R | 29 March 2005 (USA)
Intermedio Trailers

Under the border leading into Mexico, within a labyrinth of caves, a deadly presence haunts all who enter. For four friends on an expedition, the caverns become an underground graveyard as the tortured ghosts prey upon them, one by one.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
MartianOctocretr5 This is a standard teens-against-monsters horror quickie, and you know what that means. There is not one iota of originality in this movie; you've seen every one of these recycled plot devices a hundred times before.Stock teen character personality types: check. Stupidly going somewhere they shouldn't be: check. In the middle of nowhere: check. Grotesque, vicious ghosts/creatures of some kind that get a kick out of killing teens: check. Teens turning into monsters too, and trying to croak the remaining survivors: check. Weird old man who has a history with the evil: check. Incessant screaming, futile banging on doors to escape, arguing about how to kill the creatures, running around in caves, characters "calming down" each other, lots of red paint on stomachs and necks, surprise attacks from supposed allies on each other, cars that don't run, monsters that just keep on chasing you etc etc etc. Check.The acting and scripting are even below the established low level for this kind of movie. This one is only good for background noise while you're doing chores; or to laugh at it MST3K style. As for a story? Nope.
lpasqualis This movie is showcase of director's errors and poor acting. Gen's red shirt (Cerina Vincent) starts full length (completly covers her) and as the movie progresses it gets shorter and shorter. There is no explanation for why that happens in the movie. I guess the director decided at some point that the movie was too boring, and they needed to add some "skin" to it. There is one scene toward the beginning where the image is mirrored (left is right, and right is left) for no apparent reason. Very annoying given that the actors have shirts with stuff written on it... which reads inverted in that scene. The coloring of the picture changes from scene to scene, switching from dark to light. It seems like they used two cameras of extremely different quality, and kept switching between the two. The audio quality seems to switch too from time to time. Very annoying. The whole movie is mostly running around tunnels, heavy breathing and panicking. It is also poorly dubbed from English to English. I guess the acting got so bad at times that they had to change it later. The "special effects" are as good as cheap Halloween decorations and the storyline is defective in so many ways!
Zombified_660 Before I say anything that gives you a bad impression about this movie, let me first say this, Intermedio (or Dead & Dying as it's known in the UK, which is how I shall refer to it from now on) is pretty good as straight to video horror movies go. It's probably about the third or fourth best one I've seen. That said, it was also disappointing, probably due to the promise of it's idea being squandered by mediocre execution. Dead & Dying could have been a cool terror ride, but as it is it just slides in with all the other STV 'teens in peril' horror movies.Although it is a bit generic, what stops it from sinking into the depths never to be seen again is its fantastic cast. With the exception of the main character Jen's boyfriend, everyone in this film is giving it 110%. Key duo Edward Furlong and Cerina Vincent (watch this girl, she is totally wicked) both hand in warm, sympathetic performances that make you really want them to make it out alive, and Amber Benson gives a good go of it as comic relief too.The acting alone elevates it from the sludge, but unfortunately there isn't a lot else to it. The ghost effects are cool, and for a while very creepy, providing some refreshingly genuine scares, but once it's revealed that they aren't the true villains their ability to terrify dwindles, plus they all but vanish from the movie for the second half anyway. The horror element of this movie feels really tacked on, like they had a thriller written but they needed a horror so they augmented it with some ghosts and a bit of gore. The gore is a nice bonus, but it's pretty straightforward in comparison with films like Shredder or Curse of the Forty-Niner's gleefully complex overkill. This movie doesn't do anything you haven't seen forty or fifty times before.It's a shame, as this is a genuinely enjoyable movie, but it's tarnished with the feeling it could of been a lot better, like they rushed to get it out. Add to this a soundmix that is so unbalanced I wound up turning the TV set up and down about ten or eleven times, and you can see why I say it just fails to excite as much as it might. All in all, you could do much much worse than Dead & Dying, and it's worth a rent purely for Cerina Vincent and Ed Furlong, but you could do a lot better too. Give it a shot, don't expect miracles.
charleswright805 This movie isn't bad. I've definitely seen much worse, and it was certainly worth a look.The acting was for the most part very good. Especially Amber Benson. Cerina Vincent also does a great job. I remember her from 'Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy' and I'm glad to see that she is still getting work. Also I was very glad that the film had no nudity as I hate that (there's a shot of Cerina's bare back, nothing more). Another film made by The Asylum that I enjoyed (Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill) also did this, so I hope that The Asylum will continue this with their future movies.The biggest problem is that Amber's character dies yet again. Amber if you're reading this, please, PLEASE play a lead character who doesn't get killed off.Also, at times the story was a little lacking, consisting only of people running around in circles.All in all, could have been better, but decent enough.