MacGyver: Lost Treasure of Atlantis
MacGyver: Lost Treasure of Atlantis
| 14 May 1994 (USA)
MacGyver: Lost Treasure of Atlantis Trailers

Hunting artifacts attributed to Zenon (an ancient scientist from Atlantis), MacGyver and his old professor end up searching for the lost city.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Zipper69 It's hard to know where to begin. Anderson is always good value and does his best with a fairly hopeless script. Brian Blessed is (I'm sorry to say) a positive embarrassment - unless the director was screaming "More ham, Brian" there is no excuse for his shameless gurning, vocal projection and am-dram theatrics. Perhaps for an uninformed US audience the Hollywood version of England and the (Battersea) Balkans would pass muster but they remind one too much of the "foreign" locations used on "Murder She Wrote". The plot holes are not just obvious but are yawning chasms in reality, McGyver supposedly studied under Blessed and yet has to ask how to pronounce a Greek (?) name on the ark. The "cliff-hanger" pre-story makes no sense and avoids telling us how the dilemma was resolved. How the good guys take the villain's short hop prop driven aeroplane in South West England and fly it without flight plan or ATC permission all the way to Thera is glossed over. The finale beneath the volcano is ludicrous as machinery thousands of years old grinds obediently into action, and the Bad Guy, supposedly a big wheel in the field of Archeology is so incensed that the "treasure" is scrolls filled with lost Atlantean knowledge that he plunges his hand into them and crumbles them to dust - good move (Dead Sea Scrolls, anybody?).And that "Torch of Atlantis" gizmo looked like a reject from a 1970's episode of Doctor Who...pitiful.
modius Sunday movie made for TV film with Anderson reprising MacGyver who must find Atlantis, for some reason, and gets involved with serbs who hide out in Battersby Power Station and Brian Blessard overusing his loud voice in EVERY scene.The plot is horrible, the film is horrible, the action is non-existant and the whole thing sticks of Indiana Jones without the fun, adventure or indeed Dr Jones himself.Probably made as a cash-in on the Amiga/PC Indiana Jones Game "Fate of Atlantis", it finds MacGyver finding atlantis and its plantium computer...or something.Its bad. And so is MacGyver's Mullet.
LeneMorissette As a fan of Stargate SG-1, I watched MacGyver to see Richard Dean Anderson. The character of MacGyver is very similar to his current character in Stargate, Colonel Jack O'Neill. He has the same sense of humour,same characteristics and the same attitude towards people. In fact the only difference that I noticed was that Mac is a whole lot smarter than O'Neill. ( More along the lines of the IQ of Major Carter than O'Neill.) Examples of this are that the dialogue was so predictable in parts for anyone who watches Stargate. Maybe it's just me but that's my opinion.
bbchops This film misses everything that is good about Macguyver. From the inexplicable, and unexplained, cliff-hanger at the beginning to the "epic" finale, visiting such locations as the Eastern European military base (Battersea power station, London) and "London University" (Royal Holloway College, Windsor), this film stinks as bad as Brian Blessed's acting. Speaking of which, if Oscars(tm) were awarded purely on sheer weight of acting Brian Blessed would have won Leading Actor for three years running, and one leading actress. Oh, and best sound effects. Imagine an episode of the TV series at twice the length with half the budget and you still would not imagine how bad this film is.