American Muscle
American Muscle
| 30 September 2014 (USA)
American Muscle Trailers

John Falcon did 10 years of hard time in prison. Now he's got 24 hours to get revenge on every person who had a hand in sending him there.

Cortechba Overrated
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Gafri Ariansyah American Muscle (2014) is a disgusting movie, terrible acting, bad storyline, annoying characters, very bad acting ... Somehow someone wants to make a cheap movie like American Muscle, its typical story, revenge and filled with prostitutes and actors who only show off muscles and faces alone and can not act at all in this movie ... Do not waste your time to watch This junk film
trashgang I picked it up for only one reason, the main lead Nick Principe. I met the guy at a convention were he was to promote Laid To Rest (2009). Being a very nice guy who signed my stuff and made it possible to take a picture with him it's weird to see him here as a really tough guy going out for revenge. And that's exactly what it is all about.I noticed that some reviewers were very negative about this flick which is made as an old grindhouse flick. Well, to be honest it isn't really grindhouse, maybe the opening looks like it, you know, the yellow main titles but that's as far as it goes. From then on this story, written in two sentences, guy get free after 10 years jail and is out to kill everybody who tricked him in the passed, moves on as a brutal flick. The brutality lays in the fact that the revenge is out for everyone, girl or man. But most of it is done off-screen but they tricked us by letting the blood drop on the lens of the camera. Simple but it works. The acting is mediocre but still it isn't going to be for everybody because it has a lot of nudity in it. And some girls are really full of tattoos. If you just want to see a no-brainer with tits all the way and blood then this is a must see, but I admit, there's no suspense, you know what will happen, okay, the ending do has a plot that you just didn't expect. Also nice to see was the yellow Plymouth Duster muscle car, very nice and that sound, I love it. Not that bad at all, a simple low budget flick that delivers what you want from such kind of flicks.Gore 1/5 Nudity 2/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
jgballard1313 I watched this film with several friends, who are all fans of horror and genuine grind house films. I was the only one who lasted throughout the entire crap-fest.The lead character John Falcon (whose name coincidently is a tad too similar to the writer, John Fallon), gets out of prison after 10 years. His only desires are to get revenge on those who put him there, and to get back to his wife.Seems reasonable enough. This is where the film stops making any semblance of sense and becomes just gratuitous sex and violence, along with terrible acting and atrocious writing.If a man is desperate to get back to his wife,then why does he have sex with any woman he encounters? This makes zero sense. Even more so, his wife is having sex with anyone she meets. And I do mean anyone. Male and female. So if she is such a slut, then why is Fallon, err, I mean Falcon, so eager to return to her?Another problem I had was how all of the women are depicted in this film. All of them are made out to be whores, only looking for sex. All of them. John Fallon has some serious issues with women, to say the least, which is his business and that is fine. Just please leave that out of your screenplays.I was hoping this atrocity would be saved by Todd Farmer, cast in a role which I thought he would shine in. Instead, he fell short and came across as meek when he was supposed to be a bad ass. Perhaps the sub par acting of the others in this "film" affected his performance. Either way, it just fell apart long before it was over.This film tries way too hard to be a grind house revenge film. To call it such is a huge insult to the genre. Nick Principe as the doppelganger for Fallon falls hideously short in convincing us that he is a ruthless killing machine. His acting is wooden, and his appearance as a sex symbol is laughable at best. And that voice? Never has there been a more annoying attempt at "toughness" voice-over since Christian Bale's Dark Knight. I have heard this guy speak in films. He should have used his own voice rather than try too hard to be a tough guy. But I doubt even that would have saved this film.If you are a fan of Fallon or Principe, you may enjoy this. If you enjoy gratuitous violence and sleazy sex with bad acting, it may be for you. But if you are expecting some kind of storyline and decent acting, keep looking. Perhaps try the film Faster, which this one so closely resembles that Tony and Joe Gayton should take note. Imitation is a form of flattery,but not in this case. This film is garbage.
dadatuuexx I have always been a fan of films that wants us to root for an anti-hero.In our world of good guy wear white ,i like movies that feature a less-than-perfect hero.American films don't do that as much as films from other countries.I was lucky enough to see this film with friends down south,and i was happy i did.Director Ravi Dhar has weaved a simple tale of revenge that,if you like this sub-genre , should be seen.He will be accused of doing a blue-plate special ,with little complexity ,and not much story,but its really just a matter of simple story telling ,and whats so wrong with that?. Danny Trejo says "A movie needs 3 things,Blood ,Bullits ,and Boobs " ,and this film has that.A tale of a bad guy going after some even worse bad guys.That simple !. Actor/writer Nick Principe kicks ass and checks off names with quiet style ,and bare-knuckle flair.Todd Farmer is the supporting actor and gives a decent part in this potboiler.Good production values ,and lots of action gave this movie the meat between the bread for me,and the guys i watched it with.So ,its not hard to guess what happen;s next ,but with movies like this ,thats par for the course.Gore,girls ,and guns,this one should be seen if you like action ,plain and simple.The comparison to Fast,or others like it is not really a fair one,but in thats it is an action/revenge story,thats on the money.Its got my vote for action film of 2014,and with that said,ignore the low rating here on I.M.D.B. ,and be brave ,do yourself a solid ,and see this one...if actions your thing ,you wont be let down!~ . Remember," If you owe,You Pay" ! ! ! .