Mermaid Got Married
Mermaid Got Married
| 10 November 1994 (USA)
Mermaid Got Married Trailers

A water-phobic teacher is saved by a mermaid and accidentally swallows her magical pearl, trapping her on land. She enrolls in his school to retrieve it, and they fall in love, but their romance is threatened when the school principal uncovers her secret.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Dan Starkey The best fantasy films make one central leap - OK, she's a fish - and let the story flow logically from that point. Unfortunately, "Mermaid Got Married" is such an amateurish film that it must also rely on magic, absurdly unlikely coincidences, and that crutch of the poor storyteller, having the main character speak her thoughts out loud for the audience's benefit. Ekin Cheng plays his usual character, the oh-so-sensitive-and-sincere sap, and the real fantasy of the film is that he is the love interest and not Takeshi Kaneshiro, the smart and sexy student who moves the creaky plot along. Christy Chung does a passable job of playing the mermaid - she just has to giggle, cry, and swim at the right moments. The film falls apart halfway through as it abruptly turns into an unfunny farce. The last few minutes of the film, with a second song and final scene, do not fit with the film and look like they were tacked on afterward to give the film a happy ending. Aside from Kaneshiro, the other redeeming features are the two Faye Wong songs on the soundtrack, both lovely. If you are not feeling well and have stayed home from school or work, this film is as good a way as any to sleep with your eyes open. A mess.
mermatt This is a Hong Kong version of SPLASH mixed with THE LITTLE MERMAID. The pretty half-girl/half-fish in the film does some beautifully flawless swimming -- so much so that you might believe she is real. The romance between her and her true love is sweet and amusing.This is a charming little film. See it if you get the chance.