Term Life
Term Life
R | 29 April 2016 (USA)
Term Life Trailers

If Nick Barrow can stay alive for 21 days, he'll die happy. Everyone Nick knows wants him dead; Mob bosses, contract killers, and dirty cops. Performing the last act of a desperate man, Nick takes out a million dollar insurance policy on himself, payable to his estranged daughter. The problem? The policy doesn't take effect for 21 days. Nick knows they'll be lucky to be alive for twenty-one hours.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Michael Ledo Nick Barrow (Vince Vaughn) plans heists and then sells the plans, an occupation I didn't know existed. When the robbers get killed, Nick realizes he was set up and a number of people come looking for him. He becomes concerned about his estranged teen daughter Cate (Hailee Steinfeld). Yes he does take out a life insurance policy and then we never hear about it again until the very end. Nick goes on the run with his daughter, who develops a love-hate moody teen relationship with dad.Nick is no Liam Neeson, although he can get the upper hand by using his head. Cate quickly learns from dad as this becomes a heart warming crime drama with the promise of a better sequel, should they opt to go that way. Hailee Steinfeld did an excellent job. Soft 4 starsGuide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
punisherversion1 New challenge #1: Term Life starring Vince Vaughn and Hailee Steinfeld and directed by Peter Billingsley, whom you folks might know from the ever timeless and unrelenting during the holidays 'A Christmas Story'. I'm not sure where this filmmaker's eye lies but visuals is clearly not his forte. This was a flat looking movie with easily some of the most inconsequential gun fights I've seen in quite some time. This is a story about Nick who plans heists and sells these plans back to criminals. He lives his life at a distance from his daughter to keep her out of harm's way. You know where I'm going with this don't you. Nothing escapes your attention. She does get drawn into his world when a certain heist goes sour and the villain of our piece frames Nick. They're forced to go on the run. Honestly this movie is pretty flat in most respects. The performances are fairly one note even the late great Bill Paxton gives a generic villain performance. Vince Vaughn is not comfortable in this role. He needed a stronger, firmer hand guiding his performance. This is something he got in 'Brawl in Cell Block 99', a movie I recommend. You don't feel the stakes much and the actors can play these people in their sleep. There are so many quality actors in this. People like Jonathan Banks, Jon Favreau, Terence Howard and Taraji P Henson. They don't get to do much. This is a cheap looking time waster that is fairly mediocre and you'll forget most of what you saw once you're done. I give this movie a D.
Reno Rangan A simple crime-thriller involving the father-daughter duo running away from the cops and thieves. It was based on the novel of the same name, but kind of feels like another version of Nicola Cage's 2012 film, 'Stolen'. In this the father at any cost protects his daughter. He was actually a heist planner and when his latest bidder was murdered after successfully accomplishing the heist, he and his daughter was targeted by some unknown men. So they're on the run, but how it will solved are told in the rest of the film.To me the film was okay, but the same old stuffs with the new cast and locations and a bit altered storyline. So nothing new in it, but somewhat entertaining. That's the point you know remade, rebooted or copied, all matters if it is boring. Anyway, I was not expecting a masterpiece. But with a concept like 'heist designer', the film was utterly wasted for running and chasing cliché stuffs. Instead, it should have had made a better film by focusing on the main character's special gift.There were none great stunt sequences, but there were some black humours in it, since Vince Vaughn is not known as an action hero. But the character and the story suited him very well and the other side Hailee Steinfeld was not bad either. The film is not worth recommending, but if you choose it, I won't stop you as it wasn't going to hurt anybody.5/10
Bob Rutzel Nick Barrow (Vince Vaughn) doesn't commit the heists, he just sets them up and charges a hefty sum for this service. Allejandro (William Levy) son of a Mexican drug lord Victor ( Jordi Molla) buys Nick's plan. The job is pulled off, but at the escape pad others come in and kill everyone including Allejandro. Now Nick is being hunted by drug lord Victor as he wants Nick to lead him to the man who came up with the job that killed his son. Nick knows Cate (Hailee Steinfeld) his daughter is now in danger and will be used to get to him. I had a hard time believing this was Vince Vaughn as his hairdo made him not look like Vince Vaughn. Still it almost looked like him. I decided that I would wait for this Vince Vaughn as Nick to talk a million miles a second as the real Vince Vaughn always does that in those dumb comedies he's in. Never happened. He played a good dramatic role and I was happy about that. He almost reminded me of a Joe Don Baker portrayal. Now daughter Cate, at age 16, wants nothing to do with Nick as he hasn't been around for the past 12-years. Nick is divorced with wife in rehab. Nick's job is to protect Cate at all costs. Note the title of this movie.Nick and Cate go into hiding and It was extremely enjoyable watching the chemistry between them and we knew she would warm to him in time. (We can only hope)There isn't too much action in here and we enjoy Cate, who now finally believes they are really in danger. Nick needs to clear his name and he keeps getting blamed for other killings as the Police are after him too. There is no twist as we come to know who those original killers were who killed Allejandro, the drug lord's son. Nick knows who, but how to prove it?Notables: Jon Favreau as Jimmy Lincoln who helped find the heist; Bill Paxton as Detective Keenan; Jonathan Banks as Harper, Nick's friend; and Terrance Howard as Sheriff Braydon.Okay, okay there is a downside. When all was said and done there was no mention of Nick changing his ways and not do the planning for heists anymore. Did someone say "sequel?"Very good story and acting all around and we like it when we see a father do everything to keep a child safe. Vince Vaughn is good in dramatic roles and he should do more drama and change that hairdo. (Agreed) (7/10)Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: No.