The Presidio
The Presidio
R | 10 June 1988 (USA)
The Presidio Trailers

Jay Austin is now a civilian police detective. Colonel Caldwell was his commanding officer years before when he left the military police over a disagreement over the handling of a drunk driver. Now a series of murders that cross jurisdictions force them to work together again. That Austin is now dating Caldwell's daughter is not helping their relationship.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Yvonne Jodi Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Ffolkes-3 I haven't seen "The Presidio" for about a decade, so watching it again recently after so many years was almost like watching it for the first time. Although it's definitely not a top class thriller, more of a low-key crime drama, the final twist in the tale makes it a decent picture. It's got fantastic setting. Peter Hyams, who apart from directing the film also holds a spot as director of photography, shots exteriors stylishly. The slightly cold colours correspond well with Sean Connery's characterisation as a strict man of principles. In case of Connery it's always as much about the acting as it is about the looks and he looks really good as an MP officer, mostly wearing regular uniforms, prefferably dark blue. If he hadn't succeeded as 007 he would have definitely made a career as a character actor playing officers. Mark Harmon takes over as an action man from Connery which is a nice change. The chase scene is quite impressive even by today's standards, well done! On the other hand the fight scene with Connery is also well choreographed. My only complain would be about Meg Ryan's character. She seems too soft, too childish as for a person rised only by a father, who happens to be a rather tough guy, shy of showing emotions. Somehow her character doesn't convince me at all. In a nutshell: you'll like the film if you like San Francsico and you'll love it if you like Sean Connery. No more, no less.
jc-osms Very ordinary and from this standpoint, dated so-called thriller fronted by big names in stereotypical roles delivering "through the motions" performances. Connery's the biggest star name here and while his character at least boasts Scottish ancestry this time to explain and excuse his accent, he portrays his typical latter-day grizzled old man routine as a tough-as-nails military general who after defining his character by delivering epithets like "I'll have your balls for breakfast" and single-thumbedly (literally) taking out a big-mouthed pub boor, of course melts sufficiently to eventually accept enforced cooperation with maverick cop and previous subordinate Mark Harmon and naturally bridge the generation-gap between him and his rebellious daughter Meg Ryan so that they all end up arm-in-arm at the movie's conclusion, one big happy family to-be, case solved. Harmon does his best sub-Tom Cruise pretty-boy act, mugging at the camera to convey emotion whilst Meg Ryan replays her trademark goofy persona, all sheepish grins and mood swings like some hormonal adolescent teenager. The dialogue is clichéd and clunky, but at least the action sequences, particularly the first extended car - chase are delivered well. Unfortunately director Hyams brings the fairly slow-moving action to an almost complete standstill midway through the piece as emotional crises emerge!!! as Ryan falls out with Connery (naturally), offends and then (naturally) makes up with Harmon, before we encounter the ever so slight twist in the tale prior to a fairly ridiculous shoot-out where Connery and Harmon (naturally) come through unscathed at the finish. San Francisco as a backdrop portrays more character than the actors here, but well-shot as it is, "Vertigo" and "Bullit" this most certainly isn't.
gcd70 Mark Harmon plays a street-wise, smart-mouth San Francisco detective who is forced to team up with his former Military Police c.o. in Peter Hyams' thriller-comedy. The two reluctantly join forces in order to track down the murderer of a young ex-colleague."The Presidio" is well photographed (Peter Hyams himself was Director of Photography) and features some excitingly staged action sequences, while the plot is quite reasonable and remains fairly interesting throughout. Unfortunately this movie is lacking the fabulous comedy Hyams delivered to us in "Running Scared". One or two humorous moments do prevail, but it's never enough. And the final action sequence is a little disappointing as it is predictable and rather takes the easy way out.Sean Connery is a very enjoyable screen presence of course, and always an entertainment, but otherwise this is a below par action-comedy which fails to find sufficient consistency.Monday, February 14, 1994 - T.V.
elshikh4 If anybody told me 10 years ago that there is a thriller starring (Sean Connery) and (Meg Ryan) together and I won't be able to bear it to its end 3 times.. Maybe I would call him names, smash at least his face, and destroy his future for good !!!Just kidding. But the makers of this movie weren't ! However they made a movie which impelled me to wonder; what's the secret of that one's silliness ??I'm crazy about the queen of cheerfulness (Ryan) and the original James Bond (Connery). And yes, I'm not a fan of (Mark Harmon). But none of them is the one to blame here.Maybe it's the screenplay which was so tense between being a movie about having peace among one family and in one's soul, or being a bang bang action thriller. Both ways I thought it did an accepted job so you can see (The Presidio) as a mediocre social Film or a mediocre action movie !! But I didn't have a real fun while watching. Mainly because some kind of lame direction from (Peter Hyams), so with the low budget you might think it's a TV movie. And a boring one too !The only thing which survived, and still that original till now, is of course the love scene between (Meg Ryan) and (Mark Harmon) IN THE STREET !! When their love was exploding to the extent that they almost made love on the parked cars ! That's the one and only thing to enjoy in such a languid tasteless movie. But knowing that (Ryan) will end up in the arms of (Harmon) kept eating me all the time to tell you the truth. So here's another reason to dislike the whole thing!P.S : I've never ever commented on a movie without finishing it. So I had to watch the end of (Presidio) at last but in the fourth time. Yes, I was that board to death to find any other more important thing to do !!