Loch Ness
Loch Ness
PG | 20 September 1996 (USA)
Loch Ness Trailers

Dr. Dempsey, an American scientist, is sent to Scotland to disprove the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. He is shocked when Laura, an inn-keeper, introduces him to a small family of Nessie-dinosaurs.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Angelus2 Its hard to picture Ted Danson being anyone but Sam from Cheers, but he delivers a good enough performance as the scientist who is lost, a career ruined by his thirst to find the impossible. Joely Richardson's role as the mother is heart warming she plays her role with care, while Kirsty, the young Isabel.The film starts off with the death of a professor whose aim is to find the Loch Ness monster, so another is sent. Dempsey. A man whose accomplishments are great, yet shrouded by his obsession to find the unexplained, Dempsey, who is lost finds more then he bargained for in Scotland.One thing I liked was the scenery, it showed the highlands and beautiful shots of the water; which gives a sense of beauty, mystery and calm. The build up was brilliant, the shots of the calm water, as it is disturbed by something below, the theories.... But the one thing that ruins the film is the uncovering of the Loch Ness monster...I think they should have never shown the creature, it keeps a little more mystery.
electriclobster I've been studying documentary filmmakking in school now for 7 years and LOCH NESS is quite possibly the greatest documentary I've seen since "Hoop Dreams." I will say that the doctor in this doc looks surprisingly like that of Ted Dansen from CHEERS. He makes a terrific host, even though he uses the unconventional "not-talking-to-the-camera" technique used in some lesser-known docs like "Shadows of Yesteryear." I particularly loved the Irish landscape that seemed to be its own character. And by the way "reviewers," the Loch Ness monster's name is Nessie not Joely. I hate it when people get these kinds of facts wrong.
Eric-1226 I caught this on the Sci-Fi channel, where it is aired from time to time. Methinks it ought to be shown on the Family Channel, as it is excellent family viewing. And no, there really isn't any sex in it. (But how else was I to get your attention?)Ted Danson, who still seems just like Sam Malone from "Cheers" - only with a bad hair day - is quite winning in the lead role of this film. He plays a rather cantankerous, and somewhat discredited, American anthropologist who is sent to Scotland to disprove the existence of the "Loch Ness Monster". He doesn't (at first, anyway) mix well with the local Scottish residents living near Loch Ness. Eventually he is won over by the dear sweet daughter (Isabel) of the local innkeeper. Her influence on him, along with that of the water bailiff, played by Ian Holm, profoundly change him towards the end of the film. Epiphany in the making.If you value humanity over science, then this film is for you. It is a very enchanting movie that is worth watching. My advice: chill out, take a break from the war on terrorism and go rent this movie and give it a look. You'll be glad you did, and I highly doubt that you will be forced to run to the bathroom to be physically sick as did Aaron Fleming from N. Ireland. (While you're at it, rent another thoroughly enjoyable movie which was also filmed in Scotland, "Local Hero" (1983)).Watch. Reflect. Reconsider your values in life. Then go pour yourself a good scotch.
aesgaard41 I like this movie. It maybe be lukewarm and saccharine as everyone else thinks, but it is far superior to all those Fifties and Sixties lake monster pics. Ted Danson does a wonderful acting job outside of "Cheers" and the special effects are magical. the whole production has a rather Disney feel to it as it makes you believe in magic and takes a different realistic view of one of the world's biggest mysteries. This movie does the same thing "Harry And The Hendersons" did for Bigfoot.