Last Dance
Last Dance
R | 02 May 1996 (USA)
Last Dance Trailers

Upon taking a new job, young lawyer Rick Hayes is assigned to the clemency case of Cindy Liggett, a woman convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to death. As Hayes investigates the background for her case, the two begin to form a deep friendship, while all the while the date for her execution draws nearer.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
sol1218 ****SPOILERS**** Tense and nail biting film about a person convicted of a double murder Cindy Liggett, Sharon Stone, waiting to be executed by the state as time as well as her life slowly ticks away form her.There's absolutely no doubt in Cindy'd crime since she freely admitted to it and is even willing to pay for it with her life. It's her clemency court appointed attorney Rick Hayes, Rob Morrow, who feels that she's getting a raw deal in being sentenced to death when there are extenuating circumstances that would have at least speared her life if made public at Cindy's murder trial. The fact that Cindy was high on crack cocaine together with her boyfriend and accomplice Doug, Don Harvey, should have at least gotten her a life sentence,in the crime not being premeditated, then a one way trip to the state's execution chamber. In fact it was Doug who got off with a life stance who's testimony sent Cindy straight to death row.Sharon Stone in a rare non glamorous role steals the show or movie as the convicted murderess Cindy Liggett who only wants to have the state end it all for her despite her lawyer Rick Hayes doing everything possible to prevent that from happening. Eevn though you know that Cindy is guilty and deserves what's coming to her, a lethal injection, Stone's acting is so electrifying in not wanting to live that you just can't help pulling for her lawyer Rick Hayes to get her off not for Sharon's or Cindy's sake but for the legal and moral augments that Rick makes in her favor!***MAJOR SPOILERS*** Heart-dropping final that has everyone, even those who want Cindy to get it, rooting for Rick to get a stay of execution for Cindy even though it's hard to make a case for her not being executed. Up until the end Rick, who by then was thrown off the case, did everything in his power to save Cindy's life that it even had the pro death penalty Governor,Jack Thompson, almost on his side. And it was in the end that Rick despite his best efforts realized that Cindy was right all along in not wanting to live. And finally accepted what fate had in store for both Cindy and himself: A peace that Cindy never knew in her entire young life that in her paying for her crimes would end up giving her.
Sherazade she stars as a middle-aged woman on death row for a crime she committed as a teenager who was high on drugs and alcohol. It's really sad because back then, even she was a victim herself, of abuse by her boyfriend as well as people in her immediate family background. But two wrongs don't make a right. Her drunken and drug high resulted in the death of innocent people for which she has gotten stuck serving time while her crazy boyfriend at the time goes score free. The majority of the film is in her lawyer's point of view as he tries desperately to save her from death by lethal injection and in the process falls in love with her. It is stunningly shot though slow paced (and as well it should be, it's a film about the supposed last days of somebody's life Hello!) and brilliantly acted. The best scene is the end scene but I don't want to give too much away. Hint: it has to do with one of the most beautiful wonders of India.
moonspinner55 Death Row inmate Sharon Stone may be put to death by lethal injection if novice clemency lawyer Rob Morrow can't get the government to be sensitive to her case. Flimsy, one-dimensional melodrama tries taking a well-meant stand against the death penalty--but with such shallow characters, it's difficult to become involved. This was yet another bid by Stone to be taken as a serious actress, but instead she's rigid in this part, steely-eyed and dull; only in the film's final third does she shake off the cobwebs. Supporting cast (including Randy Quaid and Skeet Ulrich) is weakly-used and the writing is mediocre throughout. And what about that awful title? ** from ****
td550 This is probably one of the worst films I've ever seen. Not only is it utterly formulaic and derivative, it has one of the most ludicrous endings in cinema history, so melodramatic that it's unintentionally hilariously funny. When I saw it at the cinema on release, it was one of the few times when the whole audience collapsed laughing at the truly awful ending to a truly dire film.It's so bad that I would almost recommend seeing it, especially to savour the ending, but the trouble is you'd have to sit through the rest of it, and it's turgid, predictable, uninspired and boring.