The Toughest Man in the World
The Toughest Man in the World
| 07 November 1984 (USA)
The Toughest Man in the World Trailers

Mr. T's first starring made-for-TV movie role has him playing a tough and scowling, but softhearted, nightclub bouncer who finds himself involved with a bunch of kids after being conned into taking over a youth center.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Aki Savolainen Being another bargain bin find, my expectations were quite low for The Toughest Man in the World. At the time, Mr. T had just fought Rocky and joined the A-Team, but had yet to tag team with Hulk Hogan. Nonetheless, all the mannerisms we've come to expect from the mohawk-sporting man of muscle are present here.Yes, it is ludicrous. Mr. T shows his innate ability to wreak havoc whenever given the opportunity, and it's brilliant in it's corny hilariousness.Yes, it is preachy. But it's honest about it upfront, and the message is plain yet heartfelt. Just what you'd expect from a made-for-TV movie starring Mr. T, really.If you are looking for something with credible acting or an exciting story, you will do yourself no favors by watching this. But if Mr. T rapping the theme song himself and breaking down a few doors and walls and some unruly customers using nothing but brute force, this is a film that will stay with you and make you giggle whenever you remember another funny scene from this film. And trust me, there are plenty of such scenes.In short: recommended for select audiences. You know who you are.
bob the moo Nightclub bouncer Bruise runs a youth centre for kids in a run-down city block. When funding is revoked the centre faces closure and Bruise combines with young thief Billy to put together a plan to raise the money. With time running out Bruise prepares to enter the "Toughest Man in the World" competition with a prize of $100,000. Can he raise the money and save the underprivileged children?Whenever the film opened with the theme song (rapped by Mr T) I thought "this is going to be bad" and indeed I was quite right. The story is quite lame, basically to save the centre they try grants, a carnival and several other ways to raise money - unsurprisingly they all fail only to have Bruise resort to entering the contest. However, as the title reveals, the competition is the focus of the film and the other plans feel like they were put in just to fill the first hour of the film. It's all quite predictable, however if you are a 2 year old I won't spoil it by telling you if he wins the contest or not.The plot is weak and the action is laughable - all the fights are pure WCW. Mr T lumbers round as baddies line up to be thrown or clotheslined. I didn't expect anything else but did it have to be so staged looking? The script also becomes tiresome because Mr T wants to be seen as a role model - his character must take a stand on everything. In the course of 90 minutes Mr T essentially preaches against drugs, child poverty, thugs, Government bureaucracy, smoking, violence and eschews the importance of literacy, going to school, hard work and honesty etc. Any flaws his character had are used to show how he learnt from past mistakes. It feels like some scenes are set up to have Mr T preach to the camera - at some points it's like he's not even interacting with the other actors, rather he's just preaching directly to the audience.Mr T is not a great lead (he can't act, rap, do comedy or fight convincingly) but he's not without a certain charm (although it's buried quite deep here). Navin Jr is unbelievable as Billy and looks like a classically trained child actor playing a poor ghetto criminal. Some of the support deliver their lines with such pantomime cheese that it's laughable - the official in the council offices is the worst. Some interest was raised by the site of mob-film regular Frank Vincent in a 5 second cameo but it wanes again pretty quickly.Overall a poor TV movie set up to continue the star power of Mr T. Even for his fans there isn't much to enjoy here.
m_oppenheim Just see how many cloth caps you can spot in the movie! The music and breakdancing sequence at the beginning really takes you back in time. The nightclub dancer is truly a star - those moves - she should have been in Flash Dance. Weight lifters have serious man boobs. Possibly best of all is Mr. T's hair cut. There's even an Al Pacino lookalike (1 hour into the film)- "little showbiz twist I've got buzzin' around in my head" - Al never quite delivered a line like that in his long career. Billy Green has the funkiest walk I have ever seen! Nice shorts that Mr. T wears on the 10 km run, my only worry is that they look a little small for his well built physique. I wonder if there were any 'popping out' incidents during filming (mind you, these could be saved for extra material when the film is released on DVD). Has to be seen to be believed.
Anthony Hutchinson (GC-9) This is a very cool film starring the Toughest Man in the World, Mr. T. Directed by Dick Lowry (Project ALF, Smokey and The Bandit 3) the film tells the story of Bruise Brubaker, a tough as nails bouncer with a heart of gold. Brubaker, played with gusto by real life tough-guy and former bouncer Mr. T, decides to enter a toughman contest, but it will take every thing he has to prevail. An exciting treat for fans of Mr. T. Hard to find, but if you do, check it out!
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