Journey to the Center of the Earth
Journey to the Center of the Earth
PG-13 | 01 July 2008 (USA)
Journey to the Center of the Earth Trailers

When an accident leaves a group of researchers trapped beneath the earth's crust, it's up to a drill team, led by Joseph Harnet, to rescue them. But once underground, the team discovers a mysterious -- and horrifying -- subterranean universe.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
styujio I purposely bought this DVD as I'm a fan of low-budget movies. This Journey to the Center of the Earth is an attempt to cash-in on the blockbuster film starring Brendan Fraser.This movie copies a few elements from the blockbuster, such as a T-Rex and man-eating plants. The script is alright and a little thrilling, but the performances and the visual effects stink.(obviously) So... Greg Evigan and Dedee Pfeiffer are an ex couple scientist who travel in a driller that resembles the Iron Mole from 'At the Earth's Core' for about half an hour of the whole movie to rescue a group of six FEMALE soldiers(??!!) who are accidentally teleported into the center of the earth when they are suppose to be in Germany. In there, the FEMALE soldiers(??!!) encounter man-eating T-Rexes, a swarm of giant alien-looking spiders, carnivorous snapping plants and other dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures. The acting is atrocious, the editing is really bad(For instance, the scene of the plants only lasted about 30 mins!! Then the show another scene, which is confusing due to the horrible editing) but the special visual effects are mediocre. The T-Rex scenes was kinda disappointing as they only appear in the first parts of the film and not the climax.Overall, the script is bad but still has enough fight scenes. The giant creature scenes are action-packed too. I do not really recommend this film but if you're a true low-budget movie fan, go for it
mikemdp So someone said, "Hey, the Jules Verne story is great, but you know what would make it REALLY great? Hot babes and machine guns!" And so, The Asylum, whose cheesy movies are much more charming than their IMDb reviews suggest, rewrites the classic story, adds lots of heaving breasts and firepower, throws in the same t-rex and giant spider they put in practically all their movies, and creates another time waster that's really no worse than that Brendan Fraser big-budget nonsense.And really, I more resent shelling out my hard-earned money for blatant audience contempt like the Brendan Fraser movie than I do the five bucks I paid for this one, (1) because it's unapologetically cheesy and doesn't trick me into thinking it's anything else, and (2) because it came in a $5 DVD set with five other cheesy movies, so the cost to me was really less than a buck plus the time to watch it. A bargain, I say.But I agree with other reviewers here that it needed some topless and/or babe-babe kissing scenes to make it a classic. With The Asylum, though, it's all about the teasin' and not about the pleasin'.
DewClaw Maybe I expect just a little too much science in my science fiction, particularly as we are in the 21st century. Light, sure, some sort of rock phosphorescence or plasma glow, but clouds? I think patten5, however, pointed out what is really missing in this film; if the team had shed their black bras (except for the Captain who wears flesh-tone) early in the movie, it would have held MY attention better. (Okay, okay, I'm a sexist pig, but aren't women in skimpy clothing de rigeur for cheesy SF?) So, what do we have here? For one thing, a movie that has no shame in ripping off just about anything else: title, transporter malfunctions, Core-squelike machine to drill through the Earth's crust, CGI T-Rexes. All things considered, even though I could have spent the 87 minutes in more uplifting ways, I was entertained. I would like to have seen more of Goth Girl.
kiawa77 OMG who pieced this pile of dung together? My husband and I make a practice of watching these awful SCI-FI movies for comic relief, and this was one of the worst (most laughable) yet. I understand this is science fiction, but goes way beyond believable. First of all, that group of "soldiers" acts more like a bunch of sorority chicks throughout the entire movie than a military unit. Second, my hand-held GPS loses signal when I go into a parking garage... how does their radio manage to work 600 kilometers underground? Third, I've seen foreign cartoons with better voice-overs than this. Fourth, the scientist lady says she can't fit 6 folks in her drilling unit, but it looks like she has room for 10! There are holes in this movie a mile wide. Or maybe just one big hole 600 kilometers deep...Don't make the mistake of getting this instead of the Branden Fraser version. I don't know how these people got away with making this cruddy flick with the same name about the same thing in such a horrible way. It's basically one step up from you filming plastic dinosaurs and Barbie dolls in your yard with a camcorder. In fact, that'd probably be more interesting!