Breaking In
Breaking In
PG-13 | 13 May 2018 (USA)
Breaking In Trailers

Shaun Russell takes her son and daughter on a weekend getaway to her late father's secluded, high-tech vacation home in the countryside. The family soon gets an unwelcome surprise when four men break into the house to find hidden money. After managing to escape, Shaun must now figure out a way to turn the tables on the desperate thieves and save her captive children.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
westsideschl The first sign of cheap in a movie is filler of a long car drive to open up, and filmed from various angles. Second, another home invasion w/female & kids (so overdone). The usual lots of bad decisions to prolong the agony, and fill film time. Predictable female vacillates between being weak and being superwoman. Predictable baddies get what's coming to them in sequence, and predictably one resurfaces as not dead yet. Predictably visitors come to the door, and of course meet the intruders - bad idea. Really predictable they can run into the woods where being found would be nearly impossible, but instead they head for the car where, predictably, they fumble for keys and car won't start. Zzzzzz. On a positive note, the red food coloring corn syrup for blood made me hungry.
leondrafair I love the movie Breaking In with Gabrielle Union. It shows the woman as the hero and full of strength from beginning to end. I love when she accredits her protective strength and cunningness to being a mother more so than being a woman. At the end when she's pictured cradling her kids and her husband. It was such a powerful scene because usually the woman is positioned where the man was being depicted as weak and vulnerable just waiting to be saved. I love love loved the movie. Like WOW this is what happens when woman get depicted in truth. So accurate to the strength of a woman period and all we do and are willing to do for our babies.
clayjconrad83 Tresspass & hostage were good this was awful. Villians were not threatening, gabrielle is tougher looking then they are. A complete waste of money to watch
ahyukj The trailer looked very good. They all do. But after watching the movie I feel like the motivations for the four guys are messy. So their main goal was the money. After the mother made it hard for them they decided to kill the kids and burn the house down. I don't think that's very plausible. Like what do you expect? You walk in and they just hand you the money? For some reason the thing between the main guy and the mother got personal. I just don't think it's justified. Also in the last scene, the tattoo guy seems to be having sex with the daughter, while the mother is still alive on the ground. He was portrayed as a crazy killer who enjoys knifing people close distance. That kind of behavior is just out of the blue for him. And finally I feel that all the mother had was crazy persistence. She didn't actually have any plans or traps or combats. She just never gave up. When I saw her say "you picked the wrong house" in the trailer I thought she was going to do some secret agent kind of stuff. Turns out she's just an impressively persistent mother. All in all not as good as I thought.
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