Menno's Mind
Menno's Mind
| 13 December 1997 (USA)
Menno's Mind Trailers

Menno is a computer programmer at The Resort, an enormous funhouse where people can live out their fantasies in virtual reality. Feeding their personal data into a software program called The System, head of security Felix Medina is setting up a big voting fraud, in order to win the presidential elections. His only concern is a group of terrorists, rebelling against his plans. As an ex-colleague of their leader, Menno is forced to help them.

Alicia I love this movie so much
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jerry758 The basic premise, a brain transplant and the subsequent implications of having someone else's memory as well as your own, has potential to be a very good movie. This one seems, however, to have been written by committee and does not live up to its premise. Most memorable aspect is the future answer to a trivia question: What movie featured a brain transplant from one actor named Campbell to another, neither of whom were related to each other? The thrills are minor, the outcome predictable, and the bad guys' characters have the depth of a single molecule. Robert Vaughn does a particularly poor job as the worst bad guy. Both Campbells play their stock characters adequately, but everyone seems to be going through the motions and the movie lacks energy. The computer effects are cheesy and unoriginal. All in all, boring.
steve-365 It's not every day that a sci-fi movie can be described as fun. This one was fun, entertaining, fast-paced, & had a sense of humor to it. I look forward to seeing more films by Mr. kroll (director). My hat goes off to the cast and crew for bringing this film to life with a good story, good acting, and vivid color. Again, my grade...A+
Conan-18 Menno's Mind makes me wonder, for perhaps the thousandth time, why the Campbell boys (Bill and Bruce) don't get more work. Both of them, though Bruce has a very small part, are great at making you like the character they play. This movie, while not Citizen Kane, does have an original plot and likeable characters, and that's enough to make it worth watching.