Immortally Yours
Immortally Yours
R | 06 January 2009 (USA)
Immortally Yours Trailers

A coven of Sexy, modern Day vampires ravage the American Midwest with the thirst for blood, while a romantic twist puts the vampires at odds among themselves and with the murderous Illuminati that seek to gain their immortality.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Morbius Fitzgerald Okay, I love vampire movies. Among my favourites are We Are The Night, Nosferatu, Blade and the Lugossi Dracula. My expectations of this film were actually already on a low set and yet, somehow, it got worse.Now before I go down the plot, there are about 3 or 4 of them in this movie so please tell me if this gets too much.PLOT 1: A vampire named Alex falls in love with a girl named Estelle. You know, the basic Twilight bullshit although, to be fair, Twilight was a more believable romance with these two only ever seen having a date once and the guy saying "I want to be your knight in shining armor."PLOT 2: A group called the Illuminati are trying to achieve ultimate power and control all the crime in the city and have more influence than the President who are also working on a way to make someone immortal.PLOT 3: A vampire hunter is called in by the cops because he was highly recommended (thats a taste of the writing there, people) to help take down the vampires after seeing them at a club but they all got away via teleportation.PLOT 4: A man who works for the Illuminati tries to handle a shipment of cocaine and its up to the police to stop him.Now onto my complaints about this movie, it has way too much story! Do I even need to explain why thats the case with this movie? The writing is beyond pathetic. I mean listen to this scenario, a full grown woman tells her father, who is trying to find a way to become immortal, that her boyfriend who she's madly in love with is a vampire and wishes to help him if he gives the vampire a normal life. If anyone seriously said that story to you, you'd send them to a mental ward. This father? He believes her after just 3 seconds.How about something as simple as the vampire's powers? In a far superior action vampire movie, Underworld, do you think that the vampires would be able to take down a squad of police? Not in this movie! All they do is roar and stand there while the police shoot them. That makes the enemy AI from Assassin's Creed look like Albert Einstein!Well despite those flaws with others such as horrible acting and "its boring" being thrown into the mix, perhaps the scale of this indie film can show some light. Nope. The editing in this film is the worst I've ever seen in my life. The opening sequence goes like this; a man runs away from an invisible opponent and is attacked, cut to a rich family going to the opera, cut to the guy running away pulling himself over a wall with a bloody face and is only pulled back again, cut to the opera where the vampire and the woman first meet, cut to a guy who chases after a woman (who you never see again) he shoots guys who try to protect her and he supposedly attacks her and cut to the opera again when it just ends. Did any of that flow in an organic rhythm? Thats the editing that plays in the first few minutes of this film and mostly the same style throughout the entire film. How about cinematography? Lighting? etc. These are the only things I come even close to praising; it looks like something out of a porno.Do I recommend this? Yes. To the governments of the world. This film should be used as an interrogation device against enemies. I guarantee you'll have a confession within 20 minutes. If you're a dictator that wants to uphold balance, play this movie as a punishment. If you are a scientist, study this film for me. What made it? If you are a priest of any religion, exorcise the demons inside it from the world. Have I made it clear I don't like this film yet?
nightchrome If there were a 0 stars or "Wish I hadn't seen it" option, I would use it for this film. The acting was atrocious, grade-school assembly presentation levels. The male lead was wooden and one-dimensional. The female lead was over-the-top in everything she did. And the vampires...oh the vampires...just about the most stupid, incompetent, pathetic drama-class rejects ever. Each fight scene consisted of the vamps (dressed in corny black capes) HISSING and posturing menacingly....followed by someone staking one of which they reacted by hissing and posturing some more. Honestly, it was like some sort of pseudo-goth musical at points, with both sides weaving back and forth in groups.
Steve French The leader of the vampires wants to become mortal so he can love his girl, the rest of the vampires want to keep on killing people, the Illuminati want to become immortal and rule the world, the vampire hunter kills the vampires, the police want to catch the Illuminati! Wow, a whole bunch of stuff going on in this one! I like the many subplots that make this an interesting movie and unusual. This is going to be a cult classic for sure and it should have a sequel to it with Alex and Estelle getting entangled with a different group of vampires so he has to defeat another clan. This movie brings a whole new universe of thinking to the regular vampire movies. This was relatively blood free but has a old style tension that keeps you edgy and wondering what's going to happen next.
Dominick Ross I rented it to watch for my wife and kids recently and thought it was good and so unusual for a vampire film. For me I liked the international cast and the sexy vampire girls which are a mainstay in modern vampire movies now. I think they were atypical which is good.This movie had an interesting plot with a lot of turns that made it interesting. There was enough action and killing for me because I don't like a movie that is all kill and no plot. The movie cruised along pretty good and it had some mildly fearful parts to it too. My son and daughter (early teens) also thought it was good but it was frightening to them in some scenes. My wife said it was way different than she thought it would be but pretty good.The way this movie presented vampires and criminals brought a new light into movie making and that's what I like to see. I also did liked the ending and thought it was pretty imaginative. To think of disposing of the criminal vampires like that had to be a first.