Michel Vaillant
Michel Vaillant
| 08 November 2003 (USA)
Michel Vaillant Trailers

Michel Vaillant is # 1 of pilots, undisputed champion in rallying in all circuits in the world. His success arouses admiration and envy. Ruth Wong, director of Team Leader, is determined to break his streak and avenge the memory of his father, founder of Leader. She is capable of anything to achieve her goal.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
siggy_4844 My expectations for this movie were to see familiar comic book characters come to live on-screen and to include great racing scenes. I was a bit disappointed that it did not contain any formula 1 racing scenes which were the main focus in the comic series but I actually liked this movie quite a bit anyways. I watched it in french and didn't understand much of the dialog, interesting enough all of the people in the Leader team spoke English which helped me understand more of the conversations. The action sequences speak for themselves and the emotions of the characters came through clearly enough. The story of the rivalry between the brutal Leader team and the french Vaillante team continues when the Leader's daughter takes over and seeks revenge on the Vaillants whom she blames for the misery and death of her father. Suspenseful racing action, sabotage, tragedy, love and crime drama: this movie combines it all in a fairly well-written story plot (I've seen worse).Having read almost all the comic books when I was a child I remember the characters well and for the most part the movie does them justice although I found several inconsistencies: Ruth was transformed from a caucasion woman with short blonde hair to an oriental with long dark hair(in the comic Ruth had an assistant who looked that way - I assume the director got confused???). And what happened to Jean-Pierre's son Jean-Michel? I don't recall him having a daughter named Laura. And since this was supposed to be 13 years after the original incident with the Leader, Michel should have been married to Francoise by now and have a son named Patrick, so what was he doing with Julie Wood (who btw was the motorcycle-racing sister of Jack "Indie" Wood the young driver who replaced Steve Warson when he went MIA after finding out the truth about Ruth). When you base a movie on a comic book series you should at least get the characters straight (can you imagine the uproar of fans if they would have changed the names of some of the characters in the Superman movies?)With Michel Vaillant they created a mishmash of story lines thrown together from different points in time (afterall the comic book series ran for several decades). In my opinion the title character of Michel was a bit over the top, almost too cocky (he never would have done such an irresponsible thing like driving with his eyes closed in the comic books - KIDS DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!!!) The cast was well-selected otherwise and it's not the actors' fault that the director and screenwriters didn't do their homework. Even though the movie wasn't entirely believable, at least it was not cheesy like the animated series or live action TV series. One must bear in mind that the movie IS based on a comic strip geared towards kids and therefore reflects that (I used to read some of the stories in a kids comic book collection called ZACK when I was a preteen).Update: I have now watched the German version of this movie and was able to understand the conversations. Interesting enough the people who spoke English in the French version suddenly now all spoke German as well and the dubbing was terrible, I almost prefer the French version LOL. Bottomline: If there ever is a sequel to this movie I sincerely hope that the people responsible will do a better job to stay true to the comic book series.
Jocke72 I could only bare watching the first 20 minutes until I started skipping chapters and using fast forward on the remote. The acting is really bad, and my grandmother drives better then this! The driving is quite slow and not spectacular at all. For a great car chase have a look at Ronin (de Niro) and of course Bullit (McQueen). For any car enthusiast this movie is a real pain to watch. I did not expect a documentary but at least some fast driving, good acting and some base in the real world.I read on the back of the cover that Luc Besson had a 200.000.000 Kr(!). Where did it go? Stay away, is my advice.
Kris_Dielis I've seen this movie just a couple of days ago, and I must say that I have mixed feelings about his movie.I'm a huge fan of the Michel Vaillant comics, ever since I was still a kid. In fact, I think that Michel Vaillant is partially responsible for the fact that I'm a complete car nut.However, the movie has disappointed me with the fact that they have taken various elements from different comic stories, and put them together in one new story. For example, the dream sequence in the beginning of the movie is taken from the comic 'Number 13 on the starting line', the trick of blocking the doors of Cramer's rally car at the rally checkpoint is taken from 'The cursed Safari'.Another thing that bothered me was the sequence in wich Michel laps Le Mans with his eyes closed to impress Julie Wood. The real Michel Vaillant would never show of like that.One last thing: the Le Mans 24 hours feels like a sprint race in this movie. I really didn't had the impression that it lasted 24 hours.All in all, this movie wasn't perfect, not by a longshot, but it was entertaining. And isn't that the intention with a movie?
sjakka This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Bad acting, bad sound, bad story, bad plot, bad music, bad directing,...The actual racing was never realistic or fun to watch as in some real movies about cars. (Italian job)I started counting every ridiculous thing I could see, about a half an hour before the ending, and ended up with no less than 87.Unrealistic, dumb, irritating, predictable, childish, boring, but I must admit, funny. (although not intended)I gave it a 1/10