Lemon Popsicle
Lemon Popsicle
R | 06 June 1978 (USA)
Lemon Popsicle Trailers

Benji, Bobby, and Huey are three 17 year olds who spend their days chasing girls and hanging out at Montana's Ice Cream Parlor. In their constant pursuit for sex, they are caught in the apartment of local nymphomaniac Stella by her boyfriend and get more than they bargained for from hooker Ze Ze! Meanwhile, Benji has fallen for new girl Nikki and is the only person who comes to her aid after Bobby gets her pregnant then dumps her.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
gangstahippie Rated R for Language,Sexuality/Nudity and drinking - all involving teensI was curious to see the film The Last American Virgin.Since I am a teenager(im 15 years old) I enjoy teen movies.I do not just like newer ones such as American Pie or Superbad but I also like the classics such as Fast Times At Ridgemont High and Sixteen Candles.I wanted to see The Last American Virgin because I heard it was fairly realistic.I had heard that it was a remake of an Isreali film from 1978 entitled Lemon Popsicle.When I found the entire movie on youtube, I watched it.Unlike Last American Virgin which took place in the 1980's, Lemon Popsicle takes place in the late 1950's or early 1960's.The best part about this film is the 1950's soundtrack.There are plenty of hits from the fifties in this film.The film is about Benji and his two friends.Benji meets this girl who he falls in love with but this girl has the hots for his best friend who is the stud of the group.The first part of the film is like any other teen sex comedy, there are plenty of funny sexual situations that the characters get into.Then suddenly the film turns from comedy to drama as the girl Benji likes tells him that she is pregnant and his friend will not pay for the abortion.Benji then helps her out and confesses his love to her.You probably will not see the ending coming and I will not spoil it here.Lemon Popsicle is a teen sex comedy which is pretty funny at times and has a good amount of drama as well.It is a fairly hard to find film and has not been released on DVD yet.
grybop Although Lemon Popsicle is actually a sex comedy, it's not offensive at all and the fact that it is set in the early 60s provokes a feeling of innocence and naivety. It's about situations most of us have been through during puberty (and beyond) : chasing after some girl, going to parties hoping to make new acquaintances etc. The soundtrack is beautiful and adds a lot to the accurate depiction of that era. The direction is another story...The first sequel was not as good.6
thinwater If hollywood needed to learn from a script for 'The Last American Virgin', it would have come from this movie. The movie was made in the late 70's and depicts an early 60's Israel. The movie portrays teen-age situations, surrounded by a wonderfully rich soundtrack. In fact, the soundtrack is so good, you can just close your eyes and not watch the movie at all. HOWEVER, the soundtrack is thoughtfully mixed into the plot to provide a very nice effect.
ROK Well now then after a comment like that how can I back it up. Well firstly by stating that this is obviously a subjective view.But to the movie.This was released in the UK on video in the early 1980's. It's the story of Benji, Bobby and Huey, well atleast those were the names in the English translation. This is an Israeli [not sure if that's how you spell that but you get the point] movie. It tells the story of the Boys search for Love and..... Sex basically. Making the point early on that the two are not necessarily connected.Benji the "quiet" one falls for a girl who he invites to a party, she says no but then turns up with his best friend, the `good looking' one, True to life or what! She eventually succumbs to Bobby's advances, and gets pregnant, at which point he dumps her. Benji stands by her organising an abortion and paying for it, well I never said this was a family film. At which point as soon as they return home .. well check out the end yourself, if you can get a copy that is, why I don't know but this is almost impossible to obtain a copy of. Other stories revolve around the boys visit to a prostitute, their catching of an embarrassing condition, And their run in with an Italian nymphomaniac while delivering ice.So basically if you want to categorise this movie it's a sex comedy set in the 1960's. But it's more than that. For a start it has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard, and the story and characterisation is in my opinion well up to the standard of Hollywood