A Different Loyalty
A Different Loyalty
R | 16 May 2004 (USA)
A Different Loyalty Trailers

In January 1963, British journalist Leo Cauffield suddenly disappears from his home in Beirut. His wife Sally knew that he was working part-time for British intelligence, but was not prepared to be told by the British embassy that they suspect he has defected to Communist Russia. As his wife puts together the pieces of the mysterious jigsaw of the past, tracking her passionate relationship with her husband and his history as former head of MI6’s counter-espionage section, her relentless search for the truth takes her to London, New York and finally Moscow.

WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
angie-235 If treason is "different then Kim Philby's "loyalty" to Britain was very different. I watched this film for Rupert Everett after reading his auto-biography . I know little about Kim Philby , I am still puzzled as to why Sharon Stone wanted the names changed. The start of the film is awful , rather corny but I don't think the budget was enormous. It had to set the scene of M.I.6 and that there were traitors within. We just about get that idea. As the right names are not used the escape of Burgess and Mc Clean is a bit odd . If you have watched "Another Country" you might have some idea of what decided Guy Burgess to betray the U.K .We are then taken back to Beirut in the early 1960s with Sharon Stone playing a bored American woman( whose husband is always away) who falls in love with "Leo" ( Kim) . How accurate the love story is portrayed I can't be sure . After she marries Leo and then he just walks out only to disappear Sharon is very good as a distraught woman left alone , afraid and almost helpless . She is helped by Leo's best friend ( also in M.I.6) .The Lebanese authorities are onto the case , obviously the whole of the western allies would have been horrified as Philby was a quite high-ranking official. She leaves for London with Leo's children , her own daughter has gone back to the U.S with her father. If this movie makes us look up more information about all of the Cambridge spies then it was worth making. I think "Another Country" leaves me feeling that Burgess was just bitter about his treatment as a homosexual ( and really it's fair to say with good reason). I don't know what made Philby a Soviet sympathiser but as an intelligent man he must have been rather saddened by the reality of his chosen country. We see Sharon's character try hard by visiting him in Russia to decide between her country , her daughter possibly and the man she loved but didn't have a clue about his politics. On first viewing I could not understand her choice but in the context of the times Russia really was the enemy of freedom and her life would have been one of being followed and suspected until she died . It's a reasonable attempt to tell an important story with two very good actors but it's budget couldn't cope with such a vast subject. It needed a series , not a film.
lewwarden Someone -- director, writer, producer, perhaps all -- are caught with their dialectics down. But where did Sharon Stone fit into this turkey? That black wig was simply awful. The Sharon we love and admire is blonde, blonde, blonde. I got a huge laugh out of the critic who thought those black wigged shots were of different women. I think the wig must have slipped around here and there because she sure looked different from time to time. Sharon may be tired of her Basic Instict fame -- although for the life of me I can't figure out why -- but why on earth did she sign on for this one? And the propaganda! The kindly Soviet officials, the cold and calloused Brits, and the brutal Americans -- that beefy brute with his leather armpit holstered .45 reminded me of a "settler" the US Attorney in San Francisco used to terrify both lawyer and defendant into copping a plea. The guy looked like King Kong, and roared just about as loudly. My poor client visibly quailed. But I just marveled at his performance and said, "No deal. We're going to trial." So the guy went back into his cage. Sharon gets rescued from the CIA/FBI's Kong by his good-cop companion who was waiting just outside the room. Which was just about the only action in this boring mishmash of flash backs and forwards, with only the scantiest of love scenes to remind us that Sharon was once America's premier seductress. Alas.You have to be real old and know a little history to be able to figure out what this one is about but it really isn't worthwhile the struggle. The script was a mishmash, the actors' voices largely unintelligible, the camera work murky, the drama slight, and the entertainment value nil. One can only conclude that someone important in this production was in love with the subject matter.Well, as they say, love is blind.
Bubba JIojo I just saw A different loyalty on DVD, and was very pleasantly surprised (especially after seeing the trailer). The story was extremely interesting and powerful. Sharon Stone and Rupert Everett were both fine in their parts, though their love story wasn't made completely believable (the second half of the movie was by far better than the beginning, and Sharon Stone actually did a great job portraying this woman). It took me a while to get used to the looks of the movie, though (I'm still not sure why the flashbacks looked so much like an erotic movie from the 70ies). But what an incredible story and a great and subtle script.
kostu-san Watching this movie was a very disappointing experience. The premise was good (like with most movies out there), but the execution was just atrocious, and the story was unrealistic at best. For example, the movie shows us that a westerner was allowed to go in and out of Soviet Union, as well as go though streets of Moscow without any surveillance in the midst of cold war!!Moreover, the actors seemed like they were made out of wood in terms of expressiveness. The story was painfully slow and was heading nowhere, really: nothing changed nor happened though the entire movie...Funny how our protagonists had a view at the Basilica of Christ the Saviour in early 70s (Destroyed in early 20th century, restored in late 90s by the mayor of Moscow)... This and many other anachronisms give out the fact that the production team didn't even research the subject of their work before filming...2/10