The Machine
The Machine
R | 25 April 2013 (USA)
The Machine Trailers

Already deep into a second Cold War, Britain’s Ministry of Defense seeks a game-changing weapon. Programmer Vincent McCarthy unwittingly provides an answer in The Machine, a super-strong human cyborg. When a programming bug causes the prototype to decimate his lab, McCarthy takes his obsessive efforts underground, far away from inquisitive eyes.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
paulbadam It was different, and obviously not everyone would love it. but if you love a.i. probably you should give it a try.
Reno Rangan Maybe the films about artificial intelligence that were made in the last 5 years might outnumber to those were made before that for centuries. Especially there are lots of B movies on this theme and some of them surpassed the film critics and the film fanatics' expectations. Here is another one, but this is a British film. Though one thing I don't understand is, in all these films they make the same mistakes. I mean the film characters recognising the AI as one of us which leads to a major disaster.Sets in the future, when the Chinese aggression towards the Taiwan made the west, especially Britain to counteract them in the region, they decide to build a most advanced AI. But when the scientist creates beyond what the military needed, the conflict of interest surface among them. From this, who gains what, and how the story ends comes in the latter part.Initially I liked it, but not the progression. It led nowhere, but the same crumble and a conflict between the man and the machine. I'm not saying the film was bad, but I blame the overcrowded films on this theme. The filmmakers have to start to think a different kind of storyline. Going advance like what AIs can do in the field than the initiation programmes which is too old for now and onwards. So that's where I disliked it, but not hated it. I hope you enjoyed it better than me or would do if you yet to try.5/10
rdbuhr I very much enjoyed this. There's nothing particularly novel about the story line, which is a standard AI old chestnut about what happens when AIs start getting rambunctious. But the script is literate, the leads quite attractive (especially Dennis Lawson as a baddie), the direction sharp, and the photography brilliant, so it's all eminently watchable. Caity Lotz in particular is a revelation--she's great. Plus there's the fun wrinkle of watching the AI soldiers troop around, as it were, speaking their own language, wondering what they're saying (although as the film goes on it starts becoming clear). Predictable, but in a good way.
LeonLouisRicci Fantastic Look and the Score is Effective, Minimalist and Silky. This is a Creepy, sometimes Frightening Film filled with War-Battered, Brain-Damaged Robots and few Humans. The Low-Budget takes a Back Seat to the Imaginative Scenery and the Mood is all Melancholy. There is barely a Light in Sight and the Literal Darkness of the Scenes does Enhance the Gloomy Appeal of the Story.Caity Lotz in a Dual Role is Stunning and Toby Stevens as the Scientist in Despair is OK. The Story may be Nothing New and the Ending will Not Surprise Sci-Fi Geeks. But Viewers will most likely remember the Feel of the Film and it is Unique in that respect. Overall, Above Average B-Movie with its Sci-Fi Roots Showing most of the Time, although Not in the Foreground. It's an A.I. Trek that is a Welcome Inclusion in the Sub-Genre. Low-Budget Movies should all Look this Good and They Can with Fertile Imaginations.