Mum & Dad
Mum & Dad
NR | 26 December 2008 (USA)
Mum & Dad Trailers

Mum and Dad, and their 'adopted' children, Birdie & Elbie, work at the airport. The family live off whatever they scavenge from cargo holds, offices and hotels - including a steady stream of transient workers who populate the airport's soulless hub. When Lena, a young Polish office cleaner, is befriended by Birdie, she gets drawn into a nightmarish world of torture, murder and perversity.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Maurizio Sorry, but this just doesn't work. There are many aspects in this film which aren't able to stand. First off: originality. There is basically none. How many movies have we already seen with the same subject? Somebody kidnapped and trapped in a house inhabited by a dysfunctional family who loves murder and torture. I think I got to 10 movies watched with this same plot.Second: the acting. Olga Fedori is a walking statue. No expression on her face, in a situation where a turmoil of feelings would go through just anybody. The rest of the cast has the opposite problem: all of them overact, making the final result unbelievable and goofy.Third: the enjoyment. This is supposed to be a scary film. Well, there's not much to be scared about. There is no tension whatsoever, you don't feel the impending doom, you don't feel for any of the characters, who are rather flat and unsympathetic (except maybe for Birdie, who is hateful enough to make you want to kill her with your own hands). Everything is rather boring.Last but not least: the developing of the events. Everything is very very predictable, the ending is hurried and badly scrambled together.So, in the end, this film just doesn't work too much. It tries to shock with a few repelling scenes, but this can't be enough to make it a good choice for an evening at home. There are far better things in the same genre.
ArchieIsCool Where do I start, basically Perry Benson and Dido play a sadistic couple who after stealing a boy and girl brainwash them into their way of living, as the two work at an airport they soon ensnare a poor girl as a new daughter for the couple, this poor girl is tortured by the sick woman by cutting her while the dad figure likes killing people and jerking off to their body parts yuck,! All you wish for is that the girl breaks free and kills them all, one failed attempt the dad stuffs her in a suitcase and beats her with a mallet engaging the 'son' to do it too. After she frees herself she does good and kills them all apart from the'son'. You just wanted her too get free and kill the sick family, a good film with sickening violence but worth a view, Perry Benson as the sadistic 'dad' is a must see.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews Polish immigrant Lena finds herself tricked into and trapped in the house(where most of this is set) of the volatile and knife-happy "mum" and "dad"(and no, the tubby dude will scare you), and her "siblings", where scarring, draconian punishments for disobedience and the like are commonplace. Could she possibly make it out of the experience alive? This is a mix of torture porn and psychological thriller. It's disgusting, perverted(albeit far from the worst out there, in that regard; there is sexual content, and it's pretty unappealing), gory, bloody and disturbing. The pacing is reasonable, and although it can be brutal and thus difficult to watch, it doesn't strain your patience(note that it does "feel" like our lead is stuck in a hopeless situation for a rather long period of time - as denoted by the incessant shots of planes passing by, as the "family" live near the airport), during the 80-minute running time, sans credits. This is well-acted, and the character development is pretty good. You know a lot about these people without much other information than behaviour. One thing is that we don't actually get an explanation for the actions of the parent couple. This can be quite creepy, and it tends to be effective. Editing and cinematography are nice, they really build a mood. The DVD comes with three trailers, one of them for this, the other two being for Spread and Laid to Rest, respectively. I recommend this to fans of this kind of film. 7/10
Matt Kracht I don't know about everyone else, but I'm getting a little tired of all these predictable, low budget horror movies that are flooding the market. I was hoping that this dysfunctional family/serial killer movie might be slightly different than the dozen that came before it, but, unfortunately, it's predictable as hell. The acting was alright, but the father was really miscast. He couldn't pull off menacing at all. I thought he was more of a dork than a scary psychopath. He did have a few good moments, though, which were very gross. I'm sure they'll stay with you for a while, after you watch the movie. Speaking of which, this movie kind of straddles the "torture porn" line during the middle, threatening to become some kind of British Hostel, but eventually abandons that and veers into black comedy. I thought the movie was quite uneven, never really knowing what it wanted to be. Luckily, the changes in tone are never jarring. Overall, the directing was alright, but there was almost no tension at all during the movie. Part of that could have been the fault of the actor playing the dad, though, because he was such a big doofus. If they'd gotten a better actor, this could have been a positively nightmarish movie.In the end, I'd have to recommend Parents or The People Under the Stairs, two much, much better movies instead of this one. While there's some pretty good special effects and loads more torture/gore in this movie, those had much better atmosphere and tension. I suppose that if you're looking for a predictable, gory movie with elements of black comedy, you could do much worse than this. The problem is that the filmmakers could have done much better.