion picture is produced by American International (James H Nicholson , Samuel Z. Arkoff) in a low budget and well directed by the classic director Jacques Tourneur in his final feature along with 'Curse of the demon' . He was an expert on terror cinema (Cat people , Curse of the demon , I walked with a Zombie , Leopard man) and adventures (Martin the Gaucho , Flame and the arrow , The pirate woman , City under the sea) . Despite the excessive satire most children and adults will like this enormously fun film . 'Comedy of terrors' is a sensational black comedy that maintains its classicism and reaching impressive dimensions . It will appeal to youngsters and adults who swallow whole and sit convulsed in their armchair and of course Vincent Price , Karloff , Lorre fans.
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