R | 22 January 2016 (USA)
Mojave Trailers

A suicidal artist goes into the desert, where he finds his doppelgänger, a homicidal drifter.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
clintstevens I have come to the realization that Netflix is one of the few companies that can offer inferior product to the public, and the public eats it up. The story here is fairly interesting, but the script is horrendous. A sampling;"Where are you from? Where are you going? Who are you?""No one in particular.""Anybody in general?""That's the crux of it, brother.""You're not a talker. I like that."That is basically how the dialog goes through the entire film. The one plus is, the dialog makes for a great drinking game. Take a shot every time the word 'brother' is'll be passed out before the halfway point, which is probably a good thing.Another gem of dialog; "When you get what you want, what do you want?" What I wanted was this movie to end.One question: Mark Wahlberg? Really? Did he lose a bet?All in all, an atrocious
carollaw51-41-56256 I viewed this film last night and did have high hopes for it,but instead felt very let down from the start to finish. The acting was good and the location interesting but the biggest let down for me was the script and the way the main two actors mumbled it and yes i mean mumbled as there were times i couldn't quite get what they were saying to one another,i know their characters were supposed to be moody but i would have preferred if they spoke a bit sharper. Another problem i had with the film was that i really didn't care less about any of the characters not one central character was decent and worth rooting for apart from the poor little dog who got abandoned half way through the film. We never got to know anything about the characters and why they had become how they were,and the drifter character who was supposedly the more hardcore man came across as weak and idiotic,and you began to wonder how he could ever had survived on his own out in the desert for so long,a spoilt Hollywood star could run rings around him.The ending of the film really came to nothing,so it was all a bit of a waste of time. I could go on but i really cant see the point,if you watch this film just don't expect much of it to make much sense.
Prismark10 This is a misfire from Oscar winning screenwriter William Monahan. In Mojave, Thomas (Garrett Hedlund) a successful but jaded artist in the movie business meets a mysterious drifter, Jack (Oscar Isaac) out in the desert. Jack is a Shakespeare spouting sociopath and once he finds out that Thomas is wealthy, he torments him leading to an accidental death of an innocent.Jack then goes after Thomas back in Los Angeles trying to disrupt his privileged life now he knows Thomas has something to hide. It is a murky, existential thriller with hard boiled dialogue and unlikable characters as well as a satire on Hollywood lifestyles with Walton Goggins and Mark Wahlberg making cameo appearances in this underdeveloped film.
Cynicsick What a mess. I'm not gonna pick the movie apart because it would take too long. My problem is with the 2 main characters. The hero and the bad guy, both were portrayed to be certified "bad asses". How did they get to be so good with guns, has like a built in human tracking device in the head, cunning, intelligent, like trained cia operatives whatnot you name it. I have to mention this, so the sad hero goes into the desert drunk as sh** steals a rifle from a wandering bum after having a philosophical conversation because fk you, no time to explain, right? This bum happens to be some sort of serial killer. So the sad drunk hero goes into a cave to sleep, was awoken by something, I don't know fk you. Takes a split second to aim like 10 meters away and blam right on the money.How did the 2 main characters become so bad ass and can do remarkable things? We don't. They did not give in the important details. But what they did show us is that the suicidal protagonist is actually rich and famous. After the desert scene. What is he famous for? making film and sh**? How did he get to be that knowledgeable and stuff? We just don't fking know man. Then the bad guy, a washed up bum. Wow really? Well how the hell did he...Hold up! let me stop you there, we wont/don't fking know.Lol and the side characters (Matt Damon and the guy from The Shield) Both bad asses that smoke and drink all day But is more built that regular gym rats. One thing I know is that I did not enjoy the mess. But If you dare to watch it, you wouldn't know some things as well, ya know?